Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2316 Everyone must listen to me

No matter what kind of contract Quinn had with Stilwell, or how much he and Chen Xin'an didn't deal with each other during his lifetime.

Without the life-saving protection of him and the group of bodyguards, the pigeon might have died on Foss Mountain.

This is a fact, so Chen Xin'an will not be stingy in compensating him.

He did not blame Stilwell and Isabel for their ruthlessness.

They have already fulfilled their compensation in accordance with the contract, and there is really no need to pay another point.

So Chen Xin'an paid Elal herself to save her mother.

For Chen Xin'an, this money should be taken.

The life of a dove is by no means limited to the three hundred thousand eagle flags.

There is a bank here in Chinatown, and the transfer was completed quickly.

Looking at the extra 300,000 yuan in his account, Ailal burst into tears.

She took Chen Xin'an's arm and said excitedly: "Sir, I don't know how to thank you!

I want to ask you to do something to repay this money! "

Although Chen Xin'an repeatedly told her that she didn't need to pay back the money, this girl seemed to be straight-tempered and insisted on paying it back.

There was no other way, so Chen Xin'an had no choice but to say to her: "When your mother is discharged from the hospital, you can come to Chinatown and find Mu Jiahua.

I'll give you his cell phone number, and he will arrange things for you then. "

"Thank you, Mr. Chen!" Airal held his mobile phone in both hands, looked at the new number on it, and nodded vigorously.

Everyone returned to the restaurant, and the food and drinks were already on the table.

Stilwell picked up the wine glass and said with a smile: "Mr. Chen, according to Chinese rules, let's drink three glasses of wine first.

For this first cup, I would like to congratulate Mr. Chen on his safe return from Black Eagle Island! "

Everyone picked up their glasses. Chen Xin'an smiled slightly and nodded: "Thank you!"

Regardless of men or women, everyone drinks a glass of wine in one go.

"Ahem!" Eve coughed, fanned her little tongue and said, "It's so spicy! I've been in China for so long, but I still can't get used to drinking this kind of stuff!"

Wolfe said with an envious look: "Sister Eve, if you don't want to drink it, you can give it to me. I can't drink it even if I want to, I can only drink juice!"

Everyone burst into laughter.

Stilwell picked up the cup again and said: "For the second glass of wine, I would like to congratulate Mr. Chen's wife on being successfully elected as the secretary-general of GBSA!"

Golden said with a look of admiration: "And she is the youngest and most beautiful female secretary-general in the history of GBSA!"

Everyone laughed again.

Chen Xin'an also laughed. I have to say that this guy Stilwell is smart enough.

He knows very well that praising Chen Xin'an's wife makes him happier than praising Chen Xin'an himself!

I have to drink this glass of wine. My wife has been promoted. This is a great happy event.

Don’t think that being the secretary-general of GBSA means you have to stay at the GBSA headquarters every day.

We are now in the Internet age. We usually work online, and even meetings are held via video conference.

It's just that in some major incidents, you can go back after a few days when the matter is resolved.

Moreover, the GBSA headquarters is about to be relocated to Outer Harbor. As soon as Ning Xiruo takes office, the first thing to do is to finalize this.

Everyone had another drink.

Stilwell filled up the wine and said while holding the glass: "Third glass, I wish our friendship will last forever!"

"Okay!" Boorman and his son also cheered.

Chen Xin'an raised the cup and gestured, and everyone drank it in one gulp.

According to Chinese rules, after the first three glasses of wine are drunk, everyone can eat and drink.

Stilwell shook his head and said to Chen Xin'an: "This Chinese wine is really powerful. I can drink three glasses of it, which is already a super level performance!"

Chen Xin'an laughed and said to him, "You'll get used to it if you drink too much!"

Stilwell nodded and said: "Yes, I will definitely drink it often in the future!

Mr. Chen, the Nada Building will start bidding in three days, and I have prepared all the procedures.

We must succeed this time! "

Chen Xin'an said to him: "Then give me the information about the most threatening competitor tonight!"

Boorman was stunned for a moment and said to Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Chen, don't dare to mess around!"

Chen Xin'an grinned, looked at him and said, "Rules are for those who have no strength.

Since all three of us think this matter is important, then I must get this place, no matter what means I use! "

Because there is always a translator by the side, everyone can understand.

Li Qi, Luo Xiaoman, and Xiao Zhang looked at each other and smiled.

Of course they understand why Chen Xin'an is so unscrupulous.

Because this is a foreign country, Chen Xin'an doesn't have to care about any rules!

Stilwell thought for a while, and when he saw that Boorman didn't say anything else, he turned his head and said to his sister:

"Isabel, you do this, and then just hand over the information to Mr. Chen!"

Isabel glanced at Chen Xin'an and said expressionlessly: "Okay brother!"

This is an unsmiling woman. From her manner and tone of voice, it is not difficult to tell that this person must be very rigid and have an unkind personality.

But it's not surprising. If this were not the case, she might not be qualified to control the financial power of the Reggie family.

After the meal is finished, both the host and the guest are happy.

Everyone left one after another, but Boorman stayed and said to Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Chen, there is something I want to ask you!"

Chen Xin'an smiled and said, "Mr. Boorman, it doesn't matter!"

"Next month's general election!" Boorman looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "I would like to ask Mr. Chen to be responsible for my security work for three days!"

Mark on the side said dissatisfiedly: "Father, that is what I should do! I have already arranged the candidates..."

Before he could finish speaking, Golden sighed and said, "Dear brother, even if all the people from the Security Bureau come over, they can't compare to Mr. Chen alone!"

If he hadn't gone to Black Hawk Island and seen the methods of Chen Xin'an and his brothers, Mark would definitely have a fight with Golden after hearing what he said.

But now, Mark couldn't say a word.

Because he knows that this guy Golden is right!

What's more, it was related to his father's safety. He himself felt that if Chen Xin'an was responsible, everything would be safe!

Chen Xin'an counted the time.

My wife should go back in the next two days.

But he doesn't want to go back so soon.

Neither Zhang Jian nor Snake Brother was stable, so he didn't dare to leave.

What's more, these two guys, Long Sheng and Xia Hongfeng, are still in the Eagle Flag Country.

They must have more important things to do. Chen Xin'an didn't feel comfortable leaving them here, so he wanted to stay for a few more days.

In this way, we can catch up with Boorman's general election.

This matter is also a major matter that both Mr. Li and Mr. Li have explained, and there is no room for error.

So even if Boorman doesn't take the initiative to make a request, Chen Xin'an will not sit idly by.

"Okay!" Chen Xin'an nodded and said to him, "I will be there when the time comes.

But let me tell you one thing in advance.

I will be responsible for all security, and your people should either stay out of it.

You can make arrangements if you want. All actions will be at my command, without negotiation! "

Boorman suppressed the surprise in his heart, glanced at his two sons, nodded and said:

"Yes! I will ask the secretariat to hand over the itinerary plan to you as soon as possible. It is up to Mr. Chen to decide how to arrange it. Everyone else will comply unconditionally!"

Chen Xin'an nodded and prepared to take everyone away.

Golden said to him: "Mr. Chen just came back and hasn't seen Miss Ning yet, right?"

Chen Xin'an hummed and said, "She was also invited to dinner today at noon!"

I don’t know how many people want to curry favor with the newly appointed GBSA Secretary General.

So it's natural to be treated as a guest.

What's more, Chen Xin'an is not worried because he is still with Mr. Li.



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