Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2322 You will die soon

He hurriedly walked out of the underground, and was taken upstairs again, until he reached the highest level of the castle.

It is about thirty meters above the ground, equivalent to the height of a ten-story building.

There is a large balcony. Sitting here, you can have a panoramic view of the entire manor.

Of course, the height is okay, but there are many trees planted in the manor and there are large gardens.

People are difficult to see among trees and gardens.

Ning Xiruo and the others were secretly shocked. They didn't expect that there were so many guards with guns hidden in the seemingly beautiful scenery.

It is conceivable that if everyone had resisted from the beginning, they would have been beaten to a pulp by now!

And you can't even run away, because no matter where you go, there will be people blocking you with guns.

Han Xiaolei, who just complained that Duan Yu didn't dare to resist, was also frightened now.

She said to Li Zecheng in a trembling voice: "Mr. Li, they have ambushed many people. Can the people who save us rush in?"

Before Mr. Li could answer, Andier, who heard her words, turned his head, smiled slightly, and said to her:

“What you see now is just part of the manor!

There is also an even more terrifying defense system, which you may not have the opportunity to see today.

Because those people can't get in here at all.

So you'd better obey my arrangements honestly, so that you can survive! "

Ning Xiruo curled her lips with disdain on her face.

His eyes were looking into the distance without blinking.

In the direction of the gate of the manor, on the forest path, two cars were driving quickly one behind the other.

One is a medium-sized truck with a tarpaulin on the back, and the one behind it is the familiar Reggie Business.

Sure enough, his man is here!

Seeing a smile on her face without any fear, Andile felt very unhappy.

He sneered and said to Ning Xiruo: "It seems that Miss Ning is in a good mood?

You don’t really think that just four people can storm into Boma Manor, do you? "

Ning Xiruo turned her head, looked at him seriously and said, "Baron Andier, you are going to die!"

Andile looked at her blankly, and then suddenly laughed so hard that tears came out!

"Miss Ning, I suddenly discovered that you are a very humorous person!

What were you just saying?

I'm dying?

You mean, those four men will kill me?

Do you think they are gods?

There are only four people, and they want to storm Boma Manor?

Or have you forgotten my identity?

Even if they can break in, do you think they dare to kill me?

Do you know what kind of trouble it will cause them if I, the baron, are killed? "

Ning Xiruo shook her head, looked in the direction of the door, and said in a calm tone:

"My husband will kill you with his own hands.

Your biggest mistake was not to plunder those treasures, nor to kill the undercover agent.

Instead, he plotted against me and imprisoned me here.

Just wait and see, you don't know what your husband will become by holding me hostage.

But you’ll see soon enough! "

"He's just a damn Chinese!" Andier sneered with a mocking expression.

Ning Xiruo hummed and said: "He is not a damn Chinese, he is Chen Xin'an!"

"Chen Xin'an?!" Andier screamed, looked at Ning Xiruo in disbelief, widened his eyes and asked:

"Is this the one Chen Xin'an who went to Black Hawk Island and turned the Killer Alliance and Perose into a mess?"

Ning Xiruo looked at him with pity, smiled and asked, "Are you scared now?"

Andier's face was full of shock, and he looked at Ning Xiruo without blinking, and then the expression on his face turned into ecstasy!

"Hahaha! Is this God's arrangement?

The new secretary-general of GBSA is actually Chen Xin’an’s wife!

And she is in my hands now!

Once they know about this, they will definitely reward me.

All the faults have been made up for by this credit! "

Ning Xiruo glanced at Li Zecheng next to her, and both of them felt worried and uneasy.

Could it be that this guy has known Chen Xinan for a long time and has a deep friendship?

In fact, just like the relationship between Li Zecheng and Long Dun, the relationship between Andier and Red Gloves is also unknown.

Now that he knew that Ning Xiruo was Chen Xin'an's wife, he instantly felt that the risks he had taken in doing this were all worth it!

He walked up to Ning Xiruo, grabbed her hair, and forced her head up!

"It turns out you are Chen Xin'an's woman! That's really great! I was just worrying about how to kill this guy, but I didn't expect you to come to my door!"

The severe pain made Ning Xiruo almost scream, but she held it back.

She didn't let herself show weakness in front of this well-dressed beast, she just stared at him with resentful eyes and said nothing.

"Let her go!" Li Zecheng on the side became angry, stood up and rushed towards Andier.

But as soon as he moved, a guard grabbed his arm and pinned him down on the chair!

Andier grabbed Ning Xiruo's hair and walked up to Li Zecheng, kicked him in the chest, and knocked Mr. Li and his chair all to the ground!

"What's wrong, old guy? Do you want to hit me?" Andier looked at Li Zecheng provocatively and said:

“I’m afraid you don’t know whose territory this is!

Do you know that I have long disliked you?

I told you that you must support me and never vote for others. Why don't you always listen?

If you hadn't been such a coward and wouldn't even eat wild beasts, I would have thrown you into an iron cage long ago! "

"Mr. Li!" Han Xiaolei screamed and wanted to rush over.

But she was tied up behind her back, and she didn't know kung fu. Even if she rushed forward, she would be kicked down.

Gongsun Feiyang and Duan Yu also tried desperately to rush over, but they were surrounded by several guards, who smashed them with rifle butts, causing their heads to bleed!

Ning Xiruo looked at Andier coldly and said, "Is this the so-called veteran nobleman of the Eagle Flag Country?

Is this gentlemanly behavior?

What an eye-opener! "

Andile's face turned red and he looked a little embarrassed.

In the Eagle Flag Country, for descendants of nobles like them, style and appearance are undoubtedly the most important thing.

No matter how ugly and perverted he is on the inside, at least he always maintains a polite image in front of outsiders.

Even in the underground fighting arena just now, Andil looked confident and courteous.

But when he learned that the woman who stole his position as secretary-general was actually the wife of his life-and-death enemy Chen Xin'an, he got carried away and exposed the evil hidden deep in his heart.

But now that he was exposed, he didn't bother to pretend. He grabbed Ning Xiruo's hair and said to her:

“Don’t you think I’m more attractive as a man like this?

It seems that your husband loves you very much. Knowing that you are here, he dared to save you with only three people!

Now I don’t know whether to praise him for being brave or laugh at him for being stupid!

Does he think that Boma Manor is like a roadside store where anyone can come in if they want? "

Ning Xiruo looked at him expressionlessly and said, "Those people in the Killer League used to think like this.

Even the top management of Paroses should have such thoughts! "

The smile on Andil's face froze, and his eyes looking at Ning Xiruo were filled with anger.

He raised his hand, slapped Ning Xiruo hard on the face, and said through gritted teeth:

"This is not the headquarters of the Killer Alliance, nor is it Peroses, this is Boma Manor!

Chen Xin'an can't even get through the door!

Listen to me, let them get close to the door, and then give me a good beating!

I'm going to see Chen Xin'an's body later! "

Ning Xiruo's mouth was bleeding, but she didn't say a word. She just opened her mouth angrily, and then spat a mouthful of bloody phlegm on Andier's face with a pop!



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