Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2326 Do you dare to compete with me in sword skills?

Everyone's attention was focused below, but Duan Yu's rope had been quietly disconnected!

Just now, Han Xiaolei desperately picked up a dagger and tried to rush over to untie him, but was knocked to the ground by the guard.

But the knife fell not far away.

When everyone's eyes fell on the battle below, he used his feet to push the knife over, twisted his body, let the hand tied behind his back get the knife, and cut the rope bit by bit.

The first thing he did when his hands were free was to take a knife and try to cut Gongsun Feiyang's bonds.

Just when he was halfway through the cut, he was spotted by the guard next to him!

"What are you doing!" One of the guards yelled, and Duan Yu thrust the knife into Gongsun Feiyang's hand and rushed over.


There was a gunshot, and the bullet made a bloody groove on Duan Yu's face. Duan Yu also rushed to the guard's chest and threw him to the ground!

Everyone in Elk, who originally wanted to go downstairs to fight, turned around and rushed towards Duan Yu.

Bang bang bang!

Elke fired three shots at the people on the ground. Duan Yu turned over and turned the guard onto him!

As the body of the person on him trembled, all three shots hit the guard!

A guard pointed a gun at Duan Yu's head from the side. Just as he was about to shoot, a man from behind suddenly rushed over and cut off his throat with a knife!

Before he could fall to the ground, Gongsun Feiyang, who had just cut off the rope, rushed over, grabbed his wrist, and unloaded his pistol.

"Old Duan, keep going!" Gongsun Feiyang shouted, grabbed the guard's gun and threw it to Duan Yu.


Duan Yu grabbed the pistol, rotated the gun in the trigger ring of his index finger, and then knocked the two guards next to him to the ground with two bangs!

Gunshots rang out on the balcony and bullets flew everywhere.

Andile was so frightened that he fell to the ground and kept yelling: "You bastards, do you want to beat me to death too!"

Elk stood in front of him and said in a deep voice: "Lord Baron, don't worry, I won't let you get hurt!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Ning Xiruo rushed over with a knife and stabbed the dagger into Andier's thigh with a bang!

"Ah! Damn it!" Andile screamed, but he was scolding Elk.

After all, this guy just promised!

Due to her size, it would be a bit inconvenient for Ning Xi to stab Andier in the neck.

Since Andil was wearing a body armor, stabbing his upper body wouldn't have much effect, so he simply stabbed him in the thigh.

Elke was also ashamed and angry, feeling ashamed!

He directly raised his arm, aimed at Ning Xiruo and fired three shots!

All the bullets hit Ning Xiruo's chest, knocking her back a few steps and falling on her back!

"Xi Ruo!" Li Zecheng cried out sadly!

Originally, Ning Xiruo didn't want to accept Andier's invitation, but it was him who persuaded her to accept the appointment.

Because of Andiel's status, he represented some forces in the Eagle Flag Country that were not affiliated with the official government.

Since the other party has taken the initiative to show goodwill, you might as well make acquaintance, and your future work will go more smoothly.

He really didn't expect that the baron would be so bold, so he always felt guilty.

Now watching Ning Xiruo being shot and falling to the ground in front of him, the old man didn't care about anything at this moment!

He stood up tremblingly, and then rushed towards Elk desperately!

"Mr. Li!" Han Xiaolei rushed over and hugged him, and they both fell to the ground at the same time.

Bullets whizzed past the head, and one of the guards missed two shots. He tried to shoot again, but with a whoosh, a cold sword flew past!

"Ah!" With a scream, a sword was stuck in the guard's gun-holding wrist, and his gun fell to the ground!

At the door of the balcony, Chen Xin'an walked up with a gloomy face. At the same time, an invisible murderous aura enveloped the balcony!

All the guards involuntarily stopped chasing Duan Yu and Gongsun Feiyang, turned to look at Chen Xin'an, and swallowed nervously.

Li Zecheng fell to the ground and cried bitterly: "Xin'an, I'm sorry! I didn't protect Xiruo well, it's all my fault!"

He knew the feelings of this young couple very well.

He couldn't imagine what kind of actions Chen Xin'an would do under the pain of losing his wife, and what kind of big trouble it would bring to the entire Eagle Flag Country!

Chen Xin'an didn't look at anyone else, just stared at Ning Xiruo on the ground, walking over step by step.

"Stop! I told you to stop!" Andier pointed at Chen Xin'an and yelled, and shouted to Elke: "Stop him, don't let him come over!"

Ekel shouted to the guard next to him: "Why are you still standing there? Kill him!"

A guard suddenly changed his mind. I will fight for one million!

He raised his arm and fired two shots at Chen Xin'an. The third shot clicked and the magazine was empty.

Everyone saw an afterimage passing in front of Chen Xin'an. His head was unscathed and his steps never stopped.

But in his right hand, when he twisted his fingers, two yellow bullets appeared!

Everyone was shocked!

Catching bullets with your bare hands?

And two in a row?

Is this possible for humans to do?

How could such an enemy be beaten to death?

He's not even afraid of guns!

As Chen Xin'an fired with his right hand, the two warheads made two quick pops, one after another, and they were rammed into the guard's head!

It was as if two red eyes were opened on his forehead!

The guard didn't even have a chance to scream, and the doctor fell to the ground.

Something red and white flowed out of the bullet hole on his head, and the remaining guards subconsciously took two steps back.

Seeing Chen Xin'an's footsteps never stopping, getting closer and closer, Andier seemed to smell the breath of death, his face turned gray, he pushed Elk forward and said to Chen Xin'an:

"Your wife was beaten to death by him and it has nothing to do with me! I just invited your wife over for a meal, don't get me wrong!"

Unexpectedly, he was betrayed by his boss, and Elke was also a little stunned.

He really wanted to turn around and shoot this waste who was greedy for life and afraid of death.

But he didn't dare.

Because if he does that, the Golden Glove won't let his family go.

Anyway, he was indeed the one who beat that woman to death. He must fight Chen Xin'an today, so let's leave some benefits to his family!

He didn't expect to be able to beat Chen Xin'an to death.

Because Chen Xin'an's actions just now scared him. This opponent was unprecedentedly powerful, and he had no chance of victory at all.

However, if you save your own life and your opponent is injured, it is best to lose the ability to fight. It is also good to save the Baron's life.

The Baron has always been generous and would not treat his family badly!

If you can catch a bullet, I don’t believe you can catch my knife!

Elk simply threw the pistol on the ground, took out the dagger from his body, held it in his hand, and got into a fighting posture.

He was once a killer of the Killer Alliance and was called the Sword Demon.

That is to say, he has superb swordsmanship, and he once ranked among the top ten masters on the killer list with his swordsmanship!

Seeing Chen Xin'an still walking over calmly, Elke took a few steps forward and gritted his teeth and said:

"I beat your wife to death and it had nothing to do with the Baron!

If you want to avenge her, come to me!

As long as you can avoid my knife..."

Before he could finish his words, Chen Xin'an suddenly appeared in front of him!

Elk was shocked, this guy moved so fast!

With no time to react, Elke relied on his instinctive reaction and cut Chen Xin'an's neck with a knife!

Chen Xin'an leaned back and dodged.

His knife was still stuck in the wrist of one of the guards, and he was now fighting with bare hands.

Elke struck three times in a row, and Chen Xin'an took three steps back.

At this time, Elke's mind was settled.

It turns out that this guy only had quick eyes and quick hands when catching bullets. In terms of sword skills, he was still suppressed by him, so his strength was just that!

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