Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2344 I will call you

It is common for girls to be harassed in bars.

The more beautiful a girl is, the more harassment she receives.

Without the protection of a man, even being forcibly abused is expected.

There were more men beside the blonde beauty, and some even hugged her face to face, twisting their bodies.

But unlike the black-haired beauty, the blonde beauty doesn't seem to object to such harassment.

He even took the initiative to tease her, making the men around him even more want to stop.

"Today's college students!" Philemon looked at this scene from a distance and sighed:

“It’s so crazy!

When we were in school, we had to sneak into nightclubs and take family members’ ID cards.

Hiding in a corner, drinking a glass of wine for a long time and watching people dancing.

Now look at these little girls, how bold they are!

Don't tell me, this figure and this face are really terrible!

What did you eat to look like this? "

Chen Xin'an was a little dumbfounded. He was not interested in these things, so he didn't know how to answer the conversation.

At this moment, the hook-nosed man on the stage seemed to have done something extraordinary, which made the brunette angry.

She suddenly turned around, raised her arm and slapped her hook-nosed face.

Then he pressed his shoulders with both hands and thrust between his legs!


Hook Nose let out a shrill scream, covered his crotch with his hands and squatted down in pain.

There was a burst of whistles and laughter and curses all around.

The hook-nosed man gritted his teeth and stood up, trying to retaliate against the black-haired woman, but there was a burst of boos around him.

In nightclubs in Eagle Flag Country, these are the rules.

No one blames you for harassing women, you are a gentle lady and a gentleman!

So when the harassment goes too far, it's common for women to slap them, kick them in the crotch, or even throw drinks at them.

But you must not touch a beautiful woman, that would be a big taboo.

Even if you use the most despicable methods to pick up girls, no one will blame you, but if you dare to use violence against beautiful women, you are the public enemy of everyone.

So the hooked man put down his arm and looked at the black-haired woman with an annoyed look.

But the brunette didn't even bother to look at him. She grabbed the arm of the blonde who was still surrounded by men and jumped off the stage.

"Come here, come here!" Philemon shouted excitedly, touched Chen Xin'an and Li Qi with his arms, and whispered: "What a great opportunity!"

Chen Xin'an smiled and said to him: "Then hurry up and try to get out of singles tonight!"

Philemon said with an embarrassed look on his face: "But it costs money to have sex with horses..."

Chen Xin'an smiled and said to him: "What we don't lack most is this thing!"

Philemon drank a sip of wine, pressed Chen Xin'an's shoulders and said, "Friends enough! Then I'll be relieved!"

As expected, the two beauties came to the bar. Looking at Philemon who stared at them without blinking, the blonde beauty smiled sweetly, put her hands on his shoulders and said:

"Hey, handsome! Why don't you treat us sisters to a drink?"

Philemon was still looking like a beaming Pig Brother just now, but now he became polite and relaxed, nodded and said: "That's my honor!"

He turned to the bartender and said: "Please give this beauty a glass of Chanchel and this black-haired beauty a glass of Masana!"

The blonde beauty was stunned for a moment, then giggled and said, "Why do we drink different wines? Do you only have enough money to buy these two kinds of wine?"

It is true that these two kinds of wine are not expensive here and can be regarded as very common products.

Although Philemon kept asking Chen Xin'an to treat them, when ordering drinks for the two beauties, he handed over his card.

He shook his head and said to the blonde beauty: "No, I can treat you to the most expensive wine here.

But the most expensive wine may not be the best for you.

This cup of Chanchel is fiery and spicy in the mouth, which can stimulate your taste buds faster and arouse your emotions.

It can make you feel happy and excited.

As for this dark-haired beauty, what she needs now is to calm down, and this gentle cup of Marsanna is more suitable for her! "

The blonde looked at Philemon with wide eyes and said happily: "That's great, you seem to have spoken to my heart!

I never thought you knew so much!

Then tell me, after drinking this glass of wine, what should I drink? I'll give you a chance to buy me a second drink! "

In a nightclub in the Eagle Flag Country, if a beautiful woman gives you a chance to buy you a second glass of wine, it means that she has a crush on you, and you may take her back tonight to spend the night together!

Philemon shook his head, smiled slightly and said to her: "I really want to have this opportunity, but I will never treat you to a drink again!"

The blonde woman looked at him with sarcastic eyes and smiled: "What's wrong? Do you have no money anymore?"

Philemon shook his head, pointed at her and said, "Because the alarm on your phone rang, and you have to go back!"

Only then did the blonde realize that the ringtone of her cell phone had been ringing. She immediately opened her Xiaokun bag, turned off the alarm clock, and said to Philemon:

"Don't worry, it's just an alarm clock, it won't work tonight! I can drink with you until dawn!"

"That might be the worst decision you've ever made!" Philemon spread his hands and said to the blonde:

"You are a girl who seems casual but is actually self-disciplined.

You seem to be close to everyone, but you always maintain a safe distance in your mind.

You seem to be giving yourself a reason to indulge, but you are adhering to self-discipline and restraint.

So a good girl like you shouldn't have to pay for a bad decision.

I'll buy you a drink and you can take your friends and leave.

This is a good place to relax, but not a place to indulge. "

The smile on the blonde's face disappeared, she stared at Philemon and said to him:

"My name is Joanna, and this is my friend Peng Qian. Can I know your name?"

"Philemon! Nice to meet you, Miss Joanna!" Philemon smiled slightly, took a piece of paper from the bar, and wrote a number.

Then it folded into the shape of a bird in two or three strokes.

The key is that this bird can fly!

With a slight throw from him, the bird flew out, circled around Joanna, and landed in front of her.

"If you have time, call me and I will buy you a drink."

At this moment, Joanna's eyes were filled with stars when she looked at Philemon. Which girl could stand such teasing?

Chen Xin'an and Li Qi were also relatively speechless. If Interpol dealt with a female college student, wouldn't it be easy to catch them?

"Joanna, let's go!" The black-haired beauty Peng Qian waved to Joanna without drinking the glass of Masana!

As if a little reluctant to give up, Joanna picked up the wine glass and drank all the wine in the glass, then suddenly leaned over to Philemon, kissed him on the cheek, and said with a sweet smile:

"Handsome guy, I'll call you!"

She put the little bird into her sleeve, turned around and took Hu Qian's arm, preparing to leave.

It was just dark in front of them, and a group of people had stopped the two of them.

The hook-nosed man looked at the two girls with a livid face, then glared at Philemon with jealousy, and said with a sneer:

"Beauty, why are you leaving so soon? Can I buy you a drink to show your respect?"

Joanna giggled and said, "Oh, sorry, we've already been invited. We can't drink tonight. Let's do it next time!"

But the aquiline nose remained motionless, just stared at Peng Qian and said: "I just saw it, but she didn't take a sip.

How could a wine of that quality be worthy of a beautiful woman!

So I treat you to a Winston! "

He raised his head and called to the bartender: "Ram, give me three Winstons.

Those poor guys who want to pick up girls but can't afford the money, get your butts off your chairs right now and get out of here! "



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