A skull rests on two crossed bones.

It looks a bit like the logo on a pesticide bottle.

This is a rather unique gold ornament, but for Chen Xinan, no matter how good the gold is, it is not rare, because he has a gold mine himself.

But since Zhang Jian said this thing is a treasure, it must have its uniqueness.

Chen Xinan turned the thing over, looked at its base, and his expression became serious.

There are also patterns on the bottom, two arms crossed, and on top is an old man wearing a polite and holding a pipe.

Chen Xinan saw at a glance that this is a seal.

Looking at the two crossed arms, which are actually two longer gloves, Chen Xinan took a deep breath and said to Zhang Jianan: "Gold gloves?"

Zhang Jianan shrugged and said: "I don't know. But I found it in the secret room of the Poma Manor, where there is a special password cabinet, so I know that this thing is not simple!"

"How do you know the password?" Chen Xinan looked curious.

Zhang Jian laughed and said, "I don't know, but Nagamoto Shinta is an expert at deciphering all kinds of codes!"

Chen Xin'an nodded.

The Red Hoods are not a mob, they each have their own skills.

Otherwise, they would not be qualified and would be wanted by several countries.

"What did you get this time?" Chen Xin'an put away the seal and asked Zhang Jian.

Zhang Jian's eyes lit up, and he said with a smile: "We have returned with a full load! Now the things are placed in..."

"Stop!" Chen Xin'an waved his hand and said to him: "You can know these places by yourselves, don't tell me!"

Zhang Jian nodded and continued: "First, classify and plan, and then send the ones that belong to a certain country to those who are specially receiving them.

The ownerless ones will flow into the black market and be sold. You can probably make 10 or 20 million this time!

In fact, although Heilong is risky, it is really profitable.

Hyun Bin is worth nearly 8 million.

According to Heilong's distribution ratio, his net worth is now 10 million.

It's a pity that this kid donated all the money."

Chen Xin'an looked at him and asked: "What about you? What do you do with the money?"

Zhang Jian smiled and said softly: "I will donate too. My parents have passed away, and I have no children. What do I need money for? Bring I was also burden on my body, and I could donate to Huaxia. Now it is getting worse. Balina's guys have hatred with them. I am afraid that they will not say it! Boss, I am gone, and I will give you a picture after you see it. You can remember it in your head. "Chen Xin'an was on fire, and he went straight up. Zhang Ji'an laughed and jumped away, and waved his head without looking back. Looking at his back, Chen Xinan's eyes gradually became cold. Murphy people...

The morning newspaper of Leyden City published several news that shocked the whole country.

The Poma Manor, which existed in Eagle Flag Country for hundreds of years, was attacked by the armed forces of the international Kb element Red Hood and was destroyed and turned into a ruin.

The newly appointed Deputy Secretary-General of GbSA, Baron Andil, was taken back by the police for investigation because of suspected illegal detention, coercion of others by force and other serious violations.

After the decision of the senior management of GbSA, the new Secretary-General personally issued a notice to deprive Andil and all his companies of GbSA membership and permanently prohibit them from joining.

The Prime Minister of Eagle Flag Country deprived Andil of his baron status in view of his actions. The family's glory ended and he became a commoner from then on.

In the hotel suite, Luo Xiaoman laughed at the newspaper in his hand: "It's so satisfying! It's really so satisfying!"

Li Qi asked curiously: "Brother Man is so good? You can understand the Eagle Flag text?"

Luo Xiaoman glanced at the corner of his mouth and said with disdain: "Do you think that I have been hanging around in Eagle Flag Country for nothing during this period?"

Li Qi asked curiously: "What does it say?"

"Something big happened!" Luo Xiaoman said holding the newspaper: "A big car accident, the car was overturned!"

Chen Xinan walked in from the bedroom and scolded Luo Xiaoman: "Don't be so pretentious, the newspaper is upside down!"

Luo Xiaoman's face flushed, and he quickly turned it over, laughing dryly: "I said why it looks so awkward!"

Ning Xiruo sat on the sofa next to her and giggled.

Chen Xinan walked to her side and sat down, picked up the small bowl next to her and said: "There is also this, finish it. I will feed you!"

"Okay!" Ning Xiruo nodded and opened her mouth obediently.

Several people appeared at the door. Guo Zhaodi pushed Luo Qianhe in a wheelchair, and Paul followed beside him.




Luo Xiaoman jumped up and shouted, "Pigeon, are you lame? You..."

His eyes fell on a box in Pigeon's arms, and he suddenly became quiet.

The whole ward was silent.

Chen Xinan came over and gently stroked the photo on the casket. Ning Xiruo felt so sorry for the guilt on her face that she said softly to everyone, "Come in first!"

Everyone entered the room, and Mu Yezhen also walked out of his room. Seeing Chen Xinan still standing at the door, he shouted, "What are you doing standing there..."

Before she finished speaking, Ning Xiruo made a gesture to silence her and whispered to everyone, "Let him calm down for a while!"

The phone on the table rang. It was Chen Xinan's phone.

Ning Xiruo walked over and picked it up. She glanced at the caller ID and showed a very complicated look on her face.

She took a deep breath and was about to answer the call. Chen Xinan had already walked over and said to her, "Let me do it. I'll notify him!"

"Are you okay, husband?" Ning Xiruo asked worriedly.

Chen Xinan shook her head and answered the video call.

An old man's face appeared on the screen, and Chen Xinan said in a low voice: "Master Dao, I'm sorry, I didn't take good care of Lei Zi!"

He pointed the camera at the urn held in Luo Qianhe's arms, and the old man in the camera burst into tears when he looked at the black and white photo on it.

Chen Xinan was afraid that the old man would be too shocked, so he didn't dare to face the urn again, and said to Master Dao: "Master Dao, we will send Lei Zi back in a few days.

I have chosen a good grave in Fenghuang Mountain.

I will be responsible for the funeral myself, and if I can't go back, let my wife preside over it.

I want to give Lei Zi a grand funeral!

And I have prepared some share transfer contracts for you, you just need to sign and you will get them..."

Before Chen Xinan finished speaking, the camera of the mobile phone opposite flashed, and a young man's face squeezed over, pointing at Chen Xinan's nose and scolding:

"Chen Xinan, Aren't you invincible? Why did my second uncle die? "

Chen Xin'an said guiltily: "Little Knife, I..."

Little Knife cursed: "Do you think that my second uncle's death is justified if you pay some money?

We, the Dao family, will be grateful to you?

Do you think my second uncle's life is worth hundreds of thousands? Or millions?

I'll give you five million now, can you give my second uncle a life?

What did you say to my grandfather when you left?

He went out as a living person, and came back as a box of ashes. Now you say that giving money and a grave is useless?"

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