Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2343 I’m going to kill you tonight

The office environment is pretty good, and my wife personally decorated it. It’s similar to the one at the Kyoto headquarters.

There is also a photo frame of the two of them on the desk, which is Chen Xin'an's favorite.

Chen Xin'an sat on the boss's chair, gently wiped the photos with her hands, and said to Li Qi:

"Our security company is equipped with this piece of equipment. You have to work hard tomorrow and ask Joseph to make a list.

We will follow the highest standards, and I will go to Boorman to get the permit. "

"Okay!" Li Diding nodded and said to Chen Xin'an, "How about I train them again?"

When working overseas, the stronger you are, the greater your chances of survival are.

Anhao Security recruits veterans and ancient warriors, so their physical fitness is of course impeccable.

However, the domestic environment is stable and life is peaceful, so there are too few practical opportunities.

This results in most of their potential not being unleashed.

If Li Qi, the Soldier King of Patrolling Eagle, could teach them step by step, his strength could be improved by more than one level.

Chen Xin'an smiled and said: "Of course I have no objection, I'm just afraid that you won't be able to handle it yourself!"

Li Qi waved his hand and said: "They are all my brothers. As long as it can be useful to them and I think I can learn something, I am willing to teach them!"

Chen Xin'an's cell phone rang, she took it out, took a look, frowned, and said to Li Qi, "Let's go see an old friend!"

Blue Moon Entertainment CLUP is the largest nightclub in London. All the people who come here to play are college students from well-known universities.

There are even many popular celebrities who are not afraid of entertainment gossip. This is much more open than in China.

Of course, domestic nightclubs actually imitate the models and some popular elements of these foreign nightclubs, so many of the gameplay are the same.

Deafening music, writhing crowds.

Under the dim light, Chen Xin'an and Li Qi walked to the bar and ordered two glasses of tequila. Before they drank, someone said in their ears: "Old friend, won't you buy me a drink?"

Philemon stood aside and looked at Chen Xin'an with a smile.

"Come on, order it yourself!" Chen Xin'an and Li Qi both laughed and gave way.

Philemon also ordered a glass of tequila, picked up the wine glass and said with a smile: "Cheers to our reunion!"

Chen Xin'an and Li Qi clinked glasses with him, and the three of them drank it all.

He asked for another glass of wine and was not in a hurry to drink it. Chen Xin'an said to Philemon, "Where is your little follower?"

"Bobby?" Philemon said with a smile: "He went to the rookie training camp! I hope he can endure the hardship and stay!"

Chen Xin'an waved her hand and said, "I think there's nothing wrong with him. Although he didn't come from an underground construction site, he's not a squeamish young man either."

Philemon laughed and nodded.

After a while, he took the initiative and said to Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Chen, I am actually only in London City for one night tonight, and I just want to meet you, an old friend, for a drink.

Because there may not be a next time! "

I didn't want to bring up this topic at first, but now that he mentioned it, Chen Xin'an had no choice but to nod and say:

"I understand! Philemon, no matter what, we are friends.

But I understand your position. Your identity does not allow you to show favoritism at work.

So next time we meet, we are enemies! "

Philemon looked at Chen Xin'an in astonishment and said, "Why have we become enemies? I have always regarded you as a friend.

OMG, this is the worst news I’ve heard in days! "

Chen Xin'an was stunned, looked at Philemon strangely and asked, "Didn't you come to tell me that your mission this time is to deal with the Red Hood?

The Red Hood is my friend, and I will not allow anyone to hurt them! "

Philemon said with an aggrieved look: "Because of this, I suspended this task when I got back!

Do you know what hang means?

It means shelving it indefinitely. If I don’t do it, no one else can do it either. "

"Ah?" Chen Xin'an looked at him with surprise and asked, "Then you are here... Damn, what kind of mission did your kid take on!"

Philemon took a deep breath and said to Chen Xin'an: "Some time ago, someone discovered a small island offshore with some modern buildings and many people on it.

The headquarters sent people to investigate, but they were exposed and only a few pictures were sent back. It was a place similar to a training base.

But the trainees are some underage children!

There is too much information that I can't get yet, so I have to sneak in, get more information, and cooperate with the headquarters' actions! "

So that’s it!

Chen Xin'an breathed a sigh of relief, as long as it wasn't a mission to turn against each other.

Li Qi suddenly asked: "Does that place have a name?"

Philemon thought for a while, nodded and said: "It has a very strange name, Eagle Beak Pier.

In fact, it is just a small island, not a pier. "

Eagle's Mouth Pier!

Chen Xin'an and Li Qi's expressions changed.

It turns out to be in this place!

Could it be that Zhang Jian's little niece was sent to this island?

Looking at the expressions of the two of them, Philemon asked strangely: "Why, have you heard of this place?"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said to him: "Filimon, I will send someone to go with you..."

"No!" Philemon immediately waved his hand and said, "My friend, this is our mission.

And the scariest thing is that the people there are very wary and don't trust strangers at all.

I found their maintenance technician recruitment information on the dark web and was able to apply successfully.

If you are looking for someone, just tell me the name and characteristics, and I will help you find it then! "

Chen Xin'an thought for a while, and that was all she could do. She nodded and said to Philemon: "Then when you get there, help me find a girl named Zhang Jinyu, who is about fifteen or sixteen years old.

Also, be careful. If you need any help, please contact me as soon as possible! "

"Okay!" Philemon nodded and said to Chen Xin'an: "I will check it for you. But you have to do me a favor tonight!"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "You say it!"

Philemon pointed in front of him and said: "Buy me a drink and have a good night!

You have to know that with my pitiful salary, I can’t even afford to drink good wine!

I am in London, but I only have one rich friend like you.

So before I go to the island and live a primitive life, all I can think of is you.

Tonight, I'm going to kill you big time! "

Chen Xin'an and Li Qi both laughed.

He pointed to the dazzling array of wine bottles on the wine cabinet behind the bartender, and said to Philemon: "Drink whatever you like, and don't worry about the rest!"

Philemon laughed and said: "I know that my friend is not a stingy person! Then I'm not polite. I must drink enough tonight!"

"Hey, hey, hey!" suddenly shouted from the dance floor, and countless young people jumped excitedly.

In the middle of the dance floor, two voluptuous young women took off their coats, wearing only close-fitting shirts, and began to twist their bodies to their heart's content.

It was originally a place for young people to release their instincts, so every night, many men and women, under the influence of alcohol and vague stimulation, walked onto the big stage and twisted to their heart's content, making themselves the focus of the audience.

It's just that these two beauties tonight are really rare to see.

Regardless of appearance or figure, they are both top-notch.

What's even more rare is that although the two have the same hot body and about the same height, their faces are completely different.

One has a blond and blue-eyed Western face, and the other is an Oriental beauty with black hair and black eyes.

A lot of people had gathered around the two beauties. One of them, a man with an aquiline hook, got drunk and stood in front of the black-haired beauty and danced with her.

But the black-haired woman didn't want to pay attention to him and turned around.

But the hooked nose took this opportunity and pressed his entire body against it!



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