Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2332 Give them a chance

When did this guy become so talkative?

But Luo Xiaoman immediately said again: "But you also have to agree to one condition."

I knew this guy wouldn't be so obedient!

Chen Xin'an said with a dark face: "Say!"

Luo Xiaoman looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "Tend Anhao's security over here!"

Chen Xin'an was stunned for a moment, shook his head and said, "No need!"

What do you mean, I'll drive a few of you back and get a large group back?

Isn't this redundant?

Luo Xiaoman pressed Chen Xin'an's shoulder and said, "Old Chen, I know what you are thinking.

But don't forget, they are different from us.

They are working part-time and do not need to worry about others.

Call back directly and select one according to labor dispatch.

Sign up yourself and sign the life and death certificate.

This job is dangerous for you.

For those brothers, this is an opportunity to make a fortune! "

I have to say that this two-pole is usually a little out of tune, but it has always been thick and thin.

He is very smart, and this smartness is not only reflected in martial arts, but also in other aspects.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to be regarded as a genius of the Luo family.

Luo Xiaoman looked at Chen Xin'an seriously and said, "Old Chen, either they come or we stay. Why do you have to choose!"

The others looked at Chen Xin'an and nodded together.

Chen Xin'an fell silent. He looked at Dao Lei's portrait in the mourning hall, sighed and said, "Let me think about it!"

Back in the room, Ning Xiruo had just finished drinking the medicine and her face was not very good.

Guo Zhaodi whispered to Chen Xin'an: "The taste of the medicine was so weird that I couldn't bear the smell. My sister-in-law drank it in one gulp!"

Chen Xin'an nodded, distressedly took the boiled water she poured for Ning Xiruo, and said with a smile: "I'll do it! Zhaodi, go check on Ye Zhen, she's a little moody!"

"Okay!" Guo Zhaodi nodded, turned and walked out of the bedroom.

Chen Xin'an was sitting on the bedside with a water glass in hand, trying to help Ning Xiruo up with one hand, and said to her: "Baby, sit up and drink some water to feel better!"

Ning Xiruo pushed his hand away and said, "No! Pigeon said that this medicine is best absorbed if you drink it and lie down for an hour.

In order not to affect absorption, you cannot drink water or eat anything during this hour.

I decided not to eat tonight to absorb all the effects of the medicine! "

Chen Xin'an felt angry, funny, and a little distressed. She shook her head and put the cup down with helplessness, leaned against her, and caressed her face.

Ning Xiruo opened her eyes wide, looked at him and asked, "Husband, Aman and the others won't agree?"

"Agreed!" Chen Xin'an said helplessly: "But this kid wants An Hao to come over with security!"

Ning Xiruo nodded and said: "What a great idea! This is a good opportunity for Anhao Security to enter the international market!

I think we can give the brothers a chance to have a try on their own! "

Chen Xin'an sighed and said: "That's what I say, but I feel guilty about sending them to the battlefield with my own hands..."

Ning Xiruo covered her mouth and giggled, and said to him: "Husband, kindness does not lead to soldiers!"

Chen Xin'an nodded: "That's why I didn't stay in Montenegro Tiger all the time, I only had a vacant position in the army!"

Taking a deep breath, Chen Xin'an said in a deep voice: "Don't worry, I think this can be done.

I have been coming to the Eagle Flag Country for so long, and I have dealt with so many sleazy people here. I have cleared up all the pretensions that everyone has.

Our security brothers are really no worse than them.

All that is missing is some exposure and opportunities.

I want to give them this chance!

In the past few days, we have established an overseas branch of Anhao Security in London.

I will mobilize manpower from Kyoto. "

Ning Xiruo nodded and said, "Don't worry about the mission. The contract for the security team here at GBSA is about to expire. I'm worried about the previous team. You can replace it with ours!"

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said: "If you are a permanent resident, you can change security.

Since it's not the case, don't move if you can. It's not good for your job to attack security as soon as you take office.

Don't worry that they won't have any work to do. There are plenty of people in Chinatown who need help. "

The phone rang. Chen Xin'an took it out and saw that it was Li Zecheng calling.

"Mr. Li, how is your recovery going...

What? Where are you? Aren’t you going just tomorrow?

I'll be there soon! Hold on! "

After hanging up the phone, Chen Xin'an jumped out of bed.

"What's wrong?" Ning Xiruo also sat up nervously.

Chen Xin'an arranged her clothes and said with a gloomy face: "Mr. Li went to Kanbul early today.

Encountered an ambush by unknown persons.

The other party's firepower was so fierce that the four of them had their cars smashed and fled into the bushes.

I'm going to save people right now! "

Ning Xiruo knew that now was not the time to talk nonsense, so she nodded and said, "Husband, be careful!"

Chen Xin'an nodded, turned around, took out a large black bag from the closet, and walked out.

Luo Xiaoman and the others were still playing cards on the sofa in the living room. When they saw Chen Xin'an coming out with a large bag, his expression changed, and he threw away the cards and ran out without saying a word.

After a while, each of them came back carrying a large bag.

Four people and four large bags were all piled together.

Everyone unzipped their bags, began to put on body armor, inspected firearms, and exchanged various types of ammunition.

This is the tacit understanding between brothers, and there is no need to talk about unnecessary nonsense.

Just do something and that's it.

After everything was ready, Chen Xin'an said to everyone: "Mr. Li is trapped in the bushes 800 meters east of Kanbul.

If we were wrong about the people besieging them, they should be killer troops!

This should be the Golden Gloves' revenge on us.

But I didn't expect them to be so despicable and shameless that they would attack the innocent Mr. Li!

Okay, Mr. Li and the others are in danger now, let’s go!

Lao Xiao, drive that Reggie Business! "

None of us have been to Kanbur, but luckily we have satellite navigation.

As soon as they left the city, the speed of the commercial vehicle soared to nearly 200.

The good thing about the Eagle Flag Country is that there are no speed limits on many road sections, and no one will care about you until you take off.

Two hours later, everyone saw an overturned commercial vehicle on the side of the road. Only the frame was left and it was still burning.

There were shards of glass and vehicle parts everywhere, as well as a lot of blood.

There is a small hill next to it, with jagged rocks and shrubs all over it.

A mountain road twists and turns upward.

Chen Xin'an nodded to Xiao Zhang, and Leiji Business accelerated and turned into the mountain road.

"Something's wrong!" Chen Xin'an squinted and looked around.

Li Diding nodded and said: "It's too quiet! Boss, how about I get off the car first?"

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said, "Don't worry! Look further!"

After a few minutes of walking, two cars appeared side by side on the mountain road, blocking the entire road!

Behind those two cars, countless people held various guns and aimed at Reggie Business, which was driving down the mountain.

"Fire!" As one person yelled, bullets came like a rain.

In the window on the right, Li Qi leaned out half of his body despite the rain of bullets, carrying an RPG and aiming at the group of people!

"Oh, damn it! Get out of the way!" The bearded man who had just ordered to fire. Seeing how brave the opponent was, his eyes widened like bells. He put away his gun and ran away.

But there are still some people who are stupid and slow to react, and still beat them wherever they go.

As a streak of white smoke passed by, there was a loud bang, and the two blocking cars flipped left and right and caught fire. The people hiding behind the cars were blown away and fell several meters away!



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