Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 232 Sorry, I won’t join

In fact, Ning Xiruo had known for a long time that Chen Xin'an had a very venomous mouth, but she didn't expect it to be so venomous. Now she had completely offended him!

Ning Xiruo also completely accepted her fate!

Love as much as you like! It’s impossible to join anyway!

And she was fed up with the arrogance of Lu Bowen and Gan Meimei!

If the Chamber of Commerce is full of such bastards, it’s really a good idea not to join the Chamber of Commerce!

Lu Bowen was almost going crazy. He slapped the table and yelled at Chen Xin'an: "You are presumptuous! You are arrogant! You are simply lawless!

How dare you talk to me with such an attitude, you will suffer the consequences! "

Gan Meimei looked panicked, wiped the hickey on Lu Bowen's neck with a tissue, and said:

"This is what I accidentally bumped into because I braked hard when I came here just now. It's definitely not what you said..."

She pulled Lu Bowen and wanted him to get up and leave here quickly.

Anyway, the situation has reached a deadlock, and there is no use staying here.

After returning home, if you want to take over a small wine company, wouldn't it be as easy as squeezing an ant to death?

Lu Bowen stood up and said to Chen Xin'an: "Just remember it, we'll see what happens next!"

"There's no need to wait and see, I'll let you see enough later!" Chen Xin'an grinned and said to them: "Don't rush away yet, your old friend will be here soon, let's meet together!"

I have a ghostly old friend in Dongshan!

Lu Bowen glared at Chen Xin'an angrily, and was about to ignore his nonsense. As soon as he left, he heard a burst of hearty laughter coming from outside the door:

"Mr. Chen, the scale of this liquor building is getting bigger and bigger. It can hardly even compare to my Changsheng Building!"

Zhou Zhi walked in with Shen Changsheng, shook hands with Chen Xin'an, and then saw a man and a woman next to the sofa. He was stunned for a moment, feeling familiar, but couldn't remember who it was.

Lu Bowen glanced at the visitor with disdain on his face.

Isn't this the president of the Jiangdong Chamber of Commerce?

When he came, the president even went to the airport to greet him.

It's just that Lu Bowen only shook hands and exchanged greetings with the local officials in Haidong, and didn't pay any attention to the president of such a local chamber of commerce!

Is this considered an acquaintance of mine? Is he worthy?

Shen Changsheng smiled and said to Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Chen, I would like to introduce you to an old friend! Mr. Li, please come in!"

Li Zecheng appeared at the door and said to Chen Xin'an with a smile: "Li came here uninvited. I hope Mr. Chen will show his respect!"

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly, shook hands with Li Zecheng and said, "It's an honor for us that President Li can come to Liangmao Company despite his busy schedule!"

Pointing at Ning Xiruo, Chen Xin'an said to Li Zecheng: "President Li, this is my meanness..."

Bitch? Ning Xiruo's face turned dark, and she stared at Chen Xin'an as if she was desperate.

Chen Xin'an also gave up and spat dryly and said: "Okay, let's talk in plain English. You know that I haven't been to school for a day and you still force me to write essays. It's too uncomfortable for my tongue!

This is my wife, Ning Xiruo!

Xiruo, this is the president of the National Chamber of Commerce, Li Zecheng! "

President of the General Chamber of Commerce!

Actually, I am still an old friend with my man!

Ning Xiruo was stunned, as if she was stupid, and stretched out her hand to shake Li Zecheng's hand.

Li Zecheng said to Ning Xiruo with a look of amazement: "I didn't expect Mr. Ning to be so young and beautiful! We are so talented and beautiful with Mr. Chen, we are made for each other!"

Ning Xiruo's face was red, her head was still dizzy, and she didn't know what to say. Glancing at Zhou Zhi next to her, she saw that the girl was not much better than her and looked shocked.

Shen Changsheng smiled and said to Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Chen, Mr. Ning, and Chairman Li came here today to discuss with you two about inviting Liangmao Group to join the General Chamber of Commerce!"

