Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2323 You are an incompetent waste

"Damn it!" Andier punched Ning Xiruo in the face, knocking her to the ground.

Then he took out a white handkerchief and wiped the blood on his face.

He looked at Ning Xiruo who fell on the ground and said coldly:

“You know what’s the best way to humiliate a married man?

It’s okay, you’ll find out soon enough! "

He threw his handkerchief to the ground and said to the guards beside him: "Elke, this woman belongs to you now.

She is quite pretty and has a good figure.

More importantly, she is Chen Xin'an's wife!

Didn't your cousin die in Chen Xin'an's hands?

Now is the chance to avenge him, what are you waiting for? "

One of the guards looked at Ning Xiruo on the ground with shining eyes and whistled. Several companions nearby laughed and walked over and stood beside Ning Xiruo.

"You bastards!" Han Xiaolei rushed over desperately and bumped into Elk's body.

"Stupid woman!" Elk cursed disdainfully, then grabbed her hair and stopped her from moving.

"Lord Baron?" Elk grabbed Han Xiaolei and looked at Andier.

Knowing what he meant, Andile shrugged his shoulders and said indifferently: "As you wish, these two women are yours now!"

Several guards whistled at the same time.

At the same time, Elke punched Han Xiaolei in the stomach!

Han Xiaolei screamed, took two steps back and sat on the ground.

Duan Yu roared: "Xiao Lei!"

He wanted to rush over, but was punched and kicked by the guard next to him, and he was quickly knocked to the ground.

"Hey!" Han Xiaolei's clothes were torn, revealing a black belt.

A group of guards all laughed and whistled.

Andier's eyes were shining and he shouted excitedly: "Take off Chen Xin'an's wife as well. When you are done playing, hang her up naked and let Chen Xin'an see it too!"

A group of guards laughed and rushed towards Ning Xiruo.

Ning Xiruo, like Mr. Li, was not tied up from behind.

After all, they are powerless women and old people, and they pose no threat to them at all.

Seeing a group of guards rushing over like wolves and tigers, Ning Xiruo looked at Andier with a deep mockery on her face!

“A coward who is not even a man, a cripple!

I can only use these perverted methods to make up for my twisted heart!

Satisfying yourself by watching others play will only make you more and more empty and perverted! "

Andile's expression changed, and he roared: "Stop!"

A group of guards stopped and looked at him strangely.

Andier's face was livid, he glared at Ning Xiruo and said, "What did you say?"

Ning Xiruo sneered coldly and said with disdain: "I said you are a cripple!

Not a man!

You are an incompetent person!

There is no masculinity at all!

You're just a useless piece of trash, do you understand? "

Andil's face turned from livid to red, and his eyes began to turn red. He gritted his teeth and looked at Ning Xiruo and cursed:

"You despicable woman, shut up!

How dare you humiliate me like this, how dare you insult a baron like me..."

Ning Xiruo said with disdain: "Don't say you are just a baron, even if you are a duke, it cannot change the fact that you are a waste!

If someone like you hadn't inherited everything from your father, how could you have such a status and everything you have now?

If these guards knew that the person they were loyal to was just a cripple who was not a man, do you think they would laugh at you? "

"Shut up, shut up!" Andier shouted crazily, rushed over, grabbed Ning Xiruo's hair, and kept beating her!

Like an angry shrew who fell into a perverted madness!

A group of guards were stunned and looked at their master in disbelief.

There were rumors in the past that Baron Andier was physically disabled and was not a complete man.

But as the two people who were discussing the matter privately disappeared, the gossip stopped.

Looking at Baron's performance now, is it possible that this news is true?

No wonder every time he tortured a woman, no matter how beautiful she was, he would always let them have sex, but he had never seen the Baron do it himself.

But the strangest thing is, how did the newly appointed Secretary-General know?

In fact, for Ning Xiruo, it was also a guess.

There is no revenge or humiliation that is more satisfying than carrying it out yourself.

But Andile asked his men to do those things for him, so either the woman was ugly, or he was incompetent!

Although she wears makeup and looks older than her actual age, she is not ugly either.

And Han Xiaolei is also a beauty.

But this guy just let his guards do it, and he watched from the side. This is a typical example of how he can only do it if he is not good enough!

Unexpectedly, after testing it, I guessed it right!

But it also attracted crazy revenge from this pervert.

But this is also the situation Ning Xiruo wants!

Andile was beating her like crazy, and the guards nearby didn't dare to come forward.

This is a rare opportunity for Ning Xiruo!

Because they couldn't go through customs, the pear blossom needles were left at home during the heavy rain.

But Ning Xiruo was not without weapons.

Chen Xin'an gave her a gun!

Just as Andil grabbed her hair with one hand and slammed her head with his fist, Ning Xiruo took out the gun in her hand, pointed it at Andil's chest, and fired three shots!

Even Mr. Li didn't know that Ning Xiruo had a gun.

And she didn't take it out, she was very calm.

Because she knew where she was and who she was facing.

She also knew what the consequences would be if she didn't succeed.

So she had been waiting for an opportunity, not necessarily to kill him with one shot, but to make Andil lose his ability to move instantly and be controlled by her.

She didn't shoot at Andil's head, which would kill him directly.

She even avoided the heart and didn't aim at the fatal part.

After three shots, Andil fell to the ground!

"Lord Baron!" A group of guards were all stunned.

Ning Xiruo quickly bent down, pointed the gun at Andil's head, and shouted: "Don't move! Otherwise I will blow his head off!"

The group of guards really didn't dare to move, just stared at Andil, not knowing whether he was dead or alive.

Ning Xiruo wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth and shouted to Han Xiaolei: "Sister Xiaolei, how are you?"

Han Xiaolei pushed the guards beside her away, stood up from the ground, and said to her with a strong stomach pain: "I'm fine!"

Ning Xiruo nodded and said: "Help Mr. Li up, untie the ropes of Feiyang and Brother Yu!"

"Okay!" Han Xiaolei turned around.

A guard next to him just wanted to stop him, but Ning Xiruo turned the gun muzzle and shot him with a bang, knocking him down.

Then in the blink of an eye, she pointed the gun at Andil's head again and shouted loudly: "Don't move, or I will kill him!"

Everyone looked at their companion who was shot on the ground, with a peanut-sized blood hole on his temple, and they were all shocked.

This woman's shooting skills are very accurate. It must not be the first time she has fired a gun!

So no one dared to act rashly at this moment!

Han Xiaolei walked over to help Li Lao up, then pulled out a knife from the waist of the corpse on the ground, and walked over to untie the ropes for Duan Yu and Gongsun Feiyang.

At this moment, Ning Xiruo suddenly exclaimed!

Andil, who was shot three times in a row, suddenly made a move, grabbed her wrist holding the gun, and then punched her in the stomach!

At this time, Ning Xiruo had also seen that Andil's chest, which was originally shot, did not ooze out a drop of blood!

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