Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2345 This kind of wine can only be used to wash hands

There weren't many stools in front of the bar, and unless they were real drunkards, few people would sit here all the time.

The Hook-nosed Man and his gang came over and tried to push Chen Xin'an and Li Qi away.

Philemon looked at them with a curled lip and asked disdainfully, "Are you rich?"

Hooked Nose sneered, "At least I'm not so poor as to treat a beautiful woman to such cheap wine!"

Phiemon shrugged his shoulders and said indifferently, "It's just Winston at 180 yuan a glass, it's nothing!"

"Poor bastard, you have more money than me?" Hooked Nose was angry, stood beside Philemon, and said to the bartender, "Ram, help me change three glasses of Rachel!"

The people around exclaimed, and someone shouted, "Wooster, you are so generous! You are willing to order Rachel at 1200 yuan a glass!"

Hooked Nose waved his hand proudly and smiled reservedly at the people around him, "As long as you drink with a beautiful woman, this little money is nothing!"

He looked at Philemon proudly and said with disdain, "If you have the guts, order a glass of Rachel for me?"

Phiemon was a little hesitant on his face, he couldn't bear to drink such an expensive wine!

Chen Xin'an pointed at the wine rack and said to Ram: "Give me that bottle!" Ram was stunned for a moment, pointed at the bottle of wine and asked: "Sir, are you sure you want a whole bottle?" This is the gold label Rachel, not to mention the quality of the hook nose just now, the price of a whole bottle is 120,000! Chen Xin'an nodded, took out the card and threw it to him, saying lightly: "Swipe the card now!" Ram immediately smiled and said to Chen Xin'an: "Dear sir, please wait!" He turned around and took the bottle of wine, carefully placed it in front of Chen Xin'an, and asked softly: "Excuse me, can I open it for you now?" Chen Xin'an nodded, and Ram hurriedly opened the bottle, as if he was afraid that he would regret it. After opening the bottle, Ram breathed a sigh of relief and said to Chen Xin'an with a smile: "Excuse me, how many cups can I get for you?" Chen Xin'an grabbed the bottle and shook his head and said: "Just washing hands, why do you need a bottle!" As he said that, in front of everyone, he poured the bottle of wine he had just bought for 120,000 into his hand! This is...too rich, isn't it?

Everyone was stunned!

Worcester and his group were even more stunned.

Even Joanna's eyes widened with disbelief.

Peng Qian still had a cold and beautiful expression, but she looked at Chen Xin'an with contempt, and uttered a few words: Pretentious idiot!

The key is that this was said in fluent Chinese, and Chen Xin'an couldn't pretend not to understand.

Worcester's face turned a little livid, he didn't expect to meet a really rich man.

He couldn't do such a thing as asking him to open a bottle of 120,000 yuan wine for face and wash his hands, he didn't have so much money!

Fortunately, he was not stupid, and knew that his goal tonight was to deal with these two women.

As for these men, he didn't care at all!

Go out and find a dark place, and stab them one by one, and they will be honest!

Gwen pushed three glasses of Rachel in front of Worcester.

The guy next to him used this wine to wash his hands, but he treated it as a treasure. This would make no one feel comfortable.

But I bought it with my own money, so I can't waste it.

Wooster had a gloomy face, picked up two glasses of wine, turned around and handed them to Joanna and said:

"Beauty, I'll buy you a drink and make friends, is that okay?"

Joanna was a little embarrassed and didn't want to drink, but looking at the guys around her who were eyeing her covetously, she knew that if she didn't drink, these guys would never let her go!

She had to take the wine and said with a smile: "Thank you for your wine, handsome guy!"

Wooster laughed and nodded and said to her: "I like you! So we are friends now! What about you?"

He turned his head and looked at Peng Qian without blinking.

The black-haired beauty has always been cold and said expressionlessly: "No matter whose wine it is, I won't drink it. I only drink the wine I bought myself!"

Wooster said with a gloomy face: "That means you don't give me face?"

Peng Qian sneered, looked at him with disdain and asked: "Who are you? Why should I give you face?"

"Qianqian!" Joanna called her in a low voice.

A hero doesn't suffer a loss in front of him!

The situation is a bit wrong now. If we keep confronting each other like this, I will be in danger tonight.

Peng Qian rolled her eyes at her and cursed: "Stupid! Look at his fingers, they are all wet! He put something in the wine just now!"

Joanna widened her eyes, looked at Worcester in disbelief, and cursed: "You bastard!"

Unexpectedly, his little trick was exposed on the spot. Worcester was a little flustered, but he immediately denied it:

"I invited you to drink, but I didn't expect you to be ungrateful and slander me for drugging!

You two bitches, you are so disrespectful to me!

In this case, I will strip you naked and see how precious you are!"

As he spoke, he grabbed Joanna's hair and pulled her collar with his other hand!

"People like you are simply embarrassing all men!" Philemon sighed and shook his head, stood up and grabbed Worcester's hand!

Feeling that his hand was clamped by a pair of steel pliers, Worcester showed a painful expression on his face.

He gritted his teeth and cursed Philemon: "Let go, you bastard!"

Philemon looked at him and said: "You should let this beauty go! Do you think no one saw the drug just now?

A bastard like