Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 231 I can solve it with just one phone call

Now the only thing Chen Xinan wanted to do was to grab Ning Xiruo and put her on his lap and spank her hard!

It's not easy for me to do all these things with great effort. It's fine if you don't help, but you dare to pull your leg. Isn't this asking for a beating?

According to my original plan, I will do nothing in this life and just be a freeloader who eats and waits for death. Isn't it delicious?

I, Chen Xinan, am a real son-in-law. I eat freeloaders uprightly and it's natural!

But I'm too soft-hearted. Seeing that this little girl is young but has to support a company, she is so anxious that she can't sleep every day, crying and making trouble, and pulling her hair in large quantities, I decided to help her.

Originally, I thought of reminding her when she was confused, but I didn't expect that the more I helped, the more difficult it would be to withdraw in the end.

Forget it, since it's like this, I have to do it. This is also Chen Xinan's style of doing things.

Either do nothing and become a salted fish without ideals, this is Chen Xinan's ideal life.

But once you intervene, you have to do your job well, even if you don't want to do it, you have to stick to it.

But I didn't expect that this girl would not appreciate it and even go against him. Isn't this asking for a fight?

Pushing the door of the office, the voices inside came out, Chen Xinan let go of his hand and didn't rush in.

"I'm sorry, Vice President Lu, I really can't agree to this request.

If Vice President Lu wants to talk to me in a quiet place, this is fine.

Or I can arrange a private room in the hotel downstairs, both are fine!

Why do we have to go to your hotel room?

That's really inconvenient, sorry, Vice President Lu!"

"Mr. Ning, don't forget what a good opportunity this is. Are you willing to give it up just because of this?

Vice President Lu asked you to go over because many documents are in the hotel and it's inconvenient to run around. You need to fill out some forms. What do you think it's for?

Mr. Ning, I think you are a little ungrateful! Do you think everyone will have such a good opportunity?"

"Meimei, forget it! It seems that Mr. Ning doesn't want to join the Chamber of Commerce that much, so this quota should be left to others!"

Chen Xin'an, who wanted to open the door, suddenly stopped moving. He also wanted to know how Ning Xiruo would deal with this situation.

After a while, he heard Ning Xiruo's voice again:

"If that's the case, forget it!

I'm sorry that Vice President Lu made a wasted trip! I won't join!"

"Mr. Ning, are you stupid? You gave up such a good opportunity? Just because you don't want to go back to the hotel with Vice President Lu?

He just talked to you about work, what do you think he was doing?

I think your behavior is ridiculous!

For a little thing, you actually sacrificed such an opportunity that brings great benefits to the company!"

"For you, it may be a small matter. For me, it is a big matter of reputation!

I am a married woman, and I will never go to the private room of the hotel with a man other than my husband under any excuse or name!

So if Vice President Lu uses such a thing as a condition for whether I can join the General Chamber of Commerce, I still won't join!"

This little girl, finally didn't make a fool of herself!

Chen Xin'an felt a little touched in his heart, twisted his hand, pushed open the door of the office and walked in!

Gan Meimei pointed at Chen Xinan and cursed: "Who let you in? Get out!

Boss Ning, your company's employees have no manners, right?

I didn't even knock on the door when I entered your office, I just barged in?"

Zhou Zhi also followed in from behind and said to her: "This is our company's president's assistant, Mr. Chen Xinan!"

Gan Meimei sneered and said: "Just an assistant..."

Before she finished, Zhou Zhi added: "She is also our boss Ning's lover!"

"What's wrong with lover? Lovers have to knock on the door when they enter the door. This is the most basic courtesy!" Gan Meimei glanced at Chen Xinan with disdain.

Chen Xinan's cell phone rang, he picked it up and answered it, saying: "Okay, wait a moment, I'll let Secretary Zhou go down to pick you up!"

After hanging up the phone, Chen Xinan said to Zhou Zhi: "Xiao Zhou, there are two guests downstairs, please help me pick them up!"

"Okay!" Xiao Zhou nodded and turned to walk out.

Ning Xiruo stood up and said to Chen Xinan: "Xinan, let me introduce you, this is from the National Chamber of Commerce..."

Lu Bowen was originally squinting his eyes and looking at Chen Xinan. After hearing what Ning Xiruo said, he leaned on the sofa with an arrogant look and crossed his legs.

But Chen Xinan sneered and looked at him and said: "Are you the old rogue who wanted to force my wife to go to the hotel? You are such a scoundrel with few hairs left, and you dare to be so unfaithful?"

"What did you say!" Lu Bowen and Gan Meimei's faces changed, staring at Chen Xinan and shouting.

Ning Xiruo also said to him with a flushed face: "Xin'an, what nonsense are you talking about! This is the vice president of the National Chamber of Commerce!" Gan Meimei also shouted at Chen Xin'an with a sullen face: "Sir, do you know what you are talking about? Do you know who you are talking to? If you dare to insult Vice President Lu..." "Isn't it just a vice president of the Chamber of Commerce? Do you think you are a big shot?" Chen Xin'an looked at her with disdain and cursed: "You are the pimp around the old gangster? You actually pulled it to my head? I have given you face by not throwing you two out of the window!"

"You're so presumptuous!" Lu Bowen's face turned blue and white with anger. He had never met anyone who was so disrespectful to him!

Gan Meimei was also anxious, stood up suddenly, pointed at Chen Xin'an and cursed: "Who do you think is the pimp? Who do you think is the old gangster?

This is the first time I have seen such a arrogant assistant!

Let me tell you, your company will never join the Chamber of Commerce in this life! It’s impossible to give any amount of money!

Do you think it is possible for a garbage company like yours and a garbage assistant like yours to join the National Chamber of Commerce? "

Ning Xiruo's eyes turned red, she stared at Chen Xin'an and asked, "Are you satisfied now? Is this the result you want?"

Chen Xin'an looked at her helplessly and said, "Ning Xiruo, I don't even know why you like to join an organization that doesn't matter to us so much!

Okay, let’s not talk about your purpose and motivation now, let’s just talk about these two guys. Do you think they can represent the General Chamber of Commerce?

If you really want to join, I can do it with just one phone call, do you believe it?

And pay them 20 million? Are you full after eating? Or are people stupid and have too much money? "

Gan Meimei sneered and said, "Did I hear you correctly? You, a little assistant in a rubbish company, brazenly said that you can join the General Chamber of Commerce with just one phone call..."

"Will you shut up?" Chen Xin'an looked at her with disgust and said:

"You're a pimp, what are you talking about here? People who don't know better would think you are the vice-president of the General Chamber of Commerce!"

Ganmeimei was trembling with anger, glared at Chen Xin'an and cursed: "I am Vice President Lu's secretary..."

"What kind of secretary are you! How can you be a secretary like this? Secretary in bed?" Chen Xin'an said sarcastically to Gan Meimei:

"First wipe off the lipstick mark on this old man's neck!

This old skin looks like dried oranges, how can you swallow it? Don't you find it disgusting?

That's right, you yourself are disgusting enough, otherwise you two wouldn't be in the same mess!

Turning his head, Chen Xin'an pointed at Lu Bowen and said, "Old gangster, listen to me!

Don't put on any airs with me. I take the General Chamber of Commerce seriously, but you do.

If I don’t take it seriously, who do you think you are?

If you dare to flirt with my wife, I'll beat your mother right out of her grave! "

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