Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2320 Never leave your back to the beast

Unexpectedly, this cruel sport that existed in the West two thousand years ago is still spread today.

Ning Xiruo had no interest in this kind of performance at all. She stood up and wanted to leave, but was stopped by the guard next to her.

Andier looked at Ning Xiruo with a smile and said: "Miss Ning, it hasn't started yet, don't worry.

You can’t leave until you finish watching! "

Taking a deep breath, Ning Xiruo sat down again and said to Andier:

"I will report everything you did today to all senior management of GBSA.

And I will call the police and you will be severely punished! "

Andile burst out laughing, shook his head and said, "Miss Ning, you are so naive!

Believe me, after a few days you will know how powerful I am and no one can disobey me!

You will do things for me obediently, and everything will be done willingly.

Because you know what kind of punishment you will get if you go against my will! "

He pointed at the man in the iron cage, curled his lips and said, "Do you know who he is?

He was once the guard of my estate, a man who once swore allegiance to me.

But last month I investigated and found out that he was actually an undercover police agent!

Do you know how I deal with these undercover agents?

You'll see it soon.

Anyone who disobeys me or betrays me will be punished like this! "

Another small door in the iron cage was opened.

But no one came out, as if they were afraid.

The police undercover also grabbed the knife left by the guard in his hand and stared at the dark door.

Keeping this knife was not because the guard had any compassion.

I just want to make this fight more exciting.

Seeing that no one came out of the small door, the undercover agent seemed relieved.

He didn't want to be manipulated by Andil and fight for his life with someone he didn't know.

But he didn't know if the other party had the same idea as him, so he held the knife just to protect himself in case of accidents.

If the opponent doesn't attack him, then of course he won't take the initiative to attack.

Now that the other party didn't dare to come out, he certainly wouldn't go over to provoke him. He turned around and looked at the iron cages around him, as if observing the possibility of breaking out.

Soon, he saw Andil sitting in the stands, and became emotional. He raised a knife and yelled at Andil.

But Andier seemed not to hear, just holding the wine glass and tasting the wine leisurely.

But at this moment, the undercover's voice suddenly stopped.

As if he sensed danger, he suddenly turned around and looked at the dark little door with wary eyes!

There seemed to be an unusual fishy smell in the air, and the atmosphere began to become tense.

The undercover agent carefully took two steps forward, as if he wanted to see clearly who was in the small door.

But in an instant, his eyes suddenly widened, his face instantly turned pale, and his feet slowly stepped back, as if he had seen something terrible.

At this moment, everyone also saw a figure walking out of the small door.

Everyone had a look of horror on their faces!

Because what came out was not a person, but a tiger!

This is a large adult tiger, with a body nearly three meters long and a person tall!

The undercover agent who originally looked strong looked very weak in front of it!

The tiger panted heavily and stared at the undercover with his eyes.

It had been hungry for two days, and the person in front of it was its most delicious food.

Ning Xiruo and everyone were also dumbfounded and looked horrified.

No one expected that Andil would be so cruel, killing living people and beasts!

"Ouch!" The tiger stood about five meters away from the undercover agent and roared.

Even though they were so far apart, the fishy wind still blew the undercover's messy hair around.

He took a step back, the hand holding the knife shaking uncontrollably.

In front of such a behemoth, it is difficult to kill with one hit even with a gun.

And the consequence of not being able to kill with one strike is to be torn into pieces and eaten by it!

What's more, it's just a knife, which doesn't play much role in self-defense!

The undercover turned around, grabbed the iron cage with both hands, shook it vigorously, and shouted:

"Let me out! Andile, you madman! You will be punished for doing this!"

"Idiot!" Andile cursed with disdain, "Remember, when confronting a beast, never turn your back to it!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the tiger leaned back, like a fully drawn bow, jumped up, and rushed towards the undercover.

As if feeling the danger behind him, the undercover agent quickly ducked to the side, but he was still a step too late and was pulled on by the tiger's claws.

With a scream, blood surged from the undercover's body.

A piece of flesh was torn off from his shoulder, revealing the white bones inside!

He was injured after just one encounter, and the bloody scene shocked everyone in the stands.

Gongsun Feiyang carefully put his hand into his arms.

Everyone's attention is on the iron cage, which is his chance!

But before he could feel it, a cold muzzle was pressed against his forehead!

The cunning Andil sent at least six guards to him and Duan Yu.

Unexpectedly, these bastards didn't even look at the iron cage, but kept staring at them without blinking!

In the iron cage, the undercover agent looked in pain, holding a knife in his right hand, and his bloody left arm hanging by his side.

The tiger missed, turned around, and charged towards the undercover again!

The undercover agent turned around and ran, circling around the iron cage!

The difference in strength is too big, there is no way to fight, the only choice is to escape.

Just running all the time won't work, after all, humans can't match the speed of tigers.

Moreover, the undercover agent had been injured and his physical strength was damaged. In front of the tiger, his speed and strength were crushed!

Seemingly seizing an opportunity, the undercover agent who was escaping suddenly turned around, aimed at the tiger's neck and stabbed it hard!

It's just that his strength is greatly reduced due to injuries.

Moreover, the toughness of the beast's skin was beyond his imagination. The knife only penetrated half an inch, but it was difficult to get in. Instead, he was slapped away by the claws of the painful tiger!

This slap completely severed the already injured left arm!

The bones visible to the naked eye at the wound were broken, hanging to the side of the body, as if with just a little force, the whole arm could be thrown away!

The undercover agent screamed and stood up, staggering forward.

He wanted to stay as far away from this behemoth as possible.

But the injured tiger became ferocious at this moment, giving him no chance to escape at all!

With a loud cry, the tiger pounced again!

It can cover a distance of five or six meters in one leap. Not to mention that the undercover agent is injured, even a healthy person cannot escape from this behemoth!

Sure enough, before the undercover agent could run very far, he was jumped to the ground by the tiger!

The bloody scene that followed made everyone in Ning Xiruo vomit!

Even Gongsun Feiyang has never seen such a barbaric and cruel scene!

The tiger pinned the prey under its body with its claws, and began to bite the prey's body with its sharp teeth.

Whether it was out of revenge or out of habit, it did not bite the prey's throat immediately.

This only increased the pain of the prey, who almost watched his body being torn to pieces!

Now Ning Xiruo finally understood why she felt a strange smell when she came here.

It was the smell of blood mixed with excrement!

Even if you don't see anything, just smelling the smell is enough to make you vomit!

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