Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2340 You all should go to hell

There are also many people who are here to deliver express delivery. There is a time limit, but now they can only wait here. Of course they are very anxious.

But the security guard was still explaining and pleading to the person on the phone, looking like a humble licker.

Looking at his height of over two meters, he didn't expect to be so humble to his girlfriend. Even Chen Xin'an found it off-putting.

He knocked on the table and said: "Please don't do these things that have nothing to do with work when you go to work.

There are still many people here waiting for you to register, we have to go upstairs! "

It was okay not to say this, but as soon as he said this, the security guard simply sat on the chair, put his legs on the table, and just lay half-lying on the phone without looking at the group of people behind the desk.

This made everyone angry.

A takeout delivery man turned around and was about to run toward the elevator, but he heard a click behind him, a bullet was loaded, and a spray gun was aimed at his head.

“Listen to you bastards!

Whoever dares to break in, I will send him to see God! "

This guy is a lunatic, he pulls out his gun at every turn!

In the Eagle Flag Country, security guards are generally served by retired police and military personnel after passing examinations.

Most of them have gun licenses and have a good relationship with the police. Once a dispute occurs, the police will obviously favor the security guard.

Therefore, when questioned by security guards, most people try their best to cooperate and do not dare to argue with them.

A tall man angrily said to the security guard: "I will file a complaint against you, you are wasting everyone's time!"

The woman in the video seemed to have lost her patience. She yelled at the security guard several times and then hung up!

"Fake, Fake, Fake!" The security guard yelled out of control, threw the phone on the ground, then raised his foot and stomped on it until the entire phone was smashed!

Seeing him like this, everyone had a look of fear on their faces.

The express deliveryman threw the box in his hand, turned around and ran away.

Others also took a few steps back and looked at the security guard carefully.

In the Eagle Flag Country, things that get out of control often happen due to work pressure or family reasons.

Such people are very scary because they will do very irrational things.

Just half a year ago, there was an incident in the Eagle Flag Country where an office employee rushed into the office lobby with an AK due to workplace violence.

A sudden burst of fire, killing more than ten people on the spot!

The security guard waved his arms and yelled: "Why? Why does she still refuse to forgive me even though I have apologized?

Then what’s the point of me still working like this!

Damn it, I quit! "

He put the gun on the table with a bang, which shocked everyone.

Someone listened to him and walked cautiously towards the elevator. When they found that he didn't stop him, they quickly quickened their pace and stood at the elevator entrance.

Everyone else also walked over, but they heard the security guard suddenly shout: "You, damn it, it's you, stop!"

The tall man looked frightened and stood there at a loss.

The security guard walked up to him with the troll, looked at him coldly and said, "Did you just say you wanted to file a complaint against me?"

The tall man swallowed and shook his head. Before he could react, the security guard picked up the spray gun and hit him hard on the head!

The tall man screamed, covered his head and fell to the ground!

The security guard didn't let him go. He kicked him again and cursed:

"What a bastard! I asked you to complain about me! I asked you to provoke me! Can't you see how unhappy I am? You still dare to provoke me?"

The tall man let out shrill screams, but no one around him dared to care.

"That's enough!" Just as the security guard kicked the man in the head again, Li Qi came over and pushed him away.

Chen Xin'an pointed at the security guard and said, "You can leave!"

He wasn't good at reasoning, and he couldn't speak Eagle Flag Language well, so we might as well just let him go.

"Damn Orientals! I hate Orientals!" The security guard gritted his teeth, ignored the tall man, and turned to look at Chen Xin'an and Li Qi.

In his eyes, the two Orientals, who were shorter than him and not necessarily as heavy as him in total, were too thin.

He can defeat two opponents with one hand!

Moreover, he was very repulsive to the Easterners. He just felt that these people were like locusts, coming to the Eagle Flag Country just to plunder everything from them, so they should all be driven away.

The security guard raised his gun, pointed it at Li Qi's head, narrowed his eyes and said, "You just pushed me!"

Li Qi glanced at Chen Xin'an and wanted to take action directly.

Chen Xin'an shook his head.

Don't be so impulsive yet, because this is the Nada Building and its location is too special. If gunfire occurs or the advertising screen outside is damaged, the impact and loss will be great.

Of course, he would not watch his brother being shot in the head with a gun. Although the safety of the gun was turned on, the blank bullet inside had not been ejected yet.

So even if you shoot, it won't hurt anyone.

The security guard pushed Li Qi and said provocatively: "Hey, I'm talking to you, damn Oriental guy!"

Li Qi took a step back, looked at the security guard, and frowned.

Of course he knew that this guy was looking for trouble and wanted to take out all the anger he suffered from his girlfriend on innocent people.

I just feel that the hatred in this guy's eyes is a bit too much.

After all, the two of them just met for the first time, and there was no need for this guy to look at him as if he was the murderer of his father with a little verbal conflict!

Chen Xin'an said lightly on the side: "If he is not honest, teach him a lesson until he is honest!"

"Got it!" Li Qi raised the corner of his mouth and showed a sneer.

Hearing their words, the security guard gritted his teeth and cursed: "Damn Chinese people! You are all a bunch of maggots from hell. You should not be here and should go to hell!"

As he spoke, the security guard raised the spray gun in his hand and smashed Li Qi's head with the butt of the gun like he did to the tall man just now!

Unfortunately, Li Qi was not like the tall man who could only stand and take the beating!

At the moment when the opponent's butt of the gun hit him, Li Qi squatted down to avoid it and dodged the blow.

Then he hit the security guard's ribs with his right elbow!

The security guard groaned and took two steps back.

The spray gun in his hand was horizontal and hit Li Qi's face!

Li Qi leaned back to avoid the sweep, and rushed into the arms of the security guard, punching him twice in the chest, and kneeling him hard in the abdomen!

"Ah!" The security guard roared, and with his arms around him, he held Li Qi in his arms and squeezed him hard!

It must be said that these foreigners are physically strong!

If it were someone else, they would have fallen down under Li Qi's heavy blow, but this guy didn't seem to be hurt much, and he was able to control the other party.

I felt that all the bones in my body were broken, my feet left the ground, and I couldn't exert force. My back was squeezed by the gun barrel, and the pain was so severe that the bones were about to fall apart!

Li Qi gritted his teeth and knocked his head down hard.


His head hit the security guard's face hard, and blood splattered!

The security guard screamed and let go of Li Qi with both hands.

As soon as his feet landed on the ground, Li Qi shrank his body, broke free from the security guard's grip, and punched the security guard in the throat with a heavy punch.

Cough cough!

The security guard covered his neck and coughed uncomfortably.

Li Qi went around behind him and stepped hard on his knees, causing him to kneel heavily on the ground.

The security guard tried to get up with his hands, but Li Qi had already snatched the gun and pointed it at his head!

He didn't say a word, but the cold muzzle against his head meant everything!

If you dare to move, I will kill you!



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