Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2311 Snake’s birth Tai Sui

The bodies on Forth Hill have been cleared.

I don’t know who cleaned it up, even the blood stains were buried.

It is completely invisible now. Just a few days ago, there was a big war here, many people died, and many corpses were left behind.

Because they already had experience and had road signs, everyone quickly found the cliff ditch.

Connect the rope you brought and tie it to the big rock.

The pitons on the cliff are still there. With these preparations, it shouldn’t take long to get back up.

Chen Xin'an said to Konoha Zhen and Guo Zhaodi: "You guys wait above, Aqi and I will go down and be up soon!"

The two women nodded.

Luo Xiaoman tried the rope and said to the two of them: "Shout if there's anything wrong and I'll get down immediately!"

Chen Xin'an smiled and scolded: "Just pick some medicine, what will happen? Even the poisonous snakes were eaten by Xiao Sun and A Le!"

This time, because they knew the position, they used double insurance. Chen Xin'an and Li Qi each had two ropes and lowered together.

The two quickly arrived at the stone platform where Xiao Sun and A Le were found.

I stood on the stone platform and looked around, but it was gone.

Has it been eaten up?

According to what Xiao Sun and A Le said at the time, the thing was not big, and each of them finished it after just two pieces.

Before he could look for it again, he was attacked by a venomous snake.

Chen Xin'an also knows that this thing is rarer than the thousand-year-old ginseng, and may even become extinct in China.

Zhaodi had only heard from her grandfather and had never seen it with her own eyes.

It's very possible that this thing has just grown a little and is no longer there!

Chen Xin'an felt a little pity, but had no choice but to say to Li Qi: "Let's go up, there is no more!"

Li Qi turned his head, looked to the side, and said to Chen Xin'an: "Boss, is it over there?"

He pointed to his right side with his hand.

About ten meters away from him, there was a smooth cliff.

But in the middle, there is a grass as big as a round table.

Some fiery red plants were exposed inside.

According to the picture Guo Zhaodi showed everyone, the color of Snake Dan Tai Sui is this.

It's just that it's a bit far away and it's covered in weeds, so you can't see the whole thing clearly.

Li Qi said to Chen Xin'an: "Boss, wait here for a while, I'll go over and take a look!"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "Be careful!"

Li Qi untied a length of rope around his waist, making it long enough to reach the grass.

Then he held the rope with one hand and started walking along the smooth rock wall in that direction.

A few minutes later, Li Qi walked to the grass and said excitedly to Chen Xin'an: "Boss, it's that thing, it's so big!"

Chen Xin'an was also pleasantly surprised and shouted to him: "Then pick it carefully and pay attention to safety! Check if there are any venomous snakes around!"

Li Qi took out a bag from his body and was about to put the snake ball in it. He shouted to Chen Xin'an: "I didn't see the poisonous snake, but this is a cave and it smells so bad!"

Behind the grass, is there a cave?

Still smell?

Chen Xin'an frowned, suddenly widened his eyes, and shouted: "Aqi, come back quickly!"

"Ah?" Li Qi was stunned for a moment, not understanding what Chen Xin'an meant.

But at this moment, a fishy wind suddenly hit his nose in front of him, and a black shadow jumped out of the hole like lightning!

"Holy shit!" Li Qi grabbed the rope and let himself swing to the side, dodging.

A huge python head rushed out from the hole, and its big mouth could almost swallow Li Qi whole!

Chen Xin'an was also shocked. Even though she had grown up on Qingniu Mountain and had seen many kinds of snakes, this was the first time she had seen such a big python!

This thing is too thick!

The python's body would require an adult to hold it with both hands open and closed, and he probably wouldn't be able to hold it!

The wide open mouth can easily swallow an adult!

Although it only has a head coming out, by estimation, its whole body should be at least twenty meters long, right?

Has he become a spirit now?

Precious things must be guarded by mythical beasts.

Is this big python specially guarding this snake's birthday?

The so-called snake birth fluid is not the birth fluid of ordinary venomous snakes, but the birth fluid of this big python, right?

Chen Xin'an shouted to Li Qi: "Aqi, come back quickly!"

When they came down, they left all their weapons on top, so the two of them only had one sword on them now. It was too dangerous to encounter such a behemoth.

Li Qi shook his head and said, "It's okay, boss, it's just a snake, but it's just a little bit bigger!

I look for opportunities to steal things, otherwise this trip will be in vain! "

Chen Xin'an was still a little worried, so she let go of the rope around her waist and said, "Then I'll go over and help you!"

Li Qi originally didn't want Chen Xin'an to come over. After all, it was just a python and it didn't need two people to serve it.

But seeing that Chen Xin'an had already pulled the rope over, he didn't object.

In order to prevent the two of them from bumping into each other, Chen Xin'an was positioned lower than Li Qi.

Seeing another person coming, the python spit out a long snake letter and stared at Chen Xin'an, as if to guard against his approach.

Chen Xin'an said to Li Qi: "I'll attract its attention, and you find an opportunity to pack the things! Once we get it, let's leave immediately!"

"Okay!" Li nodded.

Chen Xin'an began to swim back and forth below, attracting the python's attention.

When approaching the entrance of the cave, the python opened its mouth and pounced on Chen Xin'an!

Chen Xin'an quickly stepped on the cliff and swung into the air, causing the python to jump away.

At the same time, Li Qi saw the opportunity and put the bag on top of Snake Dan Tai Sui, then tightened the bag and turned around to leave!

When the big python saw that the treasure was stolen, he immediately gave up on Chen Xin'an and rushed towards Li Qi!

I didn’t expect that such a huge body could be so flexible in movement!

Moreover, its body had already come out a lot, and with a flick of its head, it hit Li Qi's body directly!

"Aqi, be careful!" Chen Xin'an shouted, grabbed the rope and rushed over, running on the rock wall!

Li Qi suddenly dodged to the side to avoid the python's attack.

But at this moment, the big python has almost half of its body exposed. The body of the python, which is more than ten meters long, is clinging to the cliff and swinging around. It looks very scary!

Its tail must have wrapped around the rocks in the cave, preventing its entire huge body from rolling down.

In this way, the escape distance of Chen Xin'an and Li Qi is controlled by it, and there is no way to avoid its pursuit!


Li Qi was hit by the big python, and his whole body was almost knocked into the cliff behind him!

Stars were flashing in front of my eyes, and I couldn't catch my breath for a long time!

This guy is so powerful!

"Aqi!" Chen Xin'an became anxious. He grabbed the rope with one hand and a knife with the other. Using the power of the rope, he stabbed the big python with his knife!

But the knife slipped away and almost cut Chen Xin'an's own hand!

Good guy, is this skin too hard?

What's even more frightening is that the big python doesn't pay attention to the harassment next to it. It has only one target, the person who stole the treasure!

Seeing the big python opened its mouth and rushed towards Li Qi again, Chen Xin'an shouted: "Aqi, throw the bag over here!"

But in this case, it’s already too late!

Chen Xin'an watched helplessly as Li Qi was covered by the snake's mouth, shouted and rushed over!

At this moment, Li Qi slid down from Shekou.

It turned out that at the critical moment, Li Qi let go of the rope and let his body slide down two meters to avoid the blow!

But in this case, the rope got wrapped around the snake's fang!

With the python's effortful swing, Li Qi's body hit the rock wall heavily, and then with a bang, the rope broke, and Li Qi's body fell rapidly!

At the critical moment, Chen Xin'an had already rushed forward, grabbed the rope with one hand, and reached forward with the other hand, grabbing Li Qi's arm!

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