Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2317 You didn't come to me just for tea, did you?

The expression on Golden's face was a little strange, as if he wanted to say something, but he didn't speak.

Chen Xin'an narrowed her eyes and glanced at him. Is this kid still determined to give up? Or do you have any bad thoughts about Xiruo?

Even though the two parties are allies, he is Boorman's youngest son.

If he dared to have any evil intentions towards Chen Xin'an's wife, Chen Xin'an would not spoil him and would definitely give him a good beating.

"If you have anything to say, just say it!" Chen Xin'an glanced at Golden expressionlessly.

Golden shrugged his shoulders and said, "I just want to remind Mr. Chen that Boma Manor is not that easy to get into.

Andile is not a generous person. He was not elected this time and suffered a great loss.

Mr. Chen is better to be careful! "

Chen Xin'an frowned and asked him: "What do you mean? Baron Andier? Poma Manor?"

Golden nodded and said to Chen Xin'an: "Miss Ning was invited to Boma Manor by Baron Andier!

Mr. Chen may not have heard of this Baron. This is his identity and his nickname.

After all, there are very few people in the Eagle Flag Country who can occasionally hold a title. This baron is the successor to his father and is also the last one.

At the same time, he is also one of the candidates for GBSA secretary-general. If he failed this time, he was actually only one vote less than Miss Ning!

Usually this person has a small mind and is unreasonably arrogant towards everyone.

I think he is pretending to be generous this time and inviting Miss Ning and Mr. Li to be guests. He must have bad intentions! "

Boorman snorted and said: "Golden, you are a little paranoid! Baron Andier is a well-known person in the city of London, and he will not do anything excessive!"

Gordon sneered and said: "Gordon, do you think our security bureau is vegetarian? If he dares to do anything random, the security bureau will enter Boma Manor within five minutes!"

Golden said to Chen Xin'an with some embarrassment: "I didn't say that Baron Andier would definitely be unfaithful to Miss Ning.

I just asked Mr. Chen to be careful and asked him to remind Ms. Ning not to trust this person too much. After all, he is a permanent director of GBSA.

Miss Ning has just become the secretary-general and needs to arrange some of her confidants.

This person pretended to be generous as soon as he lost the election. He must have ulterior motives..."

Chen Xin'an didn't listen to what they said. She just took out her mobile phone and called Ning Xiruo.

The strange thing is that I don’t know whether the phone call is connected or not. There is neither a busy signal nor various prompts, but there is no sound!

how so?

"What's wrong?" Luo Xiaoman stood next to Chen Xin'an and asked him with a frown.

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said to Boorman, his son and Eve, "Let's go back and rest first. If we have anything to do, call us."

After getting into the car with his brothers, Chen Xin'an said to everyone: "Call Xiruo and see who can get through!"

When the three of them heard this, they all took out their mobile phones.

After a while, the three people's expressions were the same as Chen Xin'an's.

Li Qi suddenly realized and said: "This is electronic interference! It means that the mobile phone signal is blocked!"

The three of them called each other's cell phones, and the ringtones rang.

In this way, it was confirmed that the mobile phone signal was blocked in Xiruo.

Not only her mobile phone, but also Mr. Li and Duan Yu's could not get through!

"Something happened to Xi Ruo!" Luo Xiaoman gritted his teeth and said to Chen Xin'an: "Old Chen, let's go to that Boma Manor now!"

Chen Xin'an took a deep breath and said with a gloomy face: "Don't worry, I want information about this place! Contact Li Niandong and see if he can get it!"

Xiao Zhang asked strangely: "Brother An, why don't you let Boorman and the others provide it?"

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said: "With Andier's status, Boorman and the others may not be able to have his information.

Don't forget, this kind of title is a privilege in the Eagle Flag Country.

Moreover, this kind of manor is private property. Even the local police cannot break in without complete procedures! "

In fact, the most important point is that Chen Xin'an does not believe the information of these foreigners.

This kind of thing still needs to be investigated by your own people.

Xiao Zhang immediately contacted Li Niandong, and then said to Chen Xin'an: "She went to check and will call you later."

Luo Xiaoman asked Chen Xin'an: "Old Chen, where are we going now?"

Chen Xin'an said with a sullen face: "Gun shop!"

Seeing Chen Xin'an walk in, the gun shop owner Joseph opened his hands with enthusiasm and walked out of the counter!

"Hi! Dear Chen, you haven't been to my place for a long time! Have you forgotten me as a friend?"

Now Chen Xin'an is Joseph's noble person, and the purchase volume of one person exceeds the turnover of this gun shop in three or four years.

This was the first time that Joseph met such a rich and generous Chinese man, so he naturally regarded him as his best friend.

Chen Xin'an patted Joseph on the shoulder and said, "Friend, I'm coming to you for tea today, why don't you drive me away?"

Joseph laughed, shook his head and said, "Of course not! It's just that I don't have tea here, but I can drink as much coffee as I want!"

Chen Xin'an laughed, mentioned the gift box she brought back from Huaxia Restaurant, and said to him: "It doesn't matter, I have it!"

Using a coffee pot to make tea also has a unique flavor.

There is a small office behind the counter, and only Joseph's big customers are invited in here.

Sitting on the sofa, Xiao Zhang poured the brewed tea into a cup and handed it to everyone.

Joseph drank tea and said to Chen Xin'an: "Dear Chen, I think you came here today not just to have tea with me, right?

If there is anything you need from me, please just ask!"

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly and said to him: "Don't worry, my friend, he will call."

After two cups of tea, Chen Xin'an's cell phone rang.

After looking at the number, Chen Xin'an answered the call: "Xiaodong, what do you say? Okay, send it over!"

After hanging up the phone, several satellite pictures were sent to Chen Xin'an's mobile phone after a while.

"Ah Qi! Take a look!" Chen Xin'an handed the phone to Li Qi.

After taking the phone, Li Qi looked at it for a while and said to Chen Xin'an: "Boss, ask the boss to help get paper and pen!"

"Friend, please give me paper and pen, and I will make a list for you!" Chen Xin'an said to Joseph with a smile.

Joseph stood up and said to Chen Xin'an: "Please wait a moment, my friend!"

He turned around and walked out, then came back after a while and handed over a stack of manuscript paper and a pen.

Li Qi held a pen and wrote on the manuscript paper while looking at the pictures on his phone.

Luo Xiaoman and Xiao Zhang on the side glanced at each other with greetings in their heads.

What are these? There is not a single Chinese character on it, just model numbers and codes.

Ten minutes later, Li Qi put down the pen, handed the phone to Chen Xin'an and said, "Okay, these should be enough!"

After saying that, he tore off three large pieces of manuscript paper and handed them to Chen Xin'an.

After taking a look, Chen Xin'an also scratched his head. Many of the models on it were even his first time seeing them!

Anyway, if Ah Qi thought it was useful, he would buy it. There was nothing much to say.

He handed the manuscript paper to Joseph and said to him: "Friend, please prepare this for me now."

Joseph took it and took a look. His mouth was so wide that he could fit a fist into it!

"Dear Chen, you are not going to tell me that this is an attack on the Hexagon Building, are you?"



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