Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2328 We act as planned


Huge explosions sounded from time to time in the courtyard, and a large number of vehicles rushed into the manor.

Andier's face was gloomy, but with a sinister smile, he said to Chen Xin'an: "Chen Xin'an, you don't dare to kill me!

Don’t forget, I am the Baron of the Eagle Flag Country!

My identity is protected by the Eagle Flag Country. If you kill me, the entire Eagle Flag Country officials will not let you go! "

Chen Xin'an gently put down Ning Xiruo, pulled out a chair for her to sit on, and then strode towards Andier expressionlessly.

Feeling the invisible and terrifying murderous aura, Andil turned around and ran away.

Gongsun Feiyang and Duan Yu, who had already dealt with the guards, stood up and blocked his way.


A chair hit Andil on the head, and with a scream, Andil curled up and fell to the ground, his head bruised and bleeding.

Chen Xin'an stepped on Andier's face, lowered her head and looked at him coldly and said:

“The Baron of the Eagle Flag Country?

In my eyes, you are nothing!

Believe it or not, even if you summon all the navy and army of the Eagle Flag Country, I can still kill you in front of them?

Do you know why you are still alive now?

Because I still want to get something useful to me from your mouth! "

Someone ran up from downstairs, and with the sound of gunshots, several guards who were hiding at the door of the large balcony preparing for a sneak attack were knocked down, and Li Qi, covered in blood, rushed in.

Seeing the situation on the big balcony, Li Qi breathed a sigh of relief. It was obvious that the situation was under control by the boss.

Chen Xin'an frowned and said to him: "Are you injured? Come here and let me take a look!"

Li Qi skillfully replaced the magazine of the gun and said to Chen Xin'an: "I was bitten on the shoulder, it's nothing serious!"

Ning Xiruo stood up and said, "Aqi, come here, I'll help you deal with it!"

Li Qi took out the first aid bandage that he had prepared long ago, handed it to Ning Xiruo and said:

"Then sister-in-law, just help me bandage it, it's just a little scratched skin!

A group of people came down below, they should be people from the Killer Alliance.

But we also have helpers, Instructor Zhang and the others are here! "

Chen Xin'an nodded, as long as these people are here!

There are a lot of treasures in this castle, and it would be outrageous not to take some with you.

"Hiss!" Ning Xiruo took a breath of air when she saw the injury on Li Qi's shoulder.

You've already seen Bai Sensen's bones. Do you think this is called scratching the skin?

"Aqi, you need stitches!" Ning Xiruo said distressedly: "The wound is too big, simple bandaging won't work!"

Li Qi smiled and said, "Sister-in-law, don't bother me! This little injury is nothing. Just bandage it and it'll be fine!"

Chen Xin'an also saw Li Qi's wounds, which were indeed shocking to ordinary people.

But for people who have walked out of the hail of bullets on the battlefield, it is indeed nothing.

He said to Ning Xiruo: "Daughter-in-law, you bandage Aqi first, and I will give him two injections later. When we get back, we will handle it carefully!"

Ning Xiruo sighed and nodded. There was no way to deal with this situation properly.


After the loud noise, smoke flew into the air!

Zhongka was like a crazy rhinoceros, knocking open the castle door!

"Holy shit!" Luo Xiaoman, who was standing outside the passenger window, cursed as he looked at the large living room in front of him.

I thought that the decoration of Lao Chen's house was luxurious enough, but I didn't expect that compared with this place, he was still a younger brother!

Even if you don’t understand the value of everything, you can still clearly feel the strong aura of wealth!

Unfortunately, a rhinoceros came!

A medium-sized truck was rampaging in the hall, leaving a group of guards and killers who followed behind in a daze.

Luo Xiaoman and Zhang Ji'an, who had already jumped out of the car, stood together, looking at Xiao Zhang who was driving, with envy on their faces.

Isn’t it too enjoyable?

Xuan Bin's eyes twitched and he said with a distressed look on his face: "If nothing else, the carpet we are stepping on now is a Persian carpet made purely by hand in the last century.

All wool from ten-month-old Cork sheep in the Bicol Mountains is used.

The value of this carpet can be exchanged for a luxury apartment in the center of London! "

But now this precious carpet has been crushed by Xiao Zhang's car and was completely ruined!

Jin Youhe clapped his hands and said: "What does this place mean? When we came here last time, didn't we find a secret room on the second floor?

What’s inside is the treasure! "

Zhang Jian nodded and said: "Yes, the car is loaded when you drive in. Take as much as you can.

Aman, I have arranged the things in the car outside. When I send you a message, just press this! "

He handed Luo Xiaoman a remote control and pointed to the red button on it.

Luo Xiaoman took it, nodded and said: "I like doing this job! Brothers, let's get started!

Did you see that as soon as they came in, the grandsons didn’t dare to shoot!

Then why should we be polite to them? "

"Start work, start work!" Barry and Arata Nagamoto also shouted.

Zhang Jian said to Luo Xiaoman: "Aman, then just follow the plan? Let's put on a show and everyone be careful of each other?"

Luo Xiaoman scratched his head and said, "Do you have to do this?"

Zhang Jian nodded and said: "This is Boma Manor, it's impossible not to do this!"

Luo Xiaoman nodded helplessly and said, "Okay!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Jian had already taken out his pistol and fired twice at him!

Luo Xiaoman took two steps back and fell heavily to the ground.

On the other side, Xuan Bin and others also forced the truck to stop, pointed a gun at Xiao Zhang and jumped out of the driver's seat.

"What's going on? Aren't they together? Why did they start fighting?"

"Haha! Damn orientals! It's just right to fight, it saves us trouble, otherwise we wouldn't know how to fight. The baron said you can't take guns in the castle!"

"What are they doing? Wearing masks? Red Hood! It turns out these guys are Red Hoods! These damn vampires!"

Xiao Zhang ran over, helped Luo Xiaoman up from the ground, and then quickly ran upstairs.

Luo Xiaoman rubbed his belly and cursed: "It really hurts! Lao Zhang is so cruel, I should have shot him just now!"

Xiao Zhang snorted and said: "Do you have any marksmanship? Even if you are wearing a bulletproof vest, do you think you can shoot casually?

If the position is wrong, you can still kill someone!

Okay, hurry up and join them, and leave the rest to them! "

On the large balcony, Chen Xin'an looked coldly at Andier lying on the ground and asked: "It's over? Is this what the Golden Gloves are all about?"

Andile trembled and said, "That's all I know!"

Chen Xin'an squinted her eyes and leaned down slightly, looked at him and said, "Do you know that I have a hundred ways to make you tell everything you know.

Each method can make you feel that death is the best relief!

The reason why I am useless is because I gave you a chance to die quickly, but you still gave up! "

"You madman! You still want to kill me!" Andier collapsed. He stared at Chen Xin'an and yelled:

“I am a baron from the Eagle Flag Country, what qualifications do you, a pariah from a foreign country, have to kill me?

Chen Xin'an, you have no idea how much trouble killing me will cause you.

No matter who is standing behind you, you will offend the entire Eagle Flag Country!

The government would not let a baron die so casually at the hands of foreigners.

If you let me go, there is still room for easing this matter.

Otherwise, you will never leave the Eagle Flag Country! "

Chen Xin'an frowned, nodded and said, "What you said makes sense, you don't have to die!"

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