Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 234 I will cause an industry war

Is this really the thinking of small farmers? Is this really short-sighted?

Ning Xiruo is in a complicated mood now, and she never thought that this was the reason why Chen Xin'an canceled all overseas orders!

From a businessman's perspective, Chen Xin'an's idea was extremely stupid.

Doing business should be done at home and abroad?

In this case, it only means that you are not suitable for doing business at all.

Because businessmen value profits and are only interested in profit. This is the eternal truth of business!

But as an ordinary person, Ning Xiruo supports Chen Xin'an's actions.

Especially after Li Zecheng said that Liangmao medicinal wine actually reached the level of prescription drugs!

"Mr. Chen, does he know why this National Chamber of Commerce Congress was held in Dongshan City?" Li Zecheng suddenly smiled and asked Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an shook her head and said to him with a smile: "I don't know much about these things, you might as well ask Xiruo, she should know more than me!"

What this sentence means is that I am not interested at all in where the chamber of commerce is opened. Just ask others!

Ning Xiruo rolled her eyes fiercely, who among us is the assistant?

These are the things you should be most aware of, but to take it for granted that you don’t know anything is so shameless!

Ning Xiruo smiled and said to Li Zecheng: "Mr. Li, I heard that the Chamber of Commerce has focused on supporting a number of national enterprises in Haidong in the past two years, so this conference can be regarded as an inspection, right?"

Li Zecheng nodded and said: "This is also one of the reasons. The more important reason is that I want to build a trade fortress in Haidong!"

"Trade fortress?" Ning Xiruo frowned, looked at Li Zecheng and asked, "What do you mean?"

Li Zecheng looked at Ning Xiruo solemnly and said, "Mr. Ning..."

Ning Xiruo smiled and said: "You two should call me by my name! I don't dare to call you boss in front of you two!"

Li Zecheng and Shen Changsheng laughed and didn't care about it. They immediately changed their words and asked her: "Xi Ruo, do you know how much our China loses every year due to business leaks?"

Ning Xiruo shook her head, and Shen Changsheng on the side said to her: "Probably around 50 billion."

Shen Changsheng said it in an understatement, but Ning Xiruo was shocked to hear it.

Li Zecheng continued: "One-fifth of these happened in Haidong!"

Now Ning Xiruo was even more shocked and speechless!

Chen Xin'an frowned and asked him, "Why did such a thing happen?"

"The geographical location determines it!" Li Zecheng smiled slightly, dipped a little tea in his hand, made a mark on the coffee table, and said to Chen Xin'an:

“The whole of China is divided into north and south parts by the Yangtze River from west to east.

Two economic centers, the north and the south, emerged.

To the north is Kyoto, and to the south is Higashiyama Castle in Kaidong!

Heavy industry is basically located in Kyoto and its surrounding northern areas.

Light industry is distributed in this part of Jiangnan.

The reason why Haidong is called Haidong is because of the South China Sea south of Dongshan!

The transportation here is much more developed than in the northern area, and the personnel structure is also very complex.

Therefore, many large enterprises will choose to take root here in Jiangnan.

The Huaxia Chamber of Commerce has registered more than 3,600 private enterprises that are protected by technology, two-thirds of which are in Jiangnan!

Therefore, this is also an area that foreign commercial espionage focuses on.

This year, Eagle Flag Country's multinational company Pegasus Enterprises began to frequently contact Chinese companies and signed a large number of orders, many of which were products restricted for export.

Five of these companies that signed orders are local companies in Haidong!

Therefore, this time the Chamber of Commerce Congress was held in Haidong, which can be regarded as intercepting and stopping losses for those companies! "

Ning Xiruo suddenly understood.

Chen Xin'an also kept nodding, but Ning Xiruo could tell at a glance that this vulgar guy was just pretending to understand, he didn't understand at all!

Shen Changsheng looked at Ning Xiruo and said, "Xiruo, Mr. Li and I mean that your Liangmao company should also participate in this meeting!"

Ning Xiruo turned her head and looked at Chen Xin'an, thinking whether she wanted to participate or not, she still had to watch this guy.

Chen Xin'an looked at her with an innocent face and said, "You are the president of the company. You decide whether to go or not. What do you want me to do?"

If my decision was effective, Liang Mao Liquor would have joined the Chamber of Commerce by now!

Ning Xiruo rolled her eyes at him and said to Shen Changsheng:

"Mr. Shen, if I remember correctly, the members of this meeting, even if they are not members of the General Chamber of Commerce, are also members of various chambers of commerce, right?

We at Liangmao Liquor Industry should not have this qualification! "

Shen Changsheng smiled like an old fox, looked at Ning Xiruo and said, "I can have qualifications if I tell Mr. Li that I have them!

And if you don’t join the National Chamber of Commerce, it should be fine if you join our local chamber of commerce in Haidong, right? "

Ning Xiruo looked at Chen Xin'an again. You shouldn't object this time, right? It’s just our local chamber of commerce!

Why are you looking at me again? Chen Xin'an felt helpless and glanced at Ning Xiruo.

Ning Xiruo rolled her eyes at him. Why are you looking at me? Don’t you have any idea?

Why do you feel that I will do the small things, but once the big things are decided, I have to ask you what you mean?

Who is whose assistant among us?

Chen Xin'an shook her head helplessly, looked at Li Zecheng and Shen Changsheng and said:

“I remember talking to Chairman Shen before, and also talking to Mr. Li on the plane.

The establishment of a chamber of commerce has a basic principle:

Resource sharing, market coexistence, development and common prosperity.

Another benefit is the core technology protection system. "

Li Zecheng and Shen Changsheng exchanged glances, looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "Mr. Chen has a good memory!"

These words were all mentioned in a normal chat. They did not explain anything in particular, and Chen Xinan did not ask emphatically.

I thought I had said it before, but I didn't expect Chen Xin'an to remember it all.

This person's memory has reached the point where he can never forget what he has heard, which is really admirable.

Chen Xin'an nodded and said: "This is why I don't need to join the Chamber of Commerce.

In the future, Liangmao Liquor Industry may become the public enemy of the industry!

The wine market in the future is bound to undergo a major change, and by then the wine market may be filled with smoke.

Now that the two of them are wooing Liangmao Liquor Industry, it is equivalent to planting a bomb around themselves.

In the end, it’s troublesome for you, and it’s troublesome for me too, so it’s better to cut off the relationship from the beginning! "

"This..." Li Zecheng laughed loudly, looked at Chen Xin'an and said:

“I like Mr. Chen’s majestic strategy!

However, I think there is no need to worry like this!

Our Chinese wine market has actually existed for thousands of years, and many brands have a solid position that cannot be shaken.

Liangmao Medicinal Liquor is a new type of wine company. I admit that its development is not bad. Being able to get the name of international rare wine has proved the huge development prospects of this company.

However, Mr. Chen thinks it can influence China’s wine market, but I think it’s still a little short of time! You shouldn’t have such ability for at least thirty to fifty years, right? "

This guy is pretty good in every aspect. His only flaw is that he's quite crazy!

Ning Xiruo also blushed and glared at Chen Xin'an with some dissatisfaction.

Don’t you know how much we weigh? If you say such arrogant things to the president of the general chamber of commerce, wouldn't it be embarrassing?

Only this time, Shen Changsheng did not agree with Li Zecheng. Instead, he looked at Li Zecheng solemnly and said, "Mr. Li, have you ever drank his wine?"

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