Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2333 It’s better to be in pieces than in ruins

This mountain turned out to be a cemetery, and Black Dragon's mother was buried here.

Looking at the photos on the tombstone, Li Zecheng burst into tears.

But now, he knew it was not the time to mourn his deceased wife.

He raised his head, looked at the middle-aged man in front of him who was wearing a top hat, a suit and a cane, and cursed angrily: "Mr. Moses, why on earth are you doing this?"

Beside him, Han Xiaolei, Duan Yu, and Gongsun Feiyang had all been controlled and had guns pointed at their heads.

Moreover, Gongsun Feiyang and Duan Yu were covered in scars and blood, and they had obviously been beaten.

Moses looked at Li Zecheng calmly and said, "Old friend, Black Dragon is your son, why did you never tell me?

He took a lot of things from me and died before he could return them to me.

Since you are his father, those things should have fallen into your hands, right?

Then you can return it to me on his behalf! "

Li Zecheng shook his head and said: "I don't know what you are talking about! I just came to pay homage to an old friend of mine.

I've been separated from them for too long, and I don't know what they do.

All I know is that my wife and son are no longer here! "

Moses' face was gloomy, he looked at Li Zecheng and said, "Old friend, don't forget, I am a person who will do whatever it takes to achieve my goals!"

Li Zecheng looked at him without showing any signs of weakness and said, "Moses, don't forget that you are an official of the Eagle Flag Country! You are a person of status, how can you do such a thing!"

"Hahaha!" Moses laughed, looked at Li Zecheng with a mocking look and said:

“Chinese people are so cute!

You don’t really think that the officials of our Eagle Flag Country are selfless public servants of the people, right?

In fact, we are all businessmen in essence, and our identity is just a cover-up.

Since I am a businessman, profit is what I value most.

So I always rob others and don’t allow others to rob me!

Since you took mine, spit out a lot of it for me! "

Li Zecheng said anxiously: "But I really don't know where it is!"

Moses said with a gloomy face: "There is a saying in China that you will not shed tears until you see the coffin. Since you are so stubborn, I will let you see the coffin!"

He turned his head, looked at Han Xiaolei who had a gun pointed at his head, and said, "Is this your secretary? She looks pretty good!

It's been a long time since I've seen a Chinese woman naked. If she took off her clothes, she would look great! "

Han Xiaolei blushed, gritted her teeth and looked at him and cursed: "You pervert! Bastard!"

Moses laughed, looked indifferent, crossed his arms and said, "What are you waiting for?"

Immediately, several people rushed forward and directly restrained Han Xiaolei, making her unable to move.

"What are you doing? Let her go!" Duan Yu was anxious and wanted to rush over, but was restrained by the gunman beside him.


The collar of Han Xiaolei's casual clothes was torn open. She screamed, opened her mouth and bit the hand that reached her mouth.

The guy reacted very quickly and quickly retracted his hand to avoid this attack.

However, he was also frightened and did not dare to reach out his hand again, but a two-foot-long machete was twitched from behind.

He took the machete and used the tip of the knife to open Han Xiaolei's top, revealing a layer of underwear.

"Go away! You bastards! Don't touch me!" Han Xiaolei burst into tears.

Duan Yu's eyes were red, he struggled hard, and gnashed his teeth and cursed: "Let him go! He was raised by a bunch of dogs! What kind of man is he who bullies a helpless woman?

Let go and challenge me to a duel!

I'll kill you bastards! "

Gongsun Feiyang's face was also livid, and he kept thinking silently in his heart: "Mr. Chen, come quickly! If you don't come, it will be too late!"

Li Zecheng glared at Moses and cursed: "Moses, what are you doing! I said I don't know, why don't you believe me?

They are innocent. Just let them go and use them on me. "

Moses looked at Duan Yu and then at Han Xiaolei, understanding their relationship.

Grinning, he said to everyone: "Let him enjoy it and stop barking!"

Without saying a word, a group of gunmen picked up the butts of their guns and smashed them into Duan Yu's mouth!

In less than a minute, Duan Yu's entire face turned into a bloody mess, too horrible to look at!

"Stop! Stop it! Don't hit him!" Han Xiaolei burst into tears in distress.

Moses walked up to her with a smile, looked at her and asked, "I'll let him go, can you get away on your own?"

Han Xiaolei looked at Duan Yu's shattered jaw, with bone fragments flowing out from the wound, and blood flowing to the ground. She felt heartbroken and nodded.

The couple looked at each other from afar, both speechless.

Han Xiaolei stopped her waist, Moses waved his hand with a smile, and the gunmen let her go.

At the same time, Duan Yu was also released and collapsed on the ground, with a gun pointed at his head.

Han Xiaolei slowly put her hands on her clothes, took them off gently, and placed them at her feet.

Li Zecheng was angry and anxious, and shouted loudly: "Xiaolei, you can't do this! Moses, you bastard!"

They are innocent!

Let them go! "


Moses punched Li Zecheng in the mouth with his backhand and cursed impatiently: "Shut up, old man!"

Li Zecheng's old injuries had not healed and his body was weak. How could he withstand such a heavy blow?

He rolled his eyes and fainted!

Only the underwear was left. Gongsun Feiyang lowered his head and couldn't bear to look at it anymore.

Han Xiaolei crossed her hands and pinched the hem of her clothes, revealing a section of her fair skin.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on her, even those who trapped Duan Yu.

The next scene is the most exciting moment!

At this moment, Duan Yu suddenly moved!

He grabbed the barrel of the pistol that was placed on his head, then rolled his wrist to grab the gun and snatched it away!

Then he shouted: "Xiao Lei!"

In fact, it was hard to hear what he was saying, but Han Xiaolei heard it, quickly lowered her hands, and looked at him affectionately.


A bullet hit her between the eyebrows with great accuracy, killing her with one shot.

Before the body fell to the ground, there was another gunshot. Duan Yu turned the gun upside down and shot himself!

The two fell to the ground almost at the same time. Although they were several meters apart, they still looked at each other in the air, but there was no color of life in their eyes.

"Brother Yu! Sister-in-law!" Gongsun Feiyang watched this scene happen, and he was completely stunned!

Tears welled up uncontrollably. He stared at Moses with a pair of blood-red eyes and yelled:

"You bastards! I'll kill you! Let me go! What a bunch of beasts!"

A group of people were shocked by this scene, but Moses had a gloomy look on his face.

He also did not expect that the Chinese people would have such a strong character, and would rather be broken than destroyed.

Distraught, he just wanted to get those things, waved his hands impatiently and said:

"Kill them all!

It seems that this old man really doesn't know.

Where would the black dragon hide his things? "

His eyes fell on the tombstone not far away, his brows furrowed, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he shouted loudly: "Open the tomb for me!"

Li Zecheng and Gongsun Feiyang had been pulled together, and the gunman next to them got out of the way and retreated to the back.

Knowing that he was going to die, Gongsun Feiyang showed no fear on his face, but looked at Li Zecheng who was still unconscious next to him with a little envy.

If I had known this, I would have passed out and wouldn't have had to see the heartbreaking scene before I died.

Da da da!

The gunfire rang out, and Gongsun Feiyang closed his eyes.

Why doesn't my body hurt?

There was a pop sound behind him, and a group of gunmen fell to the ground!



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