Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2319 This also applies to you

Of course Ning Xiruo would not sign this kind of contract.

She was invited to Boma Manor, and many big shots in GBSA knew about it.

So she didn't believe that Andier was so unscrupulous and dared to be tough on her and Mr. Li.

Now she gradually realizes that she has underestimated the importance of this position to Andil, and how crazy he is at the moment!

Gongsun Feiyang and Duan Yu also saw something was wrong. They exchanged glances and put their hands into their arms.

A big Murphy man behind Andil looked at them coldly and said: "I advise you not to move around, there are at least four guns pointed at your heads now!

If you dare to mess around, I guarantee that your heads will be as rotten as a squashed watermelon in the next second! "

Gongsun Feiyang looked at several windows on the top floor of the castle not far away, and indeed there were many bright spots shining.

There are also many people dressed as gardeners in the garden, and their real identities are probably the guards of the manor!

The two looked at each other without saying a word, but both took their hands out of their pockets.

Damn Andil, he's so cunning!

What he did in this round was bold and bold, beyond everyone's imagination.

With his status in the Eagle Flag Nation and his reputation in the city of London, it was only natural that he would invite the new secretary-general to the manor as a guest.

You can even leave yourself with a reputation of being generous and open-minded.

If Ning Xi wants to make a good impression in her GBSA debut, she can't refuse this banquet.

But no one expected that this guy would be so despicable and shameless, using his reputation and identity as a bargaining chip to set up this trap.

And being cunning, when everyone arrived at the manor, he magnanimously let everyone in without asking them to hand over their weapons.

This approach deceives everyone even more.

After the banquet was over, he left Ning Xiruo behind for the purpose of discussing work.

In order not to arouse suspicion or misunderstanding among others, he also kept Li Zecheng behind.

Everything was carried out calmly and logically, and the fox's tail was not revealed until the last moment.

The trapped people understood one thing in an instant.

This is his manor, and he is the master here.

Even if you are allowed to carry weapons, there is no chance to use them.

Because as soon as your gun is exposed, your head will be blown off!

Andile stood up, smiled at everyone and said, "Let's go inside.

Miss Ning can think about it carefully and even rest for an afternoon, so there is no need to worry.

It’s okay to sign the contract whenever you think about it clearly! "

A group of guards came over, forcing Ning Xiruo and Li Zecheng to stand up and walk into the castle.

It has to be said that all modern villas are worth mentioning in front of this kind of castle.

This kind of industry left over from the last century, even after hundreds of years of ups and downs, is still very strong and beautiful, and the interior is even more beautifully decorated.

Everything here, even a small curtain hook, has historical significance and is valuable.

The ancient paintings on the walls make the place look full of antiquity, and each one is priceless.

Even under house arrest, Ning Xiruo and Li Zecheng were attracted by the decorations around them.

I also watched part of it during the banquet before, and everyone praised the rich artistic atmosphere of this castle.

Looking at the gazes of the two people, Andier showed unconcealable pride on his face and said proudly:

“There were several collectors in my ancestors, and they have been passed down to me. My biggest hobby is also collecting.

These world-famous paintings are national treasures of many countries, and our ancestors spent a lot of effort to obtain them.

There are also some that belong to you, China. I have organized a room specifically to store China’s treasures, but..."

His face became a little ferocious, and he looked like he was gnashing his teeth: "Some thieves took advantage of my opportunity to sneak into the castle and stole my treasure!

Damn Red Hood!

I swear I will kill them!

I want to chop off all their hands and feed them to the dogs in front of them! "

Ning Xiruo snorted coldly, looked at him and said, "They are thieves, you and your ancestors are just a group of robbers!

None of these things belong to you, they were plundered by you using despicable means and turned into your own collection.

You're more annoying than the Red Hood! "

Andile sneered, shook his head and said: "A country that cannot protect these treasures is not qualified to own them!

Only in the hands of people who really know how to appreciate them, will these treasures be valued, otherwise, they will just be treated as garbage! "

Ning Xiruo said expressionlessly: "The same applies to you. If you don't have the ability to protect it, if it is stolen, don't show your teeth like a resentful woman.

It didn’t belong to you in the first place, so there’s no need to feel like it’s a huge loss! "

Andier's face darkened, he looked at Ning Xiruo coldly and said, "Miss Ning, it seems that you are in a good mood, why don't I take you down there to have a look!"

Below what he was talking about was the basement of the castle.

Pushing open a heavy iron door, everyone seemed to have entered an underground cell.

It was dark and damp here, and there was a disgusting stench in the air.

No one would have thought that there would be such a dark place under such a magnificent castle.

There are many rooms here, all with closed doors.

A guard opened one of the doors, and Andile said with a smile: "Two distinguished guests, please come in! I'll treat you two to an exciting show!"

When Ning Xiruo and Li Zecheng walked in, they realized that this was actually a grand stand.

It can probably seat one or two hundred people, with a large cylindrical iron cage in the middle.

Andile asked everyone to sit down.

Ning Xiruo and Li Zecheng looked at each other, a little confused.

Why does this guy bring everyone to this place, and what kind of performances can be performed here?

Han Xiaolei, Duan Yu, and Gongsun Feiyang on the side didn't know what was going on, but they always looked wary.

The servants brought out red wine and some snacks, and poured a glass of red wine for everyone.

Andier stretched out his hands and patted them three times vigorously, then turned his head and said to Ning Xiruo with a smile:

"Miss Ning, don't worry. The show will start soon, we can watch it while drinking!

Believe me, you must have never seen this show before, it will definitely thrill you!

And I will never forget it for the rest of my life! "

Ning Xiruo frowned and ignored him.

Soon, a small door under the stands was opened.

A tall man, shirtless and wearing only a pair of torn shorts, walked out with handcuffs and shackles, led by several armed guards.

The iron cage is connected to the bottom level of the stands, so the small door is also the door of the iron cage.

The man almost walked directly into the cage.

Two guards pointed their guns at the man's head, and another guard took out a key and unlocked the man's handcuffs and shackles.

As soon as he opened it, the man suddenly got angry and strangled the guard who opened the lock for him by the neck!

But before he could exert any force, the two guards next to him rushed over at the same time and hit him hard with their rifle butts!

These guards seemed to be veterans in handling this situation and knew where to hit them most effectively.

The two rifle butts were smashed down, and the man suddenly lost his breath, and his body went limp and fell to the ground!

The guard who was almost kidnapped kicked him angrily, spat on the ground, then took out a knife, threw it beside him, turned around and left with his companions.

Ning Xiruo looked at this scene, and a word suddenly popped into her mind: Gladiator!

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