Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2309 I must intervene in this route

Chen Xin'an has never had a good impression of Chinese people who want to stay abroad.

Of course, except for Zhang Jian.

What he dislikes are those foreign slaves who think that foreign moons are rounder than Chinese ones.

But through previous conversations with Dayao and Lao Han, Chen Xin'an didn't realize how much they yearned for life abroad.

They seemed to be hesitant all the time, wanting to go back but not daring to go back.

Chen Xin'an looked at the three people sitting on the sofa, smiled and said, "Can you tell me why?

Is it now that we have reached this point, do you still think that there is gold everywhere here, and you can just let people pick it up? "

Disdainful sneers appeared on the faces of the three people.

Dayao angrily scolded: "Go to the damn gold everywhere! I'm sorry, Mr. Chen, I'm not scolding you, I'm scolding this Cao Dan's Eagle Flag Country!

If I didn't have to, I wouldn't want to stay in this damn place for a minute! "

Chen Xin'an looked at him with a smile and asked: "What is the reason why you have no choice but to do it?"

The three fell silent and looked at each other.

After a while, Brother Snake took a deep breath and said to Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Chen is our benefactor and someone we can trust.

So we are willing to tell Mr. Chen the big secret.

Actually... we killed people!

If you go back, you will go to jail! "

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly and smiled at the three of them: "Are you talking about dealing with those people in white and disobedient workers before?"

Brother Snake shook his head and said to Chen Xin'an: "On the way here. We killed the captain and fifteen crew members, as well as eight people who were picking us up!"

Chen Xin'an frowned, looked at the three of them in disbelief and asked, "What's going on?"

Dayao gritted his teeth and cursed: "Because those bastards don't regard us as human beings at all!

Even worse than a dog!

During that month at sea, we were even more miserable than living on an underground construction site.

At least you can still eat well underground and walk in a spacious area.

But on the ship, we could only huddle in the dark bottom cabin, with no room to even stand up! "

Old Han said with red eyes: "You can't even imagine the environment there! Hundreds of people were crowded in the bottom cabin, eating, drinking, and eating!

Just like that, we were beaten and insulted by those bastards, and they even poured water cannons on us!

Brother Snake's biological brother fell ill and had a high fever.

They actually took him aboard under the pretext of treating him, and then threw him directly off the boat! "

Brother She shed tears and said to Chen Xin'an with red eyes: "They killed my brother and said they were doing it for our own good to prevent the plague.

I led everyone to find an opportunity, ran out from the hold, rushed to the kitchen, grabbed the knife, and chopped the first mate who ordered my brother to be thrown overboard into pieces!

The captain and his crew used guns to suppress us, but we fought back and killed them all!

The people who picked us up and dropped us off were the same as the crew.

So we just kept doing nothing and killed them all!

Clean out all the outsiders and take control of the entire ship! "

Dayao snorted coldly and said: "We, Fengdu, became famous as sailors ten years ago. We are basically all Fengdu people on the large cruise ships of major domestic ocean-going companies.

I myself have been a seaman for eight years, and Brother Snake has been a first mate for five years.

We took the boat to Black Hawk Island ourselves.

But we all know that we can never go back in this life..."

Old Han sighed, shook his head and said, "It doesn't matter if you don't go back, as long as you can earn money to send to your family and pay your debts, where is life?

The environment of Fengdu is also not good, and it has not developed for so many years.

When we go back, we just eat and wait to die and drink the northwest wind. We might as well be outside, maybe we will get rich! "

Brother Snake had a sad look on his face, rubbed his face hard and said, "But we have no identity! How can we get rich if we hide here and there all day long?"

The room fell silent.

Chen Xin'an suddenly thought of something in his mind. He looked at everyone and said seriously:

“I have a way to make a lot of money.

But it’s very dangerous and very hard..."

The three people's eyes lit up.

Brother Snake looked at Chen Xin'an eagerly and said: "Mr. Chen, we have nothing now but one life!

So danger and hardship are nothing to us.

Mr. Chen, why don't you talk about this method? We can do anything now! "

Dayao and Lao Han also looked at Chen Xin'an and nodded expectantly.

Chen Xin'an thought for a while and said to the three of them: "Since you have all been crew members, let's live by the sea.

The Africans have a maritime smuggling route that involves several Eastern countries.

If you catch it in your hands, the profit from one trip will be enough for everyone to live for two years!

And I'm going to be directly involved in controlling this line, and it's not even just me...

Anyway, as long as you understand in your heart, no matter what, we in China will get this line!

If you can do it, I will provide financial support and weapons.

But you have to be mentally prepared in advance, because it was snatched from the hands of the Mofei people, so a tough battle is going to be fought!

And it is very likely that he will often go to war with the Mofei people!

Do you dare to do it? "

"Dare!" the three responded in unison.

Brother Snake sneered and said: "I can't live any longer, what else can I not dare to do?

What's more, Mr. Chen supports us, so what are we afraid of?

What we hate most now is the Mofei people.

When we arrived, half of the sailors on the ship were Murphys.

They are also the most perverted. They have a low status among seafarers and are discriminated against by others, but they still bully us. They bully us the most! "

Chen Xin'an nodded, took a deep breath and said, "In that case, you should have a good rest these days.

I will find someone to help you with the identity matter.

I'll let you know when it's time to do something.

Once you get the route, you don’t have to worry about the supply of goods.

But there is one thing you must remember.

If the red hooded person, or a person named Black Dragon, comes to you to send something.

No matter how dangerous it is, no matter whether you still have a place or not, you must take care of their affairs first.

Meet all their requirements as much as possible!

When the time comes, I will give you the compensation you deserve.

do you understand? "

The three Snake brothers nodded vigorously, and without asking any more questions, they responded to Chen Xin'an: "Understood!"

Chen Xin'an asked the three of them to go back to discuss with their brothers and make preparations.

He took out his cell phone and called Long Sheng.

Long Sheng said with a smile on the phone: "Boss, you are in my heart!

No matter how obedient Mo Feiren appears, he is still a foreigner after all.

They will never give up, and I will never be completely reassured.

Now that we have such a group of compatriots, we must win this line no matter what the price is!

I'll take care of Ped's side, and I've arranged some people around him.

If he doesn't let go, I'll make him disappear forever! "

Chen Xin'an said quickly: "You can pull him down! If he does that, the city of Lieton will be in chaos and we will be implicated.

Don't say anything about this yet. I'll find an opportunity to talk to Ped.

It would be best if it could be resolved peacefully, but if it doesn't work, I'll take action.

Don't expose yourself or your people. "

Ah Shui's sacrifice deeply touched Chen Xin'an.

He never wanted to expose so many hidden clues for many years because of himself, and pay the price with his life!

For Long Sheng, using Long Xiang to fund Black Satan was also a last resort.

They also know that the Mofei people are all a bunch of ignorant white-eyed wolves.

I am being honest and obedient now because I can still use the funds.

When they gain a foothold and complete the integration, they will betray sooner or later!

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