Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2329 Is this the face of the Eagle Flag Country?

The earth-shaking explosions echoed in the manor.

Seeing his home blown into such a mess, Andil, who was sitting on a chair with blood flowing from all his orifices, trembled all over, but could not move at all.

Chen Xinan was right, how did he save his life?

But he only kept a breath, and most of his body functions were abolished!

At this time, Andil was like a vegetative person paralyzed in bed. Except for his clear head, all other functions were lost.

He couldn't even move his fingers, let alone speak.

Just now, Li Qi was still wondering why the boss listened to his advice?

Now he knew that this move was more cruel and more painful than killing this guy.

Just sitting here and watching his home destroyed, how desperate would it be?

Amid the explosion, a medium truck rushed out with a roar.

As if it had drawn a route, it ran all the way through the gap between the explosions and soon rushed out of the castle gate.

Chen Xinan said to everyone, "Let's go, let's leave too, take him with us!"

Luo Xiaoman threw the remote control, pointed at Elke and the others who had fainted on the ground and asked, "What about them?"

Chen Xinan said expressionlessly, "Since they are so loyal, let's fulfill their wish and stay here!"

Walking down from the balcony, everyone breathed in the smell of gasoline.

The floor, walls, and furniture were all sprinkled with gasoline by the Red Hood.

A group of guards and assassins blocked the entrance of the castle, staring at Chen Xinan and the others.

But seeing Andil sitting on the chair carried by Li Qi and Luo Xiaoman, no one dared to shoot.

Duan Yu took out a pack of cigarettes, took out a cigarette and put it in his mouth, lit it with a lighter, took two puffs, and then flicked his finger, and the cigarette butt flew into the living room and landed on the carpet.


After the blue light, the flames ignited.

Chen Xinan and the others walked out of the castle in a swagger.

The car that Li Lao and his friends drove had been blown up.

However, Reggie Business was still there. Chen Xin'an asked everyone to get in the car first, and then put Andil at the door of the manor, and let him sit on a chair and look at his castle which had begun to burn.

No one around dared to shoot, and could only watch Reggie Business go away!

Andil, sitting on the chair, had a sluggish look in his eyes, and felt that what he shed was no longer tears, but blood!

The Poma Manor, which had been passed down for hundreds of years, was destroyed in the hands of these bastards, and he could do nothing but watch!

If he had known that this would be the result, he would rather offend the Golden Gloves than provoke that woman, let alone anger her man!

The fire was mixed with billowing smoke and had burned to the third floor.

Amid the shrill screams, one figure after another jumped down from the large balcony and jumped directly down!

A group of guards then remembered that there were still people upstairs!

It seemed that the boss Elke was still upstairs, but the group of Orientals had successfully gone downstairs, which meant that the boss was beaten to death, right?

Even if he was not beaten to death, this kind of fire was enough to burn people to death!

So a large group of guards and killers watched the fire continue to spread, and no one went to put out the fire.

Andil was so angry that he wanted to scold them and even kick them one by one.

But he could not do anything now, he was just a pile of fat meat that could still breathe.

And he had already felt that everyone looked at him differently.

There was no fear and respect as before, and even a hint of disgust.

Andil suddenly woke up. The most terrifying thing about Chen Xinan leaving him alive was not that he had to watch his home being destroyed.

But he was now penniless and had no ability to pay the salaries of these men. How many people would stay and work for him?

Sure enough, many people had already started to sneak away.

And the number of people was increasing. Even if he could not turn his head, he could see that there were basically no people around him!

"Go to Senior Sister!" Chen Xinan said to Xiao Zhang who was driving.

Ning Xiruo shook her head and said, "No, husband, go to Owen, I want to call the reporters!"

Chen Xinan knew that his wife wanted to expose this matter, not only to kill people, but also to destroy their hearts!

He nodded and said, "Okay, then go to the Hops Medical University Hospital!"

In the official office of the city of Redon, a tall middle-aged man slammed his hands on the desk and shouted to Burman in front of him:

"Bullman, do you not want to participate in the election?

How many chances are you going to give your opponent?

Such a thing happened right under your nose, and you can still keep your composure?"

Bullman took a sip of coffee and said lightly: "Adams, I can't do anything before the matter is investigated clearly!"

"Investigate clearly? How else do you need to investigate clearly?" Adams said angrily:

"The entire Poma Manor has become a ruin, and that is the Baron's Mansion!

Even if the title has fallen in the Eagle Flag Country, it still represents the face of our entire Eagle Flag Country!

According to the confession of those who escaped from the Poma Manor, the murderer is those Orientals!

Bullman, don't think I don't know that you are very close to those Orientals and want to cover them up.

I warn you, if this matter is not handled well, I will not let you go!

Mr. Baron is a very good man. After suffering such a disaster, we, as friends, cannot help him seek justice. That would be so inhumane! "

There was a knock on the door, and Boorman shouted to come in. The secretary came in with the newspaper and put the evening paper on the desk.

It was Boorman's habit to read the morning and evening newspapers without hesitation.

When Adams saw that he didn't take his words seriously at all and even had time to read the newspaper, his face turned blue with anger.

He gritted his teeth and said to Boorman: "Okay, you officials don't care, we are in charge!

Also, my votes will not go to you.

Because people like you don’t deserve to be friends at all!

Even if you become the leader, the country's face will become worthless in your hands! "

He snorted coldly, turned around and left.

But at this moment, Boorman's voice came from behind: "Adams, wait a moment and watch tonight's evening news!"

Adams stopped and said angrily: "I'm not in the mood to read the newspaper!"

Boorman sighed and said, "You'd better take a look!"

He handed over the newspaper.

Adams hesitated for a moment, but finally reluctantly took the newspaper. When he saw the headlines, his eyes widened.

Boorman snorted and said: "In the name of celebration, invite the new Secretary General of GbSA into the manor.

Then they were forced to sign an illegal contract, and even used force to coerce, threatening the lives of the new secretary-general and a director. Is this the face of the Eagle Flag Country you are talking about?

Even if he were a baron, he wouldn't have the guts to do this!

How many member states does GbSA have?

How do others view our Eagle Flag Country?

When a husband goes to save his wife, is that too much? "

Adams blushed, shook his head and said, "Andile wouldn't do this! This is a frame-up!"

Boorman sneered and said: "You really don't know whether he will do this?

They took pictures of the entire contract, but you still can’t tell who is the real mastermind behind the scenes?

Those guys from the Golden Gloves are really stretching their hands longer and longer!

If I am elected, they will be the first to deal with me! "

Adams sat on the sofa next to him with the newspaper and was speechless for a moment.

At Hopes Medical University Affiliated Hospital, Chen Xin'an walked to the public toilet on the first floor with her mobile phone and asked Zhang Jian in front of her: "What are you doing here at this time?"

Zhang Jian smiled mysteriously, took something out of his pocket, handed it to Chen Xin'an and said, "Boss, I'll give you a treasure!"

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