Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 233 Products Restricted from Export

Chen, are you going to piss me off to death?

Ning Xiruo stared at Chen Xin'an, her chest rising and falling rapidly, like a powder keg about to explode at any moment.

Lu Bowen and Gan Meimei also looked confused. Is this guy a fool?

That's the president of the National Chamber of Commerce!

They are here to invite you to join the National Chamber of Commerce, not just a Haidong Chamber of Commerce!

What's more, it doesn't cost a penny!

What kind of opportunity is this?

He came for two days, collected almost 30 million, and only issued three membership cards.

What does this mean? It shows that people would rather spend tens of millions to join the General Chamber of Commerce.

Because once you enter, you will be equipped with a high-speed train for your company, which can bring about earth-shaking changes in the company's reputation and efficiency!

In other words, people know very well that even if they invest tens of millions, as long as they become a member of the General Chamber of Commerce, they can earn back the money invested ten times or even a hundred times!

It’s money well spent!

This shows what a rare opportunity it is to join the Chamber of Commerce!

For a small to medium-sized business, this is the time to take off!

But this guy Chen Xinan actually refused!

Why isn't he an idiot?

Shen Changsheng grabbed Chen Xin'an's arm and whispered to him: "Mr. Chen, please don't refuse so hastily.

You can first understand the benefits of joining the General Chamber of Commerce and then make a decision..."

"No need!" Chen Xin'an said with a smile: "I don't need to waste everyone's time. There is no need to think about joining the General Chamber of Commerce. Thank you Mr. Li and President Shen for your kindness!"

Li Zecheng and Shen Changsheng looked at each other, a little confused, and turned to look at Ning Xiruo. After all, she was the general manager of Liang Mao Company.

Ning Xiruo took a long breath, suppressed the tears that were about to flow, and said to the two of them:

"Since my lover has made a decision, I will obey it. But I still have to thank Mr. Li and President Shen for their love!"

Lu Bowen and Gan Meimei's faces were gray and they looked very embarrassed.

The things they use to make money and increase their social status are as useless to others!

Now they finally understood what Chen Xin'an said to them before:

I take the General Chamber of Commerce seriously, but you do.

If I don’t take it seriously, who do you think you are?

It turns out that people really don’t take the General Chamber of Commerce seriously!

Lu Bowen and Gan Meimei walked out dejectedly. They really couldn't stay here for a minute!

"Vice President Lu!" Li Zecheng suddenly shouted.

Lu Bowen stopped with a livid face, looked at him and said, "What advice does President Li have?"

Li Zecheng snorted, with undisguised disdain in his eyes, and said to him:

“I will truthfully report to my superiors what Vice Chairman Lu does in Haidong.

I think Vice President Lu may not even have the heart to attend the congress, right?

It’s better to think about how to get through this level first! "

Lu Bowen's face turned a little pale, and he snorted coldly and said, "Whatever you want, I'm not afraid of my shadow being distorted if I'm upright!"

Li Zecheng ignored him and turned to Ning Xiruo and said, "Mr. Ning, is there any tea here? This man gets thirsty easily when he gets old!"

Zhou Zhi quickly said to him: "Yes, there is, but it is only a first-class Longjing. If President Li doesn't dislike it, I will join you immediately!"

"You still dislike the first-class Longjing that costs three hundred yuan per tael? Then my mouth should be inlaid with gold?" Li Zecheng said to Zhou Zhi with a smile.

Zhou Zhi looked at Lu Bowen who had already walked to the door, curled his lips and said:

"No, Secretary Gan just laughed at us for not being able to buy good tea. Vice President Lu doesn't drink anything else except West Dian tea!"

Li Zecheng glanced at Lu Bowen, who was blushing, and said with a smile: "I am my family, I am my family!

His mouth is not inlaid with gold, but he has several gold teeth. Tea worth less than 10,000 taels cannot enter his mouth!

We don’t have the same quality as others. Let alone gold teeth, we can’t even afford porcelain teeth!

This is Longjing, drinking it is enough! "

Zhou Zhi said with a smile: "Okay, President Li, wait a moment, I'll join you right away!"

Lu Bowen and Gan Meimei both lowered their heads, quickly walked out of the office, and left Liangmao Liquor Industry dejectedly, unwilling to stay here for even a second longer!

Zhou Zhi put the tea on the coffee table, and Ning Xiruo said to her softly: "I'll just greet you here. You go and do your work. If you have anything to do, you can deal with it first. Come back after the guests have left!"

"Okay!" Zhou Zhi nodded, turned around and walked out, closing the office door gently.

Shen Changsheng sighed and said to Chen Xin'an:

"Mr. Chen is really an extraordinary person who does extraordinary things, always surprising people.

Opportunities that others dream of are not taken seriously by Mr. Chen.

I have lived in this state for most of my life, and I feel inferior to myself! "

Chen Xin'an knew that he was still talking about joining the General Chamber of Commerce, so she didn't explain much and smiled slightly.

Ning Xiruo said angrily: "This is not the only thing I am capable of!

Mr. Li, President Shen, you are both engaged in big business, so of course you have unique vision.

Do you also want your company to stand out on the international stage?

But this Mr. Chen doesn’t take international orders seriously, and he just gives them up!

Almost 50 million orders have all been refunded. How high do you think this person is? "

As soon as she mentioned this matter, Ning Xiruo's heart started to bleed and she became angry.

Even if I say it now, my teeth are itching with hatred and I want to bite Chen Xin'an hard!

Li Zecheng and Shen Changsheng looked at each other and smiled slightly, they were here to complain.

But after hearing Ning Xiruo's words, the two of them breathed a sigh of relief. Li Zecheng smiled and said to Ning Xiruo: "Mr. Ning, this is why we are here today!

Originally, we wanted to persuade Liangmao Company to reject the overseas order, but unexpectedly Mr. Chen did so, which saved us a lot of trouble and avoided greater losses! "

"Persuade Liangmao Company to reject overseas orders? Why?" Ning Xiruo stopped Li Zecheng with a puzzled look on her face.

Chairman Shen smiled and said to Ning Xiruo: "Mr. Ning, not everything can be exported.

For example, many of our Changsheng Group's industries are national industries, and their products are only supplied to Chinese people and not exported! "

Ning Xiruo was a top student who could be admitted to university, so she naturally understood what Shen Changsheng said, nodded and said:

“I know that some core technologies are protected and the products produced are also restricted from export.

But our Liangmao company only sells wine. Does Liangmao medicinal wine also need to be protected? "

"Yes!" Li Zecheng said categorically: "The medicinal wine displayed by your company at the International Famous Wine Exhibition has been evaluated by relevant departments, and its efficacy can reach the effect of prescription drugs!

Such a formula has reached the protected standard, so medicinal wine is listed as a restricted export product. I hope Mr. Ning can understand and be considerate! "

Shen Changsheng looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "Did Mr. Chen get the news in advance, so he decided to cancel those contracts?"

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said to him:

"Not really!

I just think that drinking the wine I brew is good for people, and the benefits are great.

Then why not let your own people enjoy the benefits first?

Why do you want to cheapen those foreigners?

I am a very traditionalist person.

When I have good things, the first thing I think of is to share them with the people around me.

When my relatives and friends are full and full, I will sell it to others!

So, for a short period of time, I didn’t think about exporting. "

Grinning, Chen Xin'an made a bad smile:

“Even if we want to export it in the future, the formula ratio will not be the same as now.

I will not give foreigners the same treatment as us! "

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