Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 235 Strange girl in the bathroom

What's the meaning? What does this have to do with whether I have drunk his wine?

Li Zecheng looked at Shen Changsheng with some confusion and shook his head.

Shen Changsheng thought for a while and said to Li Zecheng: "Mr. Li, after the advent of penicillin, it also caused a huge disturbance in the pharmaceutical industry and changed the pharmaceutical landscape of the entire world!

Of course, Liangmao medicinal wine has not reached the depth of penicillin, but its impact on the wine market will certainly not be small! "

Li Zecheng's expression changed, obviously doubting Shen Changsheng's words.

Chen Xin'an didn't care whether he believed it or not, and said to him with a smile: "Of course there is another most important reason, which is the protection of the core technology of the Chamber of Commerce!"

Shen Changsheng looked at Chen Xin'an with some confusion and said: "Mr. Chen, regarding this issue, I remember discussing it with you before participating in the Famous Wine Competition!

If a chamber of commerce participates in protecting your formula, even if the Liang Mao special brew formula is stolen, no one will dare to impersonate it! "

Chen Xin'an smiled and said: "Yes, but what if there is someone in the other party's chamber of commerce?

Chairman Shen or Chairman Li, who can guarantee that everyone in the Chamber of Commerce is selfless?

Technical backup and preservation is something that is taught to people.

I can trust you two, but apart from you, I don’t trust anyone else in the Chamber of Commerce!

Today, the two of you are here to talk about the economic losses our Chinese business has suffered in the past two years due to the sabotage of commercial espionage.

Have those two people ever thought that some of the losses may be caused not by the company, but by the chamber of commerce! "

Li Zecheng's face looked a little ugly. Isn't this the same as pointing at my nose and scolding me?

Is the emotional quotient so unbearable in your kid’s eyes?

"Mr. Chen!" Li Zecheng said with a straight face: "It is inevitable that chambers of commerce in various places will have mixed results, but the General Chamber of Commerce selects people at all levels, and not everyone is qualified to join..."

"Haha!" Chen Xin'an suddenly laughed, looked at Li Zecheng and said:

"President Li, if I had not seen this Lu Bowen today, I would still believe it.

Now, I don’t believe it one bit!

I doubt that the General Chamber of Commerce can have someone like this as its vice-president. The layers of selection you mentioned! "

Li Zecheng's face turned red.

He knows better than anyone what kind of virtue Lu Bowen is!

This is really a piece of rat shit from the General Chamber of Commerce!

But he had no choice, because he didn't even dare to touch this person's background!

But Ning Xiruo, who was sitting next to her and listening all the time, had mixed feelings in her heart.

It turns out that he did not refuse randomly, let alone not cherish the development opportunities and miss the opportunity.

But it is more thoughtful and long-term than her!

He has been trying his best to protect Liangmao Company and prevent it from unnecessary harm as much as possible.

Those seemingly attractive opportunities are actually just traps. Once Liangmao Company falls into them, it may be doomed.

Of course, this does not mean that Li Zecheng and Shen Changsheng are using the chamber of commerce to set a trap for Liang Mao Company.

As Chen Xin'an said, these two people can be trusted, but what about people like Lu Bowen?

If the Chamber of Commerce were filled with people like Lu Bowen, this Chamber of Commerce would be a wolf's den. If Liangmao Company entered, not even the bones would be left!

Because of the Chamber of Commerce and the order, I have been angry with him in the past two days, as if it was like a cold war.

It wasn't until this moment that she understood what Chen Xin'an was thinking, and that her fringe behavior almost brought serious consequences to the company, and her heart was full of guilt for Chen Xin'an.

After chatting for a while, Li Zecheng and Shen Changsheng said goodbye and left. Chen Xin'an didn't do much to persuade them to stay and sent them away.

Sitting in the Mercedes-Benz car prepared by the Haidong Chamber of Commerce, Li Zecheng shook his head and said to Shen Changsheng: "Being young and energetic is not a good thing! He is arrogant and willful, and it is easy to make enemies in the mall!

