Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2339 He has a mysophobia

Outside the terminal door, there was a man standing, carrying a backpack, looking at Chen Xin'an's car parked in front of him with a half-smile.

Chen Xin'an, who got out of the car, came to his side without saying a word, and kicked him twice, cursing: "Dog-skin plaster? You've already left, and why are you back!"

Li Qi didn't hide either. Anyway, he didn't have to leave no matter how many times he kicked him, it was worth it!

Chen Xin'an got angry when he saw that he was not afraid of being scalded by boiling water, and cursed at him:

"If you do this, Aman will follow suit, and it will be difficult for the family to deal with you!"

Li Qi said: "Brother Man and Brother Xiao asked me to stay. My sister-in-law also agreed.

They said they don't feel safe leaving you here alone.

During the Inca time, if you had a helper, you might not have been able to endure so much suffering! "

Chen Xinan stopped talking.

It's too late to say anything now, the plane has already flown away, I can only take this guy back.

Back at the hotel, it was much deserted.

Fortunately, Chen Xin'an has always been able to endure the excitement and loneliness.

What's more, there are brothers accompanying me now.

Taking out his mobile phone, Chen Xin'an said to Li Qi: "Senior Sister called me before and several people went to his place for treatment.

Brother Snake and his gang should start attacking the Mofei people. "

Li Qi said in a deep voice: "Boss, can I go and keep an eye on you?"

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said: "We will not participate, but you and Brother Snake keep in touch.

Tell him, I only want that line, and whatever he gets is his own! "

Li Dian nodded and said, "Okay, I'll tell him what the boss means."

After looking at his phone, Li Qi said to Chen Xin'an: "Boss, Brother Zhang is here!"

The first time he saw Zhang Jian, Chen Xin'an frowned and asked him, "Where did you get injured again? Sit down and let me take a look!"

Knowing that he couldn't hide it, Zhang Jian didn't dare to hide it. He unbuttoned his shirt and asked Chen Xin'an to check the wound on his waist.

Fortunately, it was just a bullet scratch, not serious. It was sutured and can be cured with some medicine in a month.

Pigeon deliberately left a lot of herbal medicine in the hotel, some of which were used to treat injuries.

Chen Xin'an chewed up the dregs of the medicine and applied it to the wound, bandaged it again, and cursed at Zhang Jian:

"Why the hell can't you just calm down and wait until your body is fully recovered before you start working again?

Also, please give me an explanation about the two children. "

Originally, they wanted to send brothers Zhang Qigong and Zhang Qiqiang back to China, but Zhang Ji'an refused and left them in the Eagle Flag Country.

Zhang Jian sighed and said: "They themselves are not willing to go back.

The Zhang family is different now than before. People point at their backs wherever they go.

The two of them dropped out of school and didn't want to go to work or become a joke to others.

Now you want to follow me, so I decided to take it with me..."

"Jian, are you crazy?" Chen Xin'an looked at Zhang Ji'an in disbelief and said, "They are still children, you want them to join the Red Hood?"

Zhang Jian smiled and said: "You are seventeen, you are considered an adult.

When I was their age, they all joined the army!

You ask Aqi, how old was he when he joined the army? "

Li Qi lowered his head and smiled: "Seventeen!"

"Shut up!" Chen Xin'an cursed with a dark face and said to Zhang Ji'an: "But joining the Red Hood is different from being a soldier. You know the difference!"

The Red Hood is wanted and hunted all the time. For two children in their late teens, this is almost equivalent to living in fear every day!

Zhang Jian smiled slightly and said, "Actually, it's not that dangerous or scary.

As long as we are not exposed, we can behave like normal people every day.

Now Qinzi is apprenticed to Ye Zhen again and has learned a lot of makeup techniques, which helps a lot in concealing our identities.

Just be careful and nothing will happen. "

I've heard of this.

After returning from Black Hawk Island, Miyagi Kotoko became closer to Konoha Makoto. It turned out that they were apprentices to learn makeup techniques.

But even so, for two children, can they really survive this kind of wandering life?

Zhang Jian saw Chen Xin'an's worry and smiled at him and said: "Boss, don't worry, maybe this path is the most suitable for them.

Now every day the brothers take turns teaching them something. They learn quickly and are willing to learn.

We also need people now and helpers.

When a new team member joins, it takes a long time to get used to each other before they can gain trust.

If you teach yourself like this, you will feel more at ease and easier to get started.

Chen Xinan stopped talking.

Regarding Zhang Ji'an's choice, he didn't know whether his evaluation was right or wrong.

Zhang Jian came to take away the things that Chen Xin'an brought back from Kanbul.

The Red Hood has a special place to store these things. Every once in a while, he will use the African smuggling routes to transport classified treasures to various countries.

China is taken over by Dragon Shield, and other countries have similar organizations.

But it is only receiving and cannot provide any help to the Red Hood.

This is the injustice the Red Hoods suffered, but they never complained.

When Zhang Ji'an left, Chen Xin'an was still sitting on the sofa, his brows furrowed.

Li Qi comforted him: "Boss, since Instructor Zhang has decided, let him go! This is not a bad thing!"

Chen Xin'an sighed and said: "What I'm worried about is that he has fallen into a vicious thought circle and will never be able to get out of it in this life!"

Li Qi was a little confused.

Chen Xin'an shook his head and sighed: "I understand this guy's thoughts very well.

This kid has a mysophobia and will admit death when he is stubborn.

Fortunately for others, Zhang Jihai and Zhang Jiayu, a father and daughter, completely ruined the reputation of the Zhang family.

For this kid, these two people are a shame to the Zhang family.

And if you want to remove this shame, you must use merit to wash it away.

What is merit?

These are the things now.

He wanted to use his own life and that of his two nephews to clear the name of the Zhang family. "

Li Qi suddenly understood and nodded.

Chen Xin'an stood up and said to Li Qi: "Let's go to the company and have a look!"

The Nada Building project has been won.

With the help of the new GBSA secretary-general, this standard cannot be missed.

In fact, this is just an ordinary office building.

However, because it is located in this bustling area and because of its huge advertising screens on all sides, this ordinary-looking building becomes extremely extraordinary.

The ownership of this building is now in the hands of Chen Xin'an, Stilwell, and Golden.

The percentages are forty-five, forty, and fifteen.

Chen Xinan is still the largest shareholder.

Ownership is twenty years.

Twenty years later, Chen Xin'an withdrew all his shares, and the Nada Building was owned by Stilwell and Golden.

The newly established Anhao Security is on the 28th floor of the building, and Ning Xiruo has already arranged most of the facilities.

In fact, according to Chen Xin'an's opinion, this building is not a suitable place for office.

Because all four walls are occupied by advertising screens, lighting has become the biggest obstacle.

Even in broad daylight, lights must be turned on in the building.

As soon as they arrived downstairs, a tall, dark-skinned security guard stopped the two of them.

In the Eagle Flag Country, many buildings are guarded by guards, and entry and exit must be registered.

After taking over the building, Chen Xin'an never came over once. His wife was taking care of it, so it was natural that people here didn't know him.

Originally, it was just a matter of making an inquiry, registering the floor you were going to, and then you were good to go.

It’s just that the security guard on duty was obviously in a bad mood and kept making video calls with people on his mobile phone.

In the end, they even got into a quarrel, and they didn't have time to take care of the people around them, and they didn't let anyone in.

As a result, within a short time, seven or eight people were blocked on the first floor!



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