Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2321 He doesn’t want you to resign

The only person who can be calm and composed is Andiel.

He gently swung the red wine in the goblet, shook his head and said, "Too weak! I thought these police officers were very strong, but I didn't expect that they couldn't last more than three minutes!"

He turned his head, looked at Gongsun Feiyang and Duan Yu, and said with a smile:

“I have always heard that Chinese warriors are very powerful.

So I have always had a wish.

If a Chinese warrior is sent in, do you think he will kill the tiger? "

Everyone's expressions changed.

Han Xiaolei cursed loudly: "How dare you! Old Duan, do it!"

She knew her man had a gun, so she waited for him to shoot.

As long as there is a fight, she will immediately pull Mr. Li and Xi Ruo away and hide far away.

Of course, this is just her wishful thinking.

Duan Yu also had a wry smile on his face.

If I have the chance, I certainly won't stand still.

But now, with several guns pointed at him, how to shoot?

He is not afraid of death, but if he shoots under such circumstances, he will definitely die, and Mr. Ning and Mr. Li will be implicated, which will have no effect on the outcome!

"I can't wait to see that scene now!" Andil grinned, waving to the guard and said:

“Take the guns off them.

Since you are a friend of Miss Ning and a member of Mr. Li, I will take special care of you today and let you two go in together!

The opportunity has been given to you. Whether you can come out alive depends on your own ability! "

Several guards stood up and surrounded Gongsun Feiyang and Duan Yu with guns.

Han Xiaolei wanted to stand up, but was pinned down on her seat by two guards, unable to move.

Li Zecheng's face was livid, he glared at Andier and shouted: "Baron Andier, please don't go too far!

If I report this matter to the embassy, ​​even your status as a baron will not be able to protect you! "

Andile laughed, shook his head and looked at him and said, "You can tell me when you have a chance to report!"

Ning Xiruo looked angry and cursed at Andier: "Let them go!"

Andile smiled and said: "Yes! The premise is that you sign the contract first!"

"Despicable!" Ning Xiruo's silver teeth were almost bitten into pieces by herself.

She has never seen such a bold and despicable person!

Taking a deep breath, Ning Xiruo looked at Andier and said, "Let them go, I will resign to the committee!"

"Xi Ruo, no!" Li Zecheng shook his head at Ning Xi Ruo.

This position carries too many responsibilities and has far-reaching meanings and arrangements. Once you give up, the losses will not be as big as usual.

Ning Xiruo turned her head, looked at Li Zecheng and said, "Mr. Li, nothing is more important than human life! I can't watch my friends and brothers being killed because of me!"

Li Zecheng looked at Ning Xiruo and sighed heavily.

After all, Ning Xiruo and Chen Xin'an are both the same kind of people.

It’s really not a family, don’t enter the same door.

People like them, unlike Mr. Li, always put justice first.

For this goal, people like Mr. Li can sacrifice their lives without hesitation, even those they love most.

But people like Chen Xin'an and Ning Xiruo are different. Lovers, relatives and friends are the first things in their hearts.

Any loss can be made up, but a person only lives once.

But Andier laughed, shook his head and said to Ning Xiruo: "Miss Ning, I think you have misunderstood!

I'm not asking you to resign, and I don't support your resignation.

Just sign a contract, and you can still be your secretary-general comfortably! "

Li Zecheng said with a gloomy face: "Even if you resign, there is no way for him to take over.

That would be too eye-catching and he couldn't explain it to everyone.

The best alternative is to make you his puppet.

Otherwise, if we get a new Secretary-General, everything he does today will have to be done over again, which is not cost-effective. "

Andier smiled and said to Li Zecheng: "I have always felt that Mr. Li is the wisest among all directors.

You are the most suitable person to be the secretary-general. It's just that Mr. Li didn't want to wade into this muddy water, so he pushed Miss Ning out. "

Ning Xiruo snorted coldly and said to Andier: "You don't need to sow discord here! Mr. Li is old and doesn't want to work so hard anymore.

I am willing to compete for the position of GBSA Secretary General!

In fact, Mr. Li told Chen Xin'an and Ning Xiruo why he was not the secretary-general, and even if he didn't say it, Chen Xin'an and Ning Xiruo could guess it.

His identity is too sensitive!

If he becomes the secretary-general of GBSA, he will bring Long Dun to the public, and he may be exposed at any time.

In this way, he himself cannot explain it, and Longdun will also be investigated by all parties, which will also cause great damage to China's fertility!

We must find someone who can cooperate with Long Dun and has a high national sense and sense of responsibility to replace Mr. Li.

The most important thing is that he has a clean life and has no influence.

At this point, Chen Xin'an is not as good as Ning Xiruo!

Therefore, Ning Xiruo was the perfect candidate, and she received secret support from the government, so she could successfully become the secretary-general.

Now that Andier actually lets Ning Xiruo be his puppet, it is tantamount to letting the Chinese officialdom be at his mercy.

And she also had to take the blame for him. Of course Ning Xiruo would not agree to such a request!

Andile shrugged and said to her: "In this case, there is nothing I can do!

It doesn't matter, we can continue watching the show!

That tiger is full, we can come in with something else!

Why don't you two choose it yourself?

In addition to tigers, I also have a pair of lions, crocodiles and man-eating pythons.

Or a pack of hyenas, who would you like to play with? "

Gongsun Feiyang and Duan Yu were already pale, and they knew very well that no matter which one they chose, they would be dead ends!

But now they dare not resist.

They are not afraid of death, but they know that once they take action, everyone else will be implicated!

At this moment, a guard suddenly ran in with a panicked expression, walked to Andil's side, and said a few words in his ear.

Andile snorted and asked coldly: "How many people know?"

The guard whispered: "It looks like there are two cars, but there are many empty seats. There should be four people!"

Andile's eyes widened, and he turned to curse at the guard: "It's just four people, and how can we scare you like this?

Are all the people I spend money raising a bunch of losers? "

The guard looked pale and whispered: "Their firepower is too strong, and they are like madmen!

A dozen of our people were killed on the first fence!

Now everyone has returned to the castle and closed the door! "

Andile's expression changed. He glanced around and seemed a little reluctant, but he still said with a gloomy face:

“Take them all out!

Since they are here to find them, let them watch how those people die.

Let them know what despair feels like! "

A group of guards rushed up, and now they no longer pretended to be generous. They took out ropes and tied everyone up.

Even the guns on Gongsun Feiyang and Duan Yu were taken away.

Ning Xiruo and Li Zecheng also heard a few words. Although they didn't listen in too much detail, they understood one thing instantly.

The person who saved them is here, and it must be Chen Xin'an and his brother!

Ning Xiruo breathed a sigh of relief, with a smile on her lips.

There was also a trace of pity in her eyes when she looked at Andil, because she knew that this man was already dead!



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