I think this little friend Chen Xin'an is more than calm but lacks sharpness. He has a wild and unruly personality, but he is timid in doing things. It is difficult for him to become a great person! "

Shen Changsheng laughed and said to Li Zecheng: "Mr. Li, don't rush to this conclusion yet. You have to stay in Haidong for three days anyway. Let's take a look first!"

"It's only been three days, what can you tell?" Li Zecheng shook his head and said to him:

"What's the secret to a big business? It's not about how much talent you have in doing business, but whether you can seize the opportunity when it's in front of you!

Among us older generation entrepreneurs, which one has not gone through great storms to get to where we are today?

If we didn't seize the opportunity after opportunity, we wouldn't be where we are today!

But today’s young people lack this kind of aggressiveness!

Blind self-confidence, but lack of strength, high vision and low hand, lead to opportunities being presented to others, and it is really impossible to hold up the wall! "

Shen Changsheng smiled bitterly. Of course he knew that Chen Xin'an was not that kind of person, but seeing Li Zecheng's angry look, it was difficult to defend Chen Xin'an too much.

For Li Zecheng, it was precisely because he witnessed Chen Xin'an's extraordinaryness on the plane that he was grateful and fond of him.

So I had high hopes for this trip to Liangmao Company. I thought it would all come naturally, but I didn't expect that I would end up disappointed, and it was inevitable to be angry!

Chen Xin'an didn't have so many regrets. After seeing off the two presidents, he rode his kestrel and returned home.

Li Zecheng is a good person. Although he has not joined the Chamber of Commerce, the fact that he can come and personally invite him shows his true intentions.

Chen Xin'an has always been a reciprocal person, so she immediately returned home and prepared to pour him some liquor brewing liquid and give it to him.

Grandma watered the flowers in the yard. Now she is the person responsible for growing herbs and has something to do every day.

Chen Xin'an entered the living room without disturbing her.

I remember that I washed a few drink bottles last time and threw them in the bathroom on the first floor. I don’t know if Aunt Ru lost them.

Pushing open the door of the bathroom on the first floor, a dazzlingly white body was wiping the water droplets on her body in front of the mirror.

As soon as Chen Xin'an entered, the two faced each other.

This is a girl of seventeen or eighteen years old, with a round face, big unblinking eyes, and tender and delicate skin, which is comparable to that girl Ning Xiruo.

It's just that her body is still very young, and she's even more bland than Ning Xiruo. Of course, this is Chen Xin'an's standard. If you put it into ordinary people's aesthetic point of view, this girl is also on point and the best!

Chen Xin'an looked at her from head to feet, then from feet to head, and checked again. She had never seen her before, and she didn't recognize her!

Then the two of them let out a shrill scream at the same time!

"Chen Xin'an, get out!"

"Who are you? Why are you in my house!"

While talking, Chen Xin'an had already withdrawn, and the bathroom door slammed shut!

What's going on? How could an unknown girl come in and take a shower at home in broad daylight?

After a while, the girl had already put on her clothes and came out. She was still wet. She obviously didn't get dressed before she dried off.

Her eyes were a little red. She stood at the door of the bathroom and raised her arm to slap Chen Xin'an in the face. She scolded Chen Xin'an in a tearful voice: "Chen, you stinky scoundrel! I told your grandma to listen!"

Chen Xin'an became anxious and scolded her: "You are a hooligan! This is my home! You stripped naked and came to my house to take a bath, and you still called me a hooligan? What you call trespassing!"

The girl gritted her teeth and cursed: "You saw me and still blame me?"

Chen Xin'an snorted and said, "You think I want to see it! What's so good about an immature little girl like you!"

"Ah! Chen Xin'an, you bastard! I will fight with you!" The girl who felt that she had suffered a big loss did not expect to be beaten down by this bastard. She was full of contempt and aggrieved, and wanted to fight Chen Xin'an desperately.

Chen Xin'an's expression suddenly changed, he looked at her and shouted, "Wait a minute! How do you know my name? Also, why is your voice so familiar? No, you are... Konoha Makoto?"

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