Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2331 You have to go back first

Everyone in the room was listening, their eyes were red, but none of them knew how to help Chen Xin'an.

Ning Xiruo walked to Chen Xin'an and didn't know how to comfort him, so she could only hold his hand.

Only then did he realize that his palms were as cold as iron!

Xiaodaozi in the video was still crying and cursing: "There are so many people out, why is my second uncle the one who died?

With your great abilities, Chen Xin'an, aren't you a master medical disciple?

Why couldn't I save my second uncle and let him die so miserably!

You're such a fucking bastard!

He only thinks about making a name for himself and doesn’t care about his brother’s life! "

Master Dao's scolding came from over there, and Little Daozi held his neck and cried: "He is this kind of person!

I just want to scold him!

You are all afraid of him and don’t dare to scold him no matter what you do!

I'm not afraid!

If you can, wait for him to come back and kill me!

My second uncle loved me so much, and now he is dead. If I don’t scold him, who will I scold him? "

Chen Xin'an felt extremely uncomfortable, nodded and said: "Well done! Keep scolding!"

Just as Xiao Daozi was about to curse, Chen Xin'an suddenly stretched out a hand, snatched the phone away, and cursed at Xiao Daozi:

"Do you think you, the Dao family, are the only ones who are the most saddened by Dao Lei's death?

He suffers much more than all of you!

Why is he blamed for all the mistakes, and does he want this to happen? "

Chen Xin'an shouted sharply: "Konoha Zhen! Bring it here!"

Konoha was really waiting for him to shout: "Either knock me out! Or let me finish! Don't you look at how much weight you have lost these days!"

Guo Zhaodi walked gently to Konoha's side and held her hand.

Konoha scolded her cell phone with tears in her eyes: "Which of you doesn't know what kind of temper he is?

I never want my brothers to do important things, I do them myself.

Before coming to the Eagle Flag Country, he knew it was very dangerous, so he didn't ask anyone to come.

It was your second uncle, Aman and the others who secretly obtained their passports and came with them!

He tried his best to take care of everyone and did a great job.

But after all, he is a human being, not a god, and he cannot count every step!

You ask, with so many people here, why is your second uncle the unluckiest?

Let me tell you, everyone here..."

She turned around with her phone, captured everyone in the video, and then cursed at the knife:

“Counting one, I don’t know how many times I have faced death.

Even his wife was shot three times in the heart yesterday!

If he hadn't been wearing a bulletproof vest, if he hadn't appeared in time every time, what you see now would definitely not be just your second uncle's urn! "

From the other side came the sound of Xiao Daozi crying: "But my second uncle is still dead!"

"That's enough!" Chen Xin'an came over with red eyes and took the phone back.

Dao Ye’s face also appeared in the video.

"Mr. Chen, don't mind if the kid talks carelessly, I can't blame you for this.

Lei Zi and you are brothers. We support each other in life and death and treat each other with sincerity. This is the morality of our sword family!

Regarding the cemetery, I'll just thank you in advance.

But we still let our Dao family handle the funeral ourselves.

After all, he is my son, Daoyi!

Okay, I know you're also very busy over there, so I won't waste any time.

When you come back, you give me a call and I will arrange to pick you up! "

"Okay!" Chen Xin'an responded, said a few more words to Mr. Dao, and hung up the video.

Sitting on the sofa, Chen Xin'an looked at Ning Xiruo and said, "Are you ready to go back tomorrow?"

Ning Xiruo shook her head and said, "Not so fast. It will take about three days to deal with work matters.

Moreover, Xiaodong went out and never came back, and Yunyan probably didn't come back until the day after tomorrow.

Mr. Li is going to a place called Kanbul tomorrow, and we have to wait for him to come back and go together! "

"Kanbuer?" Chen Xin'an frowned and asked a little strangely: "Why does this name sound familiar to me?"

Luo Qianhe said from the side: "Heilong's mother is buried there!"

Chen Xin'an suddenly realized that he now knew what Li Zecheng was doing in Kanbul.

He turned to look at Ning Xiruo and asked softly: "Catherine's side..."

Ning Xiruo sighed and said, "Eve and Yun Yan are trying to get rid of her, but it's impossible to get out in a short time.

Yunyan called me last night. She said she wanted to go for a walk alone, and then left Dessa City. She said she was going to stay at her grandma's house in the countryside for a few days. "

Chen Xin'an nodded and sighed heavily.

After thinking about it, he told Ning Xiruo truthfully: "When you go back this time, you leave first. I have some things to deal with, so I may have to leave a few days later."

Ning Xiruo raised her head and said to him, "Is it about the Nada Building?"

"Yes!" Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "This is one reason, and there are others.

Don't worry, I'll be careful! "

Ning Xiruo said with red eyes: "I don't want what happened to Inca to happen again!"

Chen Xin'an held her hand and said, "No, I promise!"

Ning Xiruo said nothing more and just nodded.

Guo Zhaodi came over with a bag and said to Ning Xiruo: "Sister-in-law, master and I prepared some medicine and beat it all into powder."

"Is it that kind of medicine?" Ning Xiruo stood up immediately, her eyes shining.

Guo Zhaodi nodded.

Ning Xiruo became excited, took her hand and said, "Then go and endure it, I can drink it now!"

Several women entered the kitchen together, and Chen Xin'an nodded helplessly.

Nothing can stop my wife's desire for a child!

Chen Xin'an walked up to Luo Qianhe, picked up Dao Lei's urn and put it into an empty room.

Anyway, this floor of the Four Seasons Hotel is for them, and they can enter any room they want.

The brothers arranged it together for a while, and it turned into a simple mourning hall.

Dao Lei doesn't smoke, but he is a good drinker.

Three glasses of wine were poured on the table, and several grown men each held a glass and drank more than half of the bottle.

Putting down the cup, Chen Xin'an said to everyone: "You will return to China with Xi Ruo in three days..."

"Shut up first!" Luo Xiaoman scolded angrily: "Old Chen, can you stop acting like a bitch and leave us alone whenever something happens?

I don’t care about others, I’m not leaving anyway, I’ll go back with you! "

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said: "You must listen to me this time. You all leave, and I will stay alone. I can leave around the end of next month!"

Just when Luo Xiaoman was about to speak, Li Qi shook his head and shouted, "Brother Man!" He could see that Chen Xin'an's attitude was very determined.

Of course, this doesn't mean that he has to leave obediently, but he doesn't have to go directly to the boss!

Luo Qianhe was sitting in a wheelchair, looking at Chen Xin'an calmly and said, "Senior brother, you want to tell us, what are you doing here?"

Everyone nodded together.

Anyway, there were no outsiders, the room was full of brothers, so Chen Xinan told the truth:

"Bourman asked me to be in charge of his campaign security next month, and before then, I need to deal with someone.

This kind of thing involving the politics of the Eagle Flag Country is too dangerous!

It's easy to say if you succeed, but you'll be doomed if you fail!

So the fewer people involved, the better.

Apart from this matter, the two boys Long Sheng and Xia Hongfeng came to the Eagle Flag Country for another purpose.

I don't know what they are going to do, but I have to protect them!

The person I want to deal with has a Golden Glove background, and with Andil's current appearance, it's impossible for the Golden Glove not to take revenge.

It’s easy for me to deal with them alone. The more people there are, the bigger the target will be! "

Everyone fell silent.

After a while, Luo Xiaoman was the first to break the silence: "Okay, Lao Chen, I promise you, I will go back first!"



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