Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2304 Big brother protects you

"Didn't you go away with those Murphys?"

Chen Xin'an looked at him strangely.

Wang Hao shook his head and said to him: "I didn't go with them!

I originally wanted to find you, but I accidentally saw this group of people.

He led a few people and chased him all the way to the rooftop! "

He pointed his hand to the side, and Chen Xin'an turned his head and looked over, laughing happily.

It turned out to be the group of men in suits who escaped from the underground construction site!

These are all the people responsible for the hibernation plan!

There were about a dozen workers holding sharp knives and iron bars, staring at them eagerly.

There are several corpses of white-clothed men and workers nearby, indicating that a battle once took place here.

It was obvious that these people wanted to escape with Maigret.

It's just that McGregor didn't take them with him at all.

Just then, Wang Hao and a group of workers caught up with him.

The men in white saw that the situation was completely out of control and that they had completely failed, so they lost their fighting spirit and were beaten to death.

These men in suits who were once aloof have become prisoners.

Chen Xin'an led everyone to the rooftop, and the pursuers behind him also followed.

Hundreds of people gathered on the tarmac, among them cowering men in suits.

"Brother Feng, translate for me!" Chen Xin'an said to Zhou Huafeng, then turned to the workers who were eyeing him eagerly.

"Your enemies are these people.

They are the creators and leaders of the entire plan.

And these people are all innocent.

Like you, I came to this place because of work.

Every injustice has its owner, and every debt has its owner.

You want revenge, I understand.

But we cannot impose these crimes on these innocent people! "

The workers no longer looked at the medical staff with the same fierce eyes as before. This look has shifted to the men in suits.

As if they felt that their doom was coming, a group of men in suits looked nervous and frightened.

A blond man shouted loudly: "What do you want to do? Do you know who I am?

I am an agent of the National Defense Department of the Eagle Flag State!

If you dare to treat me like this, no matter which country you are from, the Eagle Flag Country will not let you go! "

Chen Xin'an and Philemon looked at each other, both a little shocked.

Why are there people from the National Defense Department of the Eagle Flag Country here?

Could it be that the hibernation plan was not Red Glove’s idea, and that the real mastermind behind it was the Eagle Flag National University officials?

Philemon walked up to him and asked sternly: "Stop bluffing here!

Do you think we will believe your nonsense? "

"I have a work permit!" the blond man said loudly, reaching into his arms to take it out, but suddenly stopped.

He looked at Philemon and said: "You are not one of them! What do you want to do? My identity has nothing to do with you!"

A companion next to him scolded him: "Damn Henry, are you crazy? Do you know the consequences of revealing your identity? Shut up!"

The man named Henry turned pale, looked at the people around him with fearful eyes, and murmured: "But now, I'm going to die!"

The companion next to him yelled: "Even if you die, you can't tell me! You idiot!"

Suddenly, Chen Xin'an strode up to his companion. Before the man could react, Chen Xin'an grabbed his ankle and dragged him forward.

"What are you doing? Let me go!" The man yelled crazily.

Chen Xin'an turned a deaf ear and dragged him to the wall, then flicked his right hand!

With a shrill scream, the man was thrown out of the wall and thrown directly from the rooftop!

Everyone was stunned.

This is too simple and does not give people a chance to resist and beg for mercy!

A group of men in suits were so scared that they peed their pants!

Now they finally realize that they are no longer a person with status, but a prey to be slaughtered!

A worker let out a howl and rushed towards the men in suits with red eyes.

Behind him, the workers all rushed over like crazy!

They threw away their weapons, pounced on those people, and then bit them like wild beasts!

There was a strong smell of blood on the tarmac, and the scene was horrific.

In just the blink of an eye, those men in suits had their noses bitten off, their faces torn apart, and some even had their eyeballs gouged out!

These workers hate that hell so much that stabbing these people to death would be too easy for them!

Henry was so frightened by this horrific scene that he couldn't stand up. He hugged Philemon's legs with both hands and cried: "Please, help me. I am willing to do anything for you!"

A group of red-eyed workers wanted to rush over and grab Henry, but Chen Xin'an reached out and stopped the group.

The laborers stopped.

Chen Xin'an's behavior just now impressed them so much.

Now everyone recognizes that this person is the Oriental who brought them out of the underground world!

This man is simply the God of War!

It's very scary, and it's not something they can provoke!

The workers lowered their heads and slowly retreated.

Chen Xin'an nodded to Philemon.

Philemon walked over and took out the belt from Henry's body, tied his hands behind his back, and said coldly:

"I am Interpol and I am officially informing you that you have been arrested!"

No matter what identity this Henry is, it has nothing to do with Chen Xin'an.

He was too lazy to deal with these matters, so it was only natural to leave them to Philemon.

All the men in suits lay dying in a pool of blood.

The workers were all covered in blood and looked like zombies, which was very scary.

After venting their inner anger, these workers looked a little confused, as if they didn't know where to go.

Chen Xin'an asked Bauer: "Where is the fire staircase you mentioned?"

Bauer, who had been so frightened that he vomited several times, pointed to the corner of the rooftop with a pale face.

Chen Xin'an walked over and lifted up an iron plate. Below was a row of iron steps, winding down to the fifteenth floor.

But Chen Xin'an glanced down, feeling a little strange.

A fire has been set underneath. It must have started burning at this time, right?

At the very least, it should be billowing smoke.

Why are there no signs of fire now?

At most, it's just a little bit of smoke that can be seen with the naked eye. It's not like it could set the entire building on fire on such a scale!

There seems to be some movement under my feet!

Luo Xiaoman and Li Qi soon felt it, and they ran to the stairs together.

After a while, Luo Xiaoman ran back and shouted to Chen Xin'an: "Old Chen, take the people away quickly! Get down quickly! They are coming up!"

Chen Xin'an frowned and asked him, "Who is coming up? How many people are there?"

Luo Xiaoman said anxiously: "Those workers have gone crazy! There are countless people. There is too much movement. They may all come up!"

If you all come up, that’s tens of thousands of people!

Chen Xin'an's expression also changed slightly, and she shouted to him: "Then tell Aqi to come back quickly, and let's go together!"

Luo Xiaoman turned around and ran back, shouting: "No need! I'm done with Aqi, you guys should leave quickly.

We guard the stairs, they won't be able to attack for a while! "

Chen Xin'an became anxious when he heard this. He was facing tens of thousands of people, and if he was cut off, he would die!

"You two come back here like crazy! I don't need you to break up the queen! Let's go together quickly!"

Luo Xiaoman waved his hands and shouted as he walked without looking back: "Old Chen, you have always protected us, now it's my turn, Luo Xiaoman, to protect you!

I am older than you and have better martial arts skills than you, but I am still your eldest brother.

How could the eldest brother let the younger brother cover him, don't you think so?

Go quickly and keep them all safe.

With big brother blocking them, they can't get up! "

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