A group of people sat on the grass, drank water and ate bread to replenish their energy.

Zhou Huafeng stood up and walked behind a big tree to release water.

After a while, he suddenly poked his head out from behind the big tree and shouted to Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Chen, come here quickly!"

Chen Xin'an raised her head, stood up and said with a smile: "What's wrong? Did you encounter a poisonous snake while peeing?"

Although everyone was feeling a little nervous and heavy, the more at this time, the more Chen Xinan liked to make some little jokes.

The main thing is to keep everyone's heartstrings from being too tight.

When he walked behind the big tree, Zhou Huafeng excitedly pointed to an arrow mark carved with a knife on the tree trunk and said, "Look!"

Chen Xin'an was stunned for a moment, frowned and said, "Did they leave it behind?"

Zhou Huafeng nodded vigorously and said: "There is a vertical line in the arrow, which is our unique marking method! They are right!"

Chen Xin'an also became excited and said to everyone: "We have clues, come here!"

When everyone gathered around, Chen Xin'an pointed at the arrow and said: "Search for signs like this, there may be people alive!"

Everyone became excited.

Li Qi said to Chen Xin'an: "Boss, I want to be one step ahead!"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said: "Okay! But be careful first! There is no communication on the mountain. Once you find the target, use the leaf flute to contact you immediately."

"Got it!" Li Di nodded and turned to leave.

Zhou Huafeng quickly said: "Brother Aqi, I'm coming with you. As a companion, we can take care of each other!"

Luo Xiaoman shouted from the side: "You can pull him down! I can't even catch up, let alone you!"

In fact, it is possible that these signs were left behind by Ah Le and others when they retreated.

No one knows whether he escaped the pursuit of the killer troops later.

But clues represent hope, and as long as there is hope, no one will give up.

Soon everyone stepped in and discovered the arrow marks one after another, and chased all the way forward. An hour later, the rapid sound of a leaf flute came from the front, and they found it!

Chen Xin'an led everyone to rush towards the place where the sound came from.

The bodies of several killers were found along the road.

Li Qi stood on a big rock and said to the people following him: "Be careful, there is a cliff here!"

Everyone slowed down and walked over, and a crack about four or five meters wide appeared in front of them.

It was like an immortal holding a magic weapon and cutting the mountain in half!

It's very deep below, and I can't tell how many meters deep it is because of the weeds.

But a drone stuck on the cliff is enough to prove that the person you are looking for is down there.

"It's our drone! Xiao Sun is down there, I'll get down right away!" Zhou Huafeng's eyes were red with excitement, and he hurriedly took off his backpack.

Chen Xin'an grabbed him, shook his head and said, "I'm familiar with this terrain. I'll go down and have a look, and you'll take care of me from above!"

Zhou Huafeng nodded vigorously and said to Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Chen, thank you for your hard work. Be careful!"

Chen Xin'an said to everyone: "Everyone take out the ropes and pick them up.

I went down first, while Aqi and Aman were responsible for placing the pitons behind.

Lao Xiao, you and Brother Feng stay up there.

You can't leave people here! "

"Got it!" Everyone responded in unison, then quickly took off their backpacks and took out the ropes in their bags.

After the rope was connected, one end was tied to the rock. Chen Xin'an took the connected rope and lowered it about thirty meters long, and the rest was wrapped around himself.

This will prevent the rope from getting entangled in trees or rocks below, causing unnecessary tangles.

He grabbed the rope and faced the direction of the cliff ditch, standing on the edge of the cliff.

As his body tilted straight down, his whole body was at a perpendicular angle to the cliff. He held the rope with both hands and started running down as if he were on flat ground!

Luo Xiaoman, who was standing on the edge of the cliff, cursed and asked Li Qi beside him: "Can you do this trick, Old Chen?"

Li Qi shook his head and said: "It's okay to drop down quickly from the floor, but I can't do it on such an undulating cliff! If you can't control the speed and strength, you will be hit to death!"

Luo Xiaoman snorted, nodded and said, "Then I'll be mentally balanced! I can't play either!"

Li Qi didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Ever since he arrived, Brother Man seems to be willing to compete with him on everything.

But was there any malice? It was as if the two women were jealous.

As a result, Li Qi often lost his temper.

Chen Xin'an could no longer be seen. Luo Xiaoman and Li Qi also began to descend along the rope, but they had to smash the pitons in their bags into the rock wall.

This makes it easier for people to get up and down, and saves a lot of effort if there are injured people below.

A rope is thirty-five meters long, and a total of six ropes were taken, more than two hundred meters.

But as Chen Xin'an went down, his heart sank. This cliff ditch was far more than two hundred meters deep!

Now he is no longer holding the rope and running down, but grabbing the rope and sliding down.

I have already prepared gloves, so I don’t have to worry about scratching my hands.

The entire cliff ditch looks like it was cut out by an immortal with magic weapons, but the cliff is not smooth.

There are small trees and weeds growing there, as well as uneven protruding stones, which are very sharp in some places.

Chen Xin'an slowed down and looked around.

As he expected, there were obvious signs of climbing here.

Just like the small tree growing sideways, most of the roots were torn off, which was obviously someone's use of force.

Moreover, there were blood stains on the cliff, and Chen Xin'an could smell it, which was human blood.

If someone comes down from this kind of cliff, it is indeed dangerous without the help of a rope, but it is not impossible.

It's just that it's easy to get down, but it's difficult to get up.

Moreover, there is moss on the cliff. Once you step on it and slip, you will lose control of your body.

About fifty meters down, Chen Xin'an saw a large rock not far away.

He let go of the rope and climbed over. There was a large pool of blood on the rock, as well as pieces of clothing.

Someone fell from here!

Chen Xin'an's heart sank, and he looked down, only to find that his view was blocked.

He grabbed the rope, raised his head and shouted: "Hold on! I shout one, two, three, and swing the rope out. Do you understand?"

The voices of Li Qi and Luo Xiaoman came from above: "Understood!"

Chen Xin'an grasped the rope with both hands, stepped on the cliff with both feet, and shouted loudly: "One, two, three! Let's go!"

The entire rope was suddenly thrown out with great force, and Chen Xin'an's body swayed in mid-air. He took advantage of the situation to look down and found a large stone platform!

Although it was only fleeting, he seemed to vaguely see the figure on the stone platform!

It should be them!

Chen Xin'an was overjoyed, as the rope quickly fell back to the cliff.

Chen Xin'an kicked her feet, stopped steadily, raised her head and said, "It's down there! About twenty meters!"

Everyone was excited and finally found it!

Untying a sufficient length of rope from his waist, Chen Xin'an accelerated his descent and soon arrived near the big stone platform.

It’s Xiao Sun!

There are two people next to him, they should be Ah Le and Ah Shui!

Chen Xin'an shouted excitedly: "Xiao Sun! Ah Le! Ah Shui!"

However, the three people lying on the stone platform did not respond at all, as if they were asleep.

"It must be alive! You must live for me!" Chen Xin'an prayed in his heart, quickly approached the stone platform, then let go of his hand and jumped up!

Sure enough it was them!

But the situation is very bad!

All three of them were scarred. Xiao Sun's face was frighteningly pale and he closed his eyes tightly.

A Le's legs were even more bloody and obviously broken!

But the most serious situation was not the two of them, but Ah Shui.

Ah Shui's complexion at this moment was obviously not the color a living person should have.

There was still foam remaining at the corners of his mouth, and his eyes were half-open.

Chen Xin'an felt the pulse on his neck, and her heart sank. Sure enough, it was no longer beating!

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