Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2306 They are also my brothers

A world-renowned company that once dominated Black Hawk Island, Pegasus has now become a mess.

The fire has been extinguished by firefighters and the entire industrial area is in chaos.

Tens of thousands of people suddenly became homeless, and the police force on Black Hawk Island was simply unable to control them.

Therefore, the city of London urgently mobilized police forces, and the Security Bureau, Immigration Bureau, and even the Ministry of Defense sent people to deal with the aftermath.

But before they arrived, Brother Snake disappeared with his people.

"Mr. Chen!" Philemon, who had changed into a suit, came over, stretched out his hand, and held it tightly with Chen Xin'an.

He has now restored his identity, and is accompanied by a small follower, Bobby.

"Are you going back to perform your duties?" Chen Xin'an looked at him with a smile and said, "Will you get a promotion and a salary increase when you go back this time?"

Philemon laughed and said to Chen Xin'an: "It's all because of Mr. Chen's help that I am where I am today!

Please keep this business card, Mr. Chen. Whenever you need my help, Philemon, please give me your instructions.

Don't be polite, because we are friends! "

"Yes, we are friends!" Chen Xin'an smiled slightly, stretched out his fist, bumped with him, nodded and said:

"I'll call you on my mobile phone when I get back, and you can save the number. If I do anything, you don't have to say anything!"

Philemon smiled and said: "Mr. Chen won't leave the Eagle Flag Country in a short time, right?

Maybe we will meet soon.

I returned to London after completing my duties three days later.

I won't leave during this time. "

"Are there new tasks?" Chen Xin'an said to Philemon, dumbfounded, "Isn't your boss too shady?

Treat people like machines?

Don't you give anyone a holiday?

I think you should just stop doing it for him, quit and come and help me forget it! "

Philemon laughed, shook his head and said, "I asked for it!

After all, I have been here for several years and am very familiar with it.

It just so happens that the purpose of this mission is to be in the city of London. After I finish my work, we will take a vacation together! "

"The target is in Lieton City?" Chen Xin'an looked strange and asked him: "What target? By the way, if it is confidential and it is inconvenient to tell, then there is no need to tell me!"

Philemon smiled and said: "There is no secret to Mr. Chen. In fact, it is just to arrest a group of people.

I know that Mr. Chen is a very capable person. If I can get your help, it will be very convenient for my task.

I wonder if Mr. Chen has ever heard of a group of people during his time in Eagle Flag Country?

They have a nickname, Red Hood! "

You mad!

Is it so exciting?

We've just become friends and now you're ready to meet me to the death?

Chen Xin'an knew very well that if Philemon wanted to deal with Zhang Jian and the others, he would definitely help Zhang Jian and not Philemon.

What Interpol, as long as they dare to touch my brother, they are my enemies!

But I can't say anything to him now, after all, the mission hasn't started yet.

Seeing Chen Xin'an's face, Philemon asked strangely: "Mr. Chen, what's wrong with you?

Are you in a bit of a dilemma and can't help me?

It doesn’t matter, this is my own mission..."

Chen Xin'an patted him on the shoulder and said seriously: "Filimon, after you come back from the headquarters, don't do anything else and come to me directly.

I'll have something to tell you then.

Be sure to remember! "

Seeing Chen Xin'an's expression so serious, Philemon didn't dare to play tricks, nodded and said: "Okay, definitely!"

After sending Philemon away, Chen Xin'an shook his head and smiled bitterly, cursing: "What the hell is this!"

"Boss!" Li Qi came over and said to him, "Everything is ready. Do you want to leave now?"

Chen Xin'an looked up at the sky, then nodded and said: "Get down the mountain before dark! Let's go!"

Zhou Huafeng said with a grateful face: "Mr. Chen, I can go by myself. Everyone is already very tired, so go back and rest quickly..."

Chen Xin'an took a long breath and said to him: "Brother Feng, those are my brothers too!

They sacrificed their lives to protect me, and it is my responsibility to bring their bodies back! "

The killer troops came down the mountain, and A Le and the others should have died.

Chen Xin'an would not let their bodies stay on the mountain and be eaten by wild beasts.

So the matter on Pyroses' side was settled, and he immediately asked people to prepare tools and go up the mountain to search.

Seeing everyone approaching with flashlights, walkie-talkies, food and water, Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "Let's go!"

Mr. Li was the only four of them at this point in Lidun City.

Now only Zhou Huafeng is left. Whether it will be removed or supplemented, Zhou Huafeng does not know.

However, according to Chen Xin'an's judgment, this point should be removed.

Because the exposure of armed drones will definitely attract the attention of Eagle Flag officials.

In order not to expose more secrets, these people must leave.

These people stayed in the Eagle Flag Country for many years and provided Mr. Li with a lot of important information.

Now he has canceled it for Chen Xin'an, which makes Chen Xin'an feel very guilty.

However, Zhou Huafeng felt that it was worth it. Although there were regrets, it was worth it.

After spending the past few days with Chen Xin'an, Zhou Huafeng deeply understood how correct the task assigned above was.

One Chen Xin'an can be worth a million soldiers!

I used to think this sentence was an exaggeration, but now I understand that it is not an exaggeration at all.

Even if we pull out all the dots in the entire Eagle Flag Country, just to protect this one person, it's still worth it!

The affairs of Peroses have been taken over by the authorities, and people like Chen Xin'an are not allowed to interfere too much.

Boorman called and wanted to come by helicopter in person to take him back to London.

However, Chen Xin'an refused, saying that he would not go back so soon for the time being and that he still had some things to deal with.

Finding the bodies of A Le and the others is one thing, hunting down Maigret is one thing, and the other, more important thing, is wiping out the remnants of the Killer Alliance!

Take advantage of his illness and kill him!

They have been chased by the killer troops for so long, and now the opponent has become a rat on the street. Why not hurry up and pursue them while they are victorious? Do we have to wait for them to calm down?

Chen Xin'an has never been kind to his enemies!

My daughter-in-law is going to participate in the election in the next two days, and I obviously can't make it.

And even if you catch up, you can't help, so it's better to deal with these old enemies.

They have sent so many killers all these years to torment me, now it’s my turn to collect the interest!

The mountain smells bad.

The killer troops left a lot of corpses here, and they all stink now.

However, everyone searched carefully and found that none of these corpses belonged to A Le and his friends.

After walking for two full hours, everyone still found nothing. This made everyone's hearts pick up in their throats.

"Take a rest!" Chen Xin'an finally gave the order after seeing everyone's faces turning pale and looking like big men.

Just because he can support himself doesn't mean that everyone can.

All in all, everyone has been awake for more than thirty hours. Even an iron man cannot bear it!

Everyone found a hayfield and sat down to rest.

Luo Xiaoman brought a lot of food and water from the small supermarket in the factory area and put them in everyone's backpacks.

It's lucky to say that the industrial area is so chaotic that this small supermarket has not been affected.

Maybe the boss was smart, so he closed the door when he saw the situation was bad, and hid inside shivering.

Luo Xiaoman accidentally saw this place and pried the door open.

I originally wanted to grab something and leave, but I didn't expect the boss to be hiding inside.

The scene was very embarrassing.

Later, Luo Xiaoman indicated that he was here to buy something and would give him money.

The boss was very polite and helped him put it into his backpack.

No money was even confiscated in the end.

Of course, Luo Xiaoman didn't say a word when it came to collecting money, it was just a show.

The boss probably wanted to lose money and eliminate disaster, so he wished he could just leave after taking it!

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