Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2327 I thought I would never see you again

Seeing that Chen Xin'an was completely out of breath from his sharp knife skills, Elke showed a proud sneer on his face.

"Even if I kill your wife, what can you do to me?

Do you want to avenge your wife?

It's a pity that you can't even protect yourself!

You were wrong in making me put down the gun and pick up the knife.

You have no idea that I am the scariest person with the knife! "

As he spoke, he flipped his wrist, held the handle of the knife behind his back and made a diagonal slash!

There was no way to avoid this knife, because Elke had already seen that behind Chen Xin'an was Li Zecheng who fell to the ground.

If Chen Xin'an takes a step back, he will step on the old man.

He will definitely lose his balance by then, and it will be a good opportunity to kill him!

If he didn't retreat, the sword would be powerful enough to cut open his entire chest!

And he had already seen the men next to him, aiming their guns at this guy's head!

You can catch the bullet if you're facing away, but what about facing away?

And it was still under the suppression of my sword skills.

This guy is dead!

"Since you love your wife so much, go and stay with her!" Ekel shouted.

Just in case, he still yelled to cover up the gunfire from behind!


He felt his wrist tighten and he couldn't move his entire right arm.

Moreover, his body seemed to be pulled hard, and before he could react, he was already stuck with his opponent!

Then he felt a pain in his back, and he felt as if all the strength in his body was like a hole in a water tank, and all the strength flowed out with a splash!

At this moment, his eyes were still looking at Chen Xin'an in disbelief.

It is simply unimaginable how someone with such a powerful knife could be caught?

The opponent is obviously a little shorter than him and not as strong as him, but why is he so strong? It's like a crushing uniform, and there is no possibility of resistance!

What’s even more frightening is that the old man is clearly behind the opponent, so why has he turned into him now?

The other party's movements just now were so fast that he didn't react at all!

He originally wanted to shoot at the enemy, but for some reason he hit the boss. The guard was also dumbfounded.

Before he could recover, there was a loud gunshot and a bullet was shot into his head!

Duan Yu raised his gun and said to Gongsun Feiyang: "Bald, deal with this garbage and let Mr. Chen do his work with peace of mind!"

"Okay!" Gongsun Feiyang stabbed the guard in front of him in the heart, kicked him away, then rolled forward and picked up a gun from the ground!

The gunshots intensified again, and Andile shrank to the ground in fear, not daring to move.

Chen Xin'an seemed to be invisible, but looked at Elk in front of him coldly, and said with a mocking look in his eyes: "Are you worthy of using a knife?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he had already snatched away the opponent's dagger. A cold light flashed in his hand, leaving only a shadow of the knife in his hand!

The smell of blood began to spread, and severe pain came from Elk's right hand.

He felt that the other party was cutting his right hand, but he was unable to break free!

That kind of pain is definitely not the ordinary pain of broken bones or torn flesh.

But it was an unbearable feeling, as if the whole hand was being peeled off!

When Chen Xin'an let go of his wrist, Elke staggered back two steps and raised his right hand.

The big, thick and powerful hand that was covered with calluses before was reduced to a pure skeleton in just a minute or two!

Starting from the wrist, there is no trace of flesh on the entire palm, all of it has been removed!

Seeing this scene, Andil screamed and vomited.

Chen Xin'an looked at Elke expressionlessly and said, "You are not the one who uses the knife. Have you learned how to use it now?"

"You bastard!" Elk cursed at the top of his lungs. The severe pain gave him no chance to fall unconscious.

Now he just wants to die, but the guy in front of him seems to want to torture him more than kill him so quickly!

"I'll teach you another move!" Chen Xin'an turned the dagger over and cut open the clothes of Elke's left armpit.

As blood spattered, his knife had already cut a gash under Elk's left arm.

Chen Xin'an put his hand directly into the wound, pinched a white muscle with two fingers.

Chen Xin'an stretched out his hand and pumped Elke's entire left arm involuntarily!

The scream that came out of Elk's mouth was not like a human sound at all.

Just listening to this cry, a group of guards were so frightened that their hands and feet became weak. They dropped their weapons and knelt on the ground with their heads in their hands!

Chen Xin'an said while pulling out: "This is a big tendon. As long as this thing is pulled out, even if your limbs are healthy, you will be useless!

But even a top surgical expert wouldn’t be able to extract the whole thing like I did!

Because they couldn't completely peel off the connection port of the ribs. Once they were cut off, the entire ribs would shrink!

This is the art of swordsmanship, have you learned it? "

"Kill me! Kill me you bastard!" Elke couldn't understand what Chen Xin'an was saying at all. He just wanted to die now!

Chen Xin'an looked at him expressionlessly and said, "You fall into my hands, and it's not up to you to decide whether you want to live or die!"

"You useless coward!" Elke couldn't understand Chen Xin'an's words, but looking at his look, he knew he wouldn't let himself die so easily.

So now he just goes all out, hoping to completely anger this devil so that he doesn't have to endure the pain!

"I've killed your wife, I shot her three times!

If you leave again, you won't be able to save a dead person!

From now on, you can only cry in pain looking at her photos, and you will never be able to have her again!

And all this is caused by me!

I even specifically targeted her heart!

I just want her life and let her die in front of you..."

Before he finished speaking, Chen Xin'an suddenly dwarfed, and with two swipes, his legs, knees and hamstrings were cut off!

Elk fell to the ground howling, and kept yelling: "Damn it! Kill me! If you are a man, avenge your wife and kill me!"

Chen Xin'an ignored him, just threw the knife on the ground, turned and walked away.

Andile, who was so frightened that his hands and feet were paralyzed, was so frightened that he shed tears and shouted at Chen Xin'an: "Don't come over! I didn't kill your wife!"

Chen Xin'an ignored him, turned around and walked to Ning Xiruo, put her hands on her body and massaged her gently.

After a while, Ning Xiruo coughed twice and regained her breath. Chen Xin'an picked her up from the ground, held her tightly in his arms, and asked softly: "Baby, does it hurt?"

Ning Xiruo hugged Chen Xin'an tightly with both hands and cried loudly: "Husband, I thought I would never see you again! Fortunately, I listened to you and put on a bulletproof vest!"

Turns out she had a body armor on her!

When Chen Xin'an came over, she saw that her daughter-in-law was not shot in the head, so she felt relieved.

There were three sets of full-body body armor, one of which was put on by Ning Xiruo. Unexpectedly, it saved her life today.

Li Zecheng also breathed a sigh of relief, sat on the ground and gasped: "It's okay! It scared me to death!"

Chen Xin'an picked up Ning Xiruo and said to Han Xiaolei: "Sister Lei, help Mr. Li get up!

The hurt you suffered, I will make them bear it twice as much today! "

Everyone has injuries on their bodies. Even Mr. Li, who is already at this age, has swollen corners of his mouth and bloodshot eyes.

Han Xiaolei, Duan Yu, and Gongsun Feiyang were also seriously injured.

What made Chen Xin'an even more furious was that his wife's face was swollen and deformed.

Originally, Konoha really put makeup on her, so she didn't look as bright as usual, but she looked even more miserable!

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