Join the General Chamber of Commerce? !

Ning Xiruo felt a buzz in her head, as if something exploded!

I felt desperate just now, thinking that if I offended Vice President Lu, I would never have this opportunity in this life!

I never expected that the president of the General Chamber of Commerce would actually invite me!

Zhou Zhi said excitedly: "Does the condition require paying a membership fee of 20 million?"

"Twenty million?" Li Zecheng and Shen Changsheng looked at each other and laughed.

Shen Changsheng shook his head and said, "No need. When Changsheng Group joined the National Chamber of Commerce, it only paid two million in publicity fees!"

Li Zecheng smiled and said to Chen Xin'an and Ning Xiruo: "Those are not the membership fees, but the resources and publicity expenses after joining the membership.

Whether you pay or not, how much you pay varies, but the maximum is only five million, so why pay twenty million?

Little girl, who did you hear that you have to pay so much?

But don’t believe it, there are so many scammers nowadays! "

Chen Xin'an smiled, pointed behind Li Zecheng, and said to him: "President Li, what a coincidence! These two also claim to be from the General Chamber of Commerce, and this one is also the vice president of the General Chamber of Commerce!

They said that if you want to join the General Chamber of Commerce, you have to pay 20 million!

Moreover, the old gentleman said that he wanted to go to his room in the hotel with my wife to sign some kind of contract!

Are these two liars? If so, I'll throw them downstairs right now! "

Li Zecheng turned around inexplicably, glanced at the two people next to the sofa, and was stunned. He sneered and said, "Lu Bowen? Why are you here?"

If there was a hole in the ground, Lu Bowen would definitely get into it without hesitation now!

Gan Meimei next to her was not as domineering as before, her face was pale at the moment, and her hands were tightly grasping Lu Bowen's arm.

It seemed that something was wrong again, so he let go of Lu Bowen, but there was nowhere to put it.

"Li Zecheng, why are you here?" Lu Bowen asked in a voiceless voice.

After he came to Haidong, he has been running back and forth between this city and another city.

He is very busy! When I came here this time, I made a list of the names of companies that could be roped in to the General Chamber of Commerce. Of course, they were also his fat sheep to be slaughtered!

So he just needs to get back before the conference starts.

He never expected that Liang Mao's company, which was originally not on the list and was someone he had planned to kill before coming this time, would actually attract Li Zecheng.

And they still came to invite them to join the club!

Where does this put his old face!

Just now, he said that he would never join the General Chamber of Commerce in his life. But now, the president has personally invited people to join the association, free of charge!

As a vice president, there is no way he could overturn the president's decision!

This slap in the face made him almost unable to open his eyes!

Li Zecheng snorted coldly, looked at him and said, "Are you disappointed that I didn't die on the plane?"

Lu Bowen's face changed drastically, and he stammered to Li Zecheng: "You, what are you talking nonsense about!"

The president and vice president have always been at odds with each other, and this is something everyone in the General Chamber of Commerce knows.

But what President Li said was very scary. Why couldn't the incident on the plane be arranged by the vice president?

Does he still want to usurp the throne?

Li Zecheng said to Chen Xin'an with a mocking look: "Mr. Chen, Mr. Ning, please rest assured that I personally invited you to join the General Chamber of Commerce, and you don't need to pay fees to anyone!

I have already brought the contract. Someone will deliver it to me later. Congratulations to Liangmao Company. From now on, you will be a member of our China General Chamber of Commerce! "

Ning Xiruo was so excited that she almost shed tears!

No wonder Chen Xin'an never takes this seriously. It turns out that for him, joining the General Chamber of Commerce is so easy!

It seems that I really blamed him wrongly. I must reward him well when I go back tonight!

Just when Ning Xiruo wanted to express her gratitude to Li Zecheng, she heard Chen Xin'an say to Li Zecheng with a smile: "I'm sorry, Chairman Li, Liangmao Company will not join the General Chamber of Commerce!"

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