Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2305 Everything has been settled

What kind of scene would it be like if tens of thousands of people rushed into a building?

The whole building recalled the sound of banging footsteps, and the ground was shaking, as if it was about to collapse at any time!

Chen Xin'an's face was gloomy and frightening. He knew that he could not be indecisive at this time. He could only shout to Lisa and the others who were still in a daze: "Hurry up!"

Lisa quickly turned around and said to her colleagues: "Let's go! Don't crowd, come one by one!"

When they heard that there were fire stairs to escape, a group of people couldn't hold it any longer.

At this moment, everyone rushed over in a swarm. Everyone wanted to be the first to go up the stairs and escape from this terrifying building!

But as soon as he reached the top of the stairs and looked down, Johnny who was rushing in front let out an ouch and collapsed on the ground!

The people behind scolded him: "Hurry up and leave! Why are you lingering? There are so many people waiting behind you!"

Johnny's face turned pale, his legs were trembling, and he cursed at the person behind him: "Then you are in such a hurry, so you go first!"

As he said this, he stepped aside, leaving space behind.

The person behind stepped forward and cursed: "You were the one who grabbed it the fastest. I asked you to leave first but you didn't leave! I don't know what you are going through... God!"

He also yelled, took a few steps back, and sat on the ground!

This staircase is made of iron and has a layer of fire-retardant paint on the outside, making it very strong.

However, the steps are all hollow. Although there are handrails on both sides, looking down from above, it is still covered by clouds and mist, as if walking on the clouds.

The scene was very scary.

Chen Xin'an originally had a fear of heights. Although he had been specially trained with the Black Mountain Tigers for a period of time, he still felt a little dizzy standing next to such stairs.

However, the biggest benefit he gained after training with the Montenegrin Tigers was not that he completely eradicated his mental illness, but that he learned to control it.

But these people have not been trained, so they have no way to control it and will only become more and more frightened.

Chen Xin'an didn't have time to wait for them to adjust. His brothers had to face tens of thousands of people. He was eager to fight with his brothers now.

"Get down quickly! There are handrails, so why worry! Even if you step on it, you can't fall down. The gap is not that big! Don't waste time, there are many people waiting behind!"

Johnny looked at Chen Xin'an and shouted: "It's easy! Who dares to go down from such a high place! Bauer, what the hell are you looking for? Isn't there a safer staircase?"

Before Bauer could speak, Chen Xin'an walked up to Johnny with a sullen face, kicked him in the chest, and kicked him down the stairs!

"The fastest way to go downstairs is to be thrown down by me! If any of you give me any more whining, I will let you enjoy the pleasure of falling straight from the fifteenth floor to the first floor!"

The guy next to him turned pale with fright and walked down the stairs without saying a word.

Johnny was kicked in the chest by Chen Xin'an, and his body rolled down the stairs like a ball.

The tightness in his chest prevented him from even screaming, and his body kept rolling down.

Finally, one foot got stuck in the gap and the body stopped.

But now my head was broken, my face was swollen, and my right foot was broken. Fortunately, I didn't fall down the stairs.

But it also frightened him so much that he was soaked all over!

Chen Xin'an's angry scolding came from above: "Who dares not go down yet? I'll send him down!"

Johnny shivered with fright, endured the pain in his body and stood up, grabbing the handrail and walking down step by step.

People started lining up to go up the stairs.

But the footsteps from below are getting closer and closer!

Chen Xin'an knew that at this speed, when the people below rushed up, at least half of the hundreds of people above would not have time to get up the stairs!

There is no way, even the fire stairs are tolerable.

People can only line up one by one. If they swarm up, the stairs will collapse!

"Old Xiao, Brother Feng!" Chen Xin'an turned around and called out to Xiao Zhang and Zhou Huafeng who were standing aside to maintain order.

Without him opening his mouth, Xiao Zhang knew what he was going to say. He looked sad for a while, sighed and said:

"Brother An, I understand!

You can go if you want, I can't help you here.

But I only have one request, if you can’t stand it, don’t do it!

Come back alive, I don’t want to lose any more brothers! "

Chen Xin'an didn't say anything, just nodded, walked over and patted his shoulder, then turned and walked towards the stairwell.

But at this moment, the footsteps below were loud, and it was obvious that they had already rushed up!

Why so fast?

Didn't Aman and Aqi's defense work?

Or have they already...

But no gunfire was heard at all!

Unless all those who come up are peerless masters with at least the fourth level of internal strength, it is impossible to kill these two people directly!

But tens of thousands of peerless masters with the fourth level of inner strength?

If you turn the earth upside down, you won’t find so many!

Just when Chen Xin'an was wondering, the footsteps were already very close, and they were about to rush up from the stairs!

Chen Xin'an directly picked up the gun, turned on the safety, aimed at the door, and was ready to shoot.

The next second, two people rushed up from the door, they turned out to be Luo Xiaoman and Li Qi!

There were footsteps behind him, and before Chen Xinan could ask any questions, a group of workers appeared!

Brother Snake came up with Dayao and Lao Han!

It turned out to be these guys!

No wonder there wasn't a fight.

Brother Snake excitedly said to Chen Xin'an: "My dear friend, just hope you're fine!

Don’t worry, the following has been solved! "

Luo Xiaoman said with a smile: "I thought it was those crazy guys, but I didn't expect that they were our compatriots when they met.

There is no need to fight this fight, the whole building is now peaceful! "

Li Qi also nodded and smiled: "They also put out the fire, and those workers have been suppressed by them.

Brother Huashe insisted on picking you up personally, and I didn’t stop him. "

Cai Huashe said to Chen Xin'an: "I led a large force to fight with the men in white, and joined forces with the police to kill more than half of the men in white, and the rest surrendered.

I originally wanted to rush out directly, but Dayao said he had to find you first.

Lao Han said that a group of people came to the hospital to cause trouble, and I knew you might be here.

We brought our brothers over to take a look and found that someone was setting a fire down there. We immediately controlled the person and put out the fire.

I don’t dare to delay, I’ll come up to you quickly!

My benefactor, I have more than 10,000 brothers following me now, and they will do whatever I ask them to do.

Tell me, who else do you want to deal with? I will take my brothers to help you deal with it now! "

Chen Xin'an smiled, shook her head and said, "Okay, no one will deal with it, let's go down first and talk about it later!"

He turned around and shouted to the medical staff: "It's okay, let's go downstairs from inside!"

Everyone cheered, it was great not to have to take the scary fire stairs.

Twenty minutes later, everyone descended to the ground.

Just as Brother Snake said, the blackened workers were all controlled, their noses and faces were bruised and swollen after being beaten, and they were driven to the outskirts, where they did not dare to cause trouble again.

The medical staff who survived the disaster hugged each other and cried, and kept bowing to Chen Xin'an and the others.

Johnny, who had just limped down the fire stairs, cried too.

Taiyima is no longer a human being!

You don’t have to go this way, just say something!

They had to walk halfway and look back, and there were only a dozen of them on the stairs.

I thought the ones above had been trapped by those madmen, so they were so frightened that they rolled and crawled down.

Unexpectedly, when I finally got down, the people who were at the back were already waiting below!

I thought I had seen a ghost!

I didn’t expect that they didn’t use the fire stairs at all!

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