Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2310 We came here all for you

The situation on Black Hawk Island has been very tense these past two days. Police cars patrolled the streets day and night, and shops closed early.

There was even a curfew in place and no one was allowed to roam the streets after 8pm.

Unidentified helicopters take off and land on the island every day.

The exposure of the underground construction site attracted the attention of the world.

However, the day after the black workers escaped, all media were banned from entering the Pairoces Industrial Park.

Two days later, some media were allowed in after censorship.

At the same time, Maigret, the president of Peroses, jumped from his office on the 20th floor of the industrial park office building and committed suicide out of fear of crime!

Upon hearing the news, Chen Xin'an's face turned gloomy.

He did not regret McGregor's death.

Anyway, if this guy doesn't jump off the building, he won't survive if he catches him!

What really chilled Chen Xinxin was the cruelty of Golden Gloves!

This is obviously the Golden Glove's tail-cutting move!

Unexpectedly, Maigret escaped in a helicopter and was captured by the Golden Gloves.

This shows how powerful these people are!

Once Maigret dies, all the blame can be placed on him.

In this way, the hibernation plan disappeared and Pyrothys was saved.

This is the best for all forces in the Eagle Flag Country.

In fact, it doesn't matter to Chen Xin'an.

After all, his target is Maigret himself and the Killer Alliance.

It really didn't matter to him whether Pegrose was still there or not.

What’s just depressing is that with Maigret’s suicide, the Killer Alliance completely disappeared!

Of course, Chen Xin'an would not be so naive as to think that the Killer Alliance would be disbanded and disappear from the world!

Since the big boss behind the Killer Alliance is the Golden Glove, these people will not give up such a sharp knife easily.

The top three top killers are dead, and we just need to train three more.

Once the killer army is defeated, it's not a big deal to form another one.

The Golden Glove has plenty of money, so it's not difficult to find a loyal killer.

Therefore, they are just forced to lie dormant due to public opinion. When this period of news passes, they will re-emerge like bamboo shoots after rain.

Chen Xin'an couldn't find them and had no choice but to inform his brothers to prepare to leave Black Hawk Island and return to Lieton City.

But there was good news. Luo Qianhe was contacted, and he indeed drove away the car carrying Dao Lei's body.

Paul also went with them. For safety reasons, he personally escorted Luo Qianhe and Guo Zhaodi back to Lieton City to show his sincerity to the master.

I just didn't expect that the next morning, Konoha and Guo Zhaodi came to Black Eagle Island without any explanation!

Seeing the two of them, Chen Xin'an cursed angrily: "You two are crazy, right?

We are almost going back, why are you still here?

Do you know how chaotic Black Hawk Island is right now?

How dare you two run over here! "

Konoha said angrily: "I didn't come here just because of you!"

Chen Xin'an was stunned for a moment: "For me? If you two don't come, we will go back to Lidun City in the afternoon!"

Guo Zhaodi shook her head and said, "Uncle, we may have to leave a day late. We have to go to Foss Mountain again!"

Chen Xin'an frowned and asked, "Go again? Zhaodi, what on earth are you going to do?"

Haven't you already taken those backpacks filled with medicinal herbs back?

Still don’t think it’s enough? "

Guo Zhaodi shook her head and said to Chen Xin'an: "Uncle, you have two friends who were poisoned by snake venom and were sent to senior brother's hospital, next to the master's ward.

I have met them and learned some things from their mouths.

They once encountered some succulents on a cliff.

Because he ate that, he was attacked by a poisonous snake.

After discussing with the master, I asked them to draw the appearance of that plant based on their memories and draw a conclusion.

That thing might be Snake Dan Tai Sui!

The senior brother examined those two people and found that their bodies recovered quickly, which should be the result of taking special drugs.

They said there was still something there on the cliff, and Master asked me to pick it back. "

Konoha glared at him and cursed: "The pigeon said that this thing combined with black mugwort can improve the pure yin body.

And it has a miraculous effect on Xiruo’s infertility!

So we came here, was it for you? "

"Yes! Yes!" Chen Xin'an didn't dare to say anything more and nodded hurriedly.

It doesn't matter if we go to Forth Mountain again. Maigret is dead anyway, the Killer Alliance has also ceased, and there is no danger on Forth Mountain anymore.

Chen Xin'an said to the two of them: "Then I will let you guys prepare some tools now, and we will go to Forth Mountain in the afternoon. After getting the things, we can return to Lidden City in the evening!"

Konoha really rolled his eyes and said, "Xiruo's things over there have been settled. There's no point in going back. Why are you in such a hurry!"

The election is over, with so many forces operating at the same time, and Ning Xiruo's own advantages, the seal of the new GbSA Secretary-General has fallen into her hands.

Chen Xin'an also just found out about the marriage last night. Of course she was happy and promised to celebrate her daughter-in-law well after she got back!

Konoha really said to Chen Xin'an: "Xi Ruo has been very busy these two days. She has to receive the media and attend various banquets. I won't have time to accompany you when you go back.

The youngest secretary-general since the establishment of GbSA, Xiruo can be admitted to the International Hall of Fame this year just because of this! "

Chen Xin'an grinned and said, "That's right! Don't even look at whose wife it is!"

Konoha looked at him with disgust and cursed: "That's Xi Ruo's own ability, what does it have to do with you!"

Just when Chen Xin'an was about to speak, Konoha straightened his face and said to him: "Stop making trouble, let me tell you something serious!

Catherine returned to London and had not eaten for two days.

Our words of persuasion are all frayed, but it doesn’t work.

You go back tomorrow and think about how to persuade her! "

Chen Xin'an fell silent, and her mood suddenly hit rock bottom.

The death of his brother was the thing he regretted most during his visit to the Eagle Flag Country, and it was also the greatest pain!

If there was a time machine in the world, he would go back to the day he left China at all costs, leaving Dao Lei behind.

Even if he breaks his legs, he won't be allowed to follow her.

These days, everyone is pretending to be relaxed and trying not to let themselves think about it.

But everyone knows that there is no way to avoid it!

Even if Catherine is coaxed, how will she explain to Master Dao when she goes back?

Chen Xin'an has never dared to make that call because she was afraid that she would hear Master Dao's voice and be unable to say a single word of guilt!

I understand all the truths, but my brother is dead. This is an irreversible fact.

Chen Xin'an couldn't convince herself to go and see this matter no matter what!

That's his brother, he will never look away! I will never be able to untie this knot in my life!

Sighing, Chen Xin'an said to Konoha: "I will persuade her when I get back!

Don't worry, Pigeon and I are here, she will be fine! "

Konoha really wanted to say something, but when she saw the pain that couldn't be hidden between Chen Xin'an's eyebrows, she felt heartbroken, sighed, and stopped talking.

After a serious injury, Konoha's personality also changed a lot.

The feeling towards Chen Xin'an in my heart was gone, but the feeling of family affection in the blood relationship was getting stronger and stronger.

She is also becoming more and more like an aunt.

Although this aunt is about the same age as her nephew.

She looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "Be careful when you talk to her.

She has it now! "

"Ah?" Chen Xin'an was stunned and looked at Konoha in disbelief.

Guo Zhaodi on the side nodded and said to Chen Xin'an: "It's been two months, it's just not obvious!"

Chen Xin'an sighed and didn't know what to say.

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