Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2312 Cliff Fighting Python

Both of them were so frightened that they broke into a cold sweat!

If you fall from this position, you will definitely die!

Moreover, after all the stumbling and stumbling along the way, there will definitely not even be a whole body left behind!

Seeing the huge python head rushing towards him again, Chen Xin'an swung it hard and shouted to Li Qi: "Hold on! Give me the bag!"

Li Qi grabbed the rope Chen Xin'an put down and hung it under Chen Xin'an, but the bag on his body was not removed. He smiled and said to Chen Xin'an:

"It's the same with me carrying it on my back! Boss, it's not convenient to take it off now. We have to find a way to get to the stone platform!"

He knew that the python's target was what was in the bag.

So whoever carries this thing is the most dangerous.

Naturally, he would not leave the danger to the boss.

Chen Xin'an also knows what this guy means, and there is no way to force this situation now.

However, if the big python wants to snatch things back, he must face him first, so he doesn’t say any more and draws out the sword again!

Seeing the big python pounced again, Chen Xin'an shouted to Li Qi: "Be careful! Let's run five steps to the right! Start!"

As soon as they finished speaking, the two grabbed the rope and ran to the right together.

The big python put its head on the rock wall with a bang, and at the same time, the sword in Chen Xin'an's hand stabbed hard into its neck!

"Hiss!" The big python let out a harsh scream, its whole body rose upwards, and its head was raised high!

Chen Xin'an sneered coldly, no matter how thick-skinned you are, you still can't hold back your inner strength and a master will give you a knife!

On the top of the cliff, I saw the rope tied to the boulder swaying constantly. Everyone nearby knew that something happened below!

"Old Chen! What's going on down there? What are you doing!" Luo Xiaoman shouted loudly.

But there was no response from below, only faint screams and shouts could be heard.

Luo Xiaoman turned his head and said to everyone: "You guys wait here, I have to go down and take a look!"

"No!" Xiao Zhang grabbed his arm and said, "You can't go down, we can't live without you here!"

Luo Xiaoman cursed angrily: "Why, Lao Xiao, have you learned what Lao Chen did?

Get out of here!

Something happened down there, I have to help! "

Xiao Zhang pointed at the big rock and said to him: "What will happen if the rope breaks?"

The rope tied to the big rock was frayed due to the violent rotation below.

If the people below cannot come up immediately, the rope will soon fall off.

At that time, only a master like Luo Xiaoman, who has the inner strength, could hold two people together like Li Qi.

Even if the remaining three people tried their best, they couldn't hold the rope and might even be dragged off the cliff!

When Luo Xiaoman heard this, he hesitated.

At this moment, the two ropes suddenly bounced upwards. Everyone was startled and quickly grabbed the ropes and pulled them up.

You can feel it with this pull, the rope has broken!

But at the same time, the rope next to it suddenly tightened, seeming to have endured double the force.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, they must be on the same rope.

However, this will accelerate the wear and tear of the rope.

Maybe the rope would break soon, making Luo Xiaoman even more afraid to act rashly.

Both Konoha and Guo Zhaodi were so anxious that they were about to cry!

I don't know what's going on below, but I'm even more scared.

Both of them stood on the edge of the cliff, leaning forward and looking down, trying to see the scene below.

But the line of sight was completely blocked, and nothing could be seen at all!

The two were so anxious that they put their hands to their mouths and shouted below.

At this moment, a huge python with two big eyes like lightbulbs rushed up from below, and almost in the next second, it rushed in front of them!

"Ah!" The two women screamed in fear at the same time, quickly stepped back and sat down on the ground!

"What's wrong?" Luo Xiaoman rushed over and stood beside the two of them.

Konoha looked as if he was in shock, and said with a pale face: "Python! What a big python!"

Luo Xiaoman looked down and saw nothing, frowned and said:

"No, there are no pythons here? Are you dazzled?

Besides, pythons are not venomous snakes, so what is there to be afraid of?

That thing is a bigger cauliflower snake. As long as you don't stand still, it won't be able to eat you! "

Konoha and Guo Zhaodi were so frightened that they could not speak.

Just then, boom, a rope broke!

"Aman!" Xiao Zhang shouted, Luo Xiaoman had already rushed over and grabbed the only remaining rope!

At the foot of the cliff, Chen Xin'an said to Li Qi: "When it comes down again, let's run to the left together. You have to seize the opportunity to grab that tree!

From there you can go directly to the stone platform.

I will find a way to deal with it. You have to climb up a few meters and grab the two broken ropes so that you can go up.

Do you understand, Aqi? "

Li Qi hummed and asked with a worried look on his face: "But what about you, boss?"

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said: "Don't worry about me, it's just a python, can it still eat me?

Don't worry, I have a solution! "

As he spoke, he had already clamped his legs and hung his whole body upside down, head down and feet up. He opened Li Qi's backpack with both hands, took out the cloth bag inside, and put it into his own backpack.

"Boss!" Li Qi didn't expect that he would pull this trick. He was unprepared and was robbed of the bag.

Even Luo Xiaoman would not be able to take things away from Li Qi so easily.

But the other party is Chen Xin'an, so there is nothing we can do.

Li Qi knew that he would never catch up with the boss in his life, and it would be impossible for him to do so!

"Coming! Let's go!" Chen Xin'an shouted.

Li Qi also saw the giant python lowering its head and rushing towards the two of them!

At the same time, the two began to run to the left.

The python is in hot pursuit, and this time its target is Chen Xin'an.

The snake letters that are constantly spitting out have already distinguished the smell in the air.

The baby is on this guy!

In addition, Chen Xin'an actually hurt it just now, the big snake has regarded this guy as his life and death enemy!

Chen Xin'an saw the python rushing forward and shouted at Li Qi: "Swing!"

The two stepped on the cliff at the same time, and their bodies swayed.

At this moment, Chen Xin'an suddenly slipped, stretched out his arm to Li Qi, and shouted: "Grab it!"

Li Qi didn't know what Chen Xin'an was going to do, but he had complete trust in his boss and never had any doubts.

So after hearing Chen Xin'an's words, he let go of the rope and grabbed Chen Xin'an's hand!

At this moment, Chen Xin'an was holding the rope with one hand and holding Li Qi's arm with the other. He pushed hard on the snake's kiss with both feet. With the help of this rebound force, he swung his arms upward and shouted: "Let's go!"

Li Qi's body was like soaring into the clouds, flying six to seven meters against the cliff, and landed on the stone platform!

But suddenly, one of the ropes broke due to the heavy strain!

Chen Xin'an's body suddenly lost its center of gravity and fell down!

The big python also followed closely, its whole body had escaped from the hole, and rushed towards Chen Xin'an!

"Be careful!" Li Qi quickly warned the boss, knowing how heavy this big guy would be if hit.

At this moment, the huge snake's tail, like a felled tree, smacked towards him fiercely!

Li Qi dodged and the snake's tail hooked on the stone platform!

Chen Xin'an pushed with both hands to avoid the impact of the python's head.

But the rope on his body couldn't bear the powerful force and was broken!

Chen Xin'an lost control and fell off the cliff!

"Boss!" Li Qi shouted, but saw Chen Xin'an stab the sword into the gap in the cliff and steady his body.

Before he could breathe a sigh of relief, the python had already opened its mouth and chased after him!

"You Mad!" Li Qi became anxious, pulled out his sword and jumped down from the stone platform!



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