Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2342 My decision cannot be changed

Hoover was very disdainful of this Chinese man's bluff.

He has worked in the Human Resources Department of Nada Building for six years, and he cannot say that he knows everyone in this building. After all, companies move in and out very frequently.

But everyone in the middle and upper levels is familiar with them, and small things can be done with just one sentence.

This is his ability and what he is proud of.

So he knew very well that there were many Orientals in the Nada Building, and there were also Chinese employees, but there were no bosses!

These people are all humble and humble workers.

"It's useless to call anyone, I won't let you go up at all!" Hoover sneered and said to Chen Xin'an:

"No matter which company you are from, if you dare to attack my people, you are finished!

As long as I'm here, I won't let you go up there.

Every time you come over from now on, I will have someone keep an eye on you.

I won't let you go up until you change jobs and get out of the Nada Building! "

Chen Xin'an looked at him coldly, then looked at the camera on the wall not far away, shook her head, and said softly: "Idiot!"

"You dare to scold me?" Hoover got angry and shouted to the security guard beside him: "Ask for support, and call Officer Doug over here too!

These damn Chinese guys know kung fu, and Doug is the most experienced in dealing with these people! "

At this moment, the elevator door opened, and a man with rosacea rushed out leading a group of people.

Hoover's eyes widened and he asked in surprise: "Mr. Nell, why are you down here?"

Nell glanced at everyone and said impatiently: "Hoover, what are you doing?"

Hoover quickly explained: "There are several Easterners of unknown origin. I am..."

Nell interrupted him impatiently, waved his hand and said: "Get rid of all the useless people quickly, the big boss is coming soon!"

"Ah?" Hoover was stunned for a moment, and then asked quickly: "Which big boss is coming?"

Nell scolded angrily: "Come both of them! Get this place sorted quickly, it's too late!"

Look at the mess here, you idiot! "

Hoover's expression changed, and he quickly ordered the people around him: "Why are you still standing there? Clean it up quickly!

Get rid of these two bastards quickly. If they leave a bad impression in front of the big boss, we will all suffer! "

A group of people quickly lowered their heads and started working. Gref came over and scolded Chen Xin'an and Li Qiang to go out.

Chen Xin'an glanced at Li Qi, said nothing, and retreated to a corner.

Soon, several cars drove over and parked in the temporary parking lot in front of the building.

Vehicles are generally not allowed to park here, but these vehicles obviously have special privileges.

A group of people got out of the car and greeted them warmly.

Nell and Hoover also came up to greet them, bowing politely to everyone who came.

Stilwell looked high-spirited and said to Golden: "I have invited your father to play golf this weekend.

But he just told me today that he can't go there because of something. Please bring me a message back to scold him! "

Golden laughed and said: "Uncle Stilwell, I think you know how busy my father is during this time.

It doesn't matter, he can't go, I will go with you when the time comes, and it will be the same. "

Stilwell shook his head and cursed with a smile: "Every one of you is busier than the other, as if I am an idle person...

By the way, why did Chen Xin'an ask us to come here?

What about others? "

"I'm here!" A voice came from the corner.

Everyone fell silent, and Stilwell and Golden turned around, saw the man in the corner, and laughed.

"Mr. Chen, why are you standing here? Why don't you go to your office?"

"You didn't ask our security to stop you because we met each other, right? Haha, that would be so interesting!"

But no one around him could laugh!

The faces of Hoover and Gref were even more pale and without any blood!

Could it be that he is really the boss here?

They knew the two men, the newest owners of the building.

But the two of them were actually polite to this Oriental man. It was obvious that this Oriental man seemed to be older than the two of them!

Nell also had a look of astonishment on his face. He originally thought they were two inconspicuous people, but he didn't expect them to be the big boss of the building!

I have long heard that the big boss of the building has a good background and has a close relationship with the newly appointed GBSA Secretary General.

But he never showed up.

Unexpectedly, he didn't even take him seriously when he was standing next to him just now!

Chen Xin'an said expressionlessly: "From now on, we will terminate all cooperation with this management company and hire another management company.

Please ask the police to enter the building tonight. Within two hours, the owners of this company will move out of the Nada Building and return all room keys.

Two hours later, the police cleared the area.

Anyone who fails to leave within the time limit will be arrested for illegally trespassing on someone else's territory.

Do you still have questions? "

"Mr. Chen, please give us a chance!" Nell panicked.

I was fired immediately without any time to react. Isn’t this too scary?

Which bastard offended this big boss?

Hoover and Gref looked at Chen Xin'an in horror.

It turns out that everything he said was true.

Thinking about what they had just done, the two of them now even thought about giving themselves a few big mouths.

This is tantamount to offending people to death!

But why did the damn Chinese become the boss of Nada Building?

And he is still a wage earner!

But now, I don’t even have the chance to be a wage earner.

From now on, he is unemployed!

Golden and Stillwell looked at each other.

"Um...Mr. Chen, is it too hasty to terminate the contract with the management company now? We don't even have time to prepare!"

"Yes, Mr. Chen, no matter how they offended you, contacting the entire company for a contract because of a personal grudge is a bit..."

Hearing the two big bosses speaking for them, Nell felt that there was still a chance to come back to life, and immediately begged Mr. Chen:

"Mr. Chen, these two idiots must have offended you!

I'll tell them to get lost now and please give our company a chance, okay? "

Chen Xin'an looked at Golden and Stilwell expressionlessly and said: "Tomorrow morning, if you accept my forced acquisition, I will invest a lot of money to intervene in the stock market!

You can either transfer the equity to me at a low price, or mobilize all your funds and fight to the death with me! "

Stillwell and Golden were so frightened that their faces turned yellow!

They didn't expect that this guy Chen Xin'an would fall out at any time!

"Chen Xin'an, you bastard! Are you crazy? We are friends! How can you do this!"

"Mr. Chen, calm down! Everything is negotiable. Whatever you say, we will do it now! We will terminate the contract with the management company now!"

Chen Xin'an looked at Stilwell and Golden with a cold face and said, "You'd better remember that I am the majority shareholder and my decision cannot be changed.

I don't have to get involved in your affairs at ordinary times, so as not to delay everyone's fortune.

But I also ask for your full cooperation in whatever I want to do.

Instead of talking a bunch of useless nonsense!

The police will be stationed here tonight. My people will come tomorrow and will take over the building.

The management company's new collaborator information will be placed in my office and I will select it myself. "

After Chen Xin'an finished speaking, she turned around and left, entering the elevator.

It's okay to offend him, and you can tolerate making small mistakes. After all, it's not easy to survive in a company with hundreds of people.

But he couldn't bear the hatred of the Chinese displayed by Hoover and Greif.

Don't even think about making a living under such a company!



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