The items on this list were items that Joseph had never encountered in all the years he had opened the store.

Some of them are even contraband, and Eagle Flag Country officials do not allow them to be traded privately.

His eyes couldn't help but look at Li Qi. Who is this person?

How do you know so many professional weapons?

Chen Xin'an laughed, shook her head and said, "Don't worry, my friend, I won't harm you. Just go and prepare for me!"

Joseph nodded helplessly and said, "Okay, wait for me for three days!"

"No!" Chen Xin'an picked up the cup, looked at Joseph and said, "On the basis of the proper price of these things, I will pay an extra million!

The condition is that I will get it in two hours! "

Joseph opened his mouth to refuse.

But the profits from this business are so huge!

Moreover, the other party paid one million more, an offer he really couldn’t refuse!

Taking a deep breath, Joseph closed his eyes and said to Chen Xin'an: "Dear Chen, you give me problems every time!

I can’t guarantee that I can help you get everything together, I can only try my best!

Just wait for me here. I'll be back in two hours! "

Chen Xin'an nodded, indicating that he could leave.

Joseph hurried out and left the store to the clerk.

Luo Xiaoman looked outside and said to Chen Xin'an: "Old Chen, aren't you afraid that this old boy will betray us?"

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said: "There is no time to estimate people's hearts now! The worst thing is to fight from here all the way to Boma Manor! God will kill God if he blocks it, and Buddha will kill Buddha if he blocks Buddha!"

The corners of Luo Xiaoman's mouth curled up, revealing a sinister smile.

Even though Chen Xin'an looks calm and calm on the surface, he is more worried than anyone else when his wife is in danger!

That baron is really looking for death. I wonder if Ning Xiruo is the most untouchable part of Chen Xin'an's body.

Everyone knows that Ning Xiruo is Chen Xin'an's biggest weakness, so they simply think that as long as they grasp this weakness, Chen Xin'an will be able to be manipulated.

Little did he know that this weakness was also the key to Chen Xin'an's life and ability as a demon.

By taking advantage of this weakness, Chen Xin'an was forced from a human into a demon.

As for the truly demonized Chen Xin'an, no one is afraid of him, including him, Luo Xiaoman!

Two hours later, a truck pulled up in front of the gun store.

Joseph jumped out of the car, walked to the office, handed Chen Xin'an the list, wiped the sweat from his forehead and said:

"Dear Chen, everything I can get is outside, you can go and take inventory!

Everything I can't get has been crossed out. Even if I were given two days or two years, I wouldn't be able to get it!

But I helped you find a substitute. For example, this medium truck is used to replace the HYG-800 infantry fighting vehicle. The engine and body have been modified.

If you are not satisfied, I can replace it with another one for you. "

Chen Xin'an stood up with a smile, nodded and said, "That's it! The money has been deposited in your account. Take a look. If there's no problem, I'll leave first!"

"Wait a minute!" Joseph walked out, and soon two clerks brought in several wooden boxes.

Joseph sent everyone out and said to Chen Xin'an: "One thousand rounds of 62 bullets, and three hundred rounds of small pineapples.

I give it to you, dear Chen.

No matter what you want to do, your most loyal friend Joseph will always be on your side! "

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly and was not polite. She patted Joseph on the shoulder and asked someone to load the things into the car.

The two cars left the gun store one after another. Chen Xin'an waved to Xiao Zhang, who was driving a medium truck, and pointed to the south of the city.

Destination, Poma Manor.

On the southern outskirts of London, in a forest, an ancient castle is looming.

A radius of more than twenty miles has entered private territory.

In the Eagle Flag Country, you must enter private property without permission, otherwise even if someone shoots you, it will be considered self-defense.

Boma Manor is one of the few ancient manors in the city of London, and it is also the glory of the Boma family.

The place is heavily guarded and full of mystery.

Those who can come here are either rich or noble.

As the owner of this generation of Poma Manor, Baron Andile was sitting on a chair in the garden, looking at Ning Xiruo and Li Zecheng opposite, and raised the red wine glass in his hand.

"Miss Ning, Mr. Li, this is authentic Pomeranian red wine, which is at least twenty years old.

I only take it out when entertaining distinguished guests!

Did you really not drink a sip?

Do you know how many dignitaries from the Eagle Flag Country have found ways to come to Boma Manor just to drink such a glass of wine? "

Han Xiaolei cursed angrily: "Mr. Andile, don't forget that you are a baron! Aren't you afraid of getting into trouble by confining us like this?"

"No, no, no!" Andier shook his head and said with a smile: "Miss Han, I just invited you to drink, but I didn't imprison you!"

Although he said this, the bodyguards around him who were armed with live ammunition were staring at everyone with evil eyes, as if they would rush up at any time and eat everyone alive!

He looked at Ning Xiruo, smiled and said, "Of course, there are some personal matters I want to discuss with Miss Ning.

As long as Miss Ning agrees to the few requests I just made, I will send everyone out immediately! "

Ning Xiruo looked at him coldly and said, "Please call me Secretary-General Ning. Don't forget, I just defeated you by one vote yesterday and was elected as the new Secretary-General of GBSA!"

The veins on Andil's forehead were beating, and his whole face became extremely gloomy!

This was the reason why he deceived Ning Xiruo, and it was also the thing that made him most unhappy!

He actually lost to a woman!

This is not the most important thing, but once defeated, the next plan of the Golden Glove will not be carried out, and the impact and loss on the entire organization will be difficult to calculate!

Originally, this position was what he was determined to win. The Golden Glove never intervened because he didn't feel any difficulty.

Most of the people in GBSA have been bribed by him. For him, the position of secretary-general is just like picking something out of a bag.

Unexpectedly, those guys who were bribed actually rebelled and voted for this woman!

By the time he felt something was wrong, it was already too late to remedy the situation!

The furious Golden Glove executives were ready to give up on Andier completely.

This is what scares Andiel the most.

Once given up by the Golden Gloves, he, the declining nobleman of the Eagle Flag Country, will lose all his glory!

All that was left for him was an empty shell.

Andiel, who was at the end of his rope, immediately thought of an idea. He invited Ning Xiruo to Boma Manor under the pretext of celebrating the appointment of the new secretary-general.

For the people of the Eagle Flag country, it is a great honor to be invited into such an ancient manor as a guest.

What's more, in order to eliminate Ning Xiruo's wariness, Andier also invited Li Zecheng and some other GBSA directors.

However, after the banquet, those people left first under Andier's instructions.

Ning Xiruo and Li Zecheng were left behind, and Andier finally showed his fox tail.

Once the new Secretary-General is successfully elected, he cannot be changed.

Unless something unexpected happens to the Secretary-General, the election of the replacement will begin in advance.

If killing Ning Xi is Andier's last resort, once he does that, he will be in big trouble and it will be difficult to clean himself up.

So he has another trick, which is to make the new secretary-general his puppet!

He prepared a contract and wanted Ning Xiruo to sign it.

At that time, Ning Xiruo can get a sum of money, but if she loses control of GBSA, she will be controlled by Andier in everything she does!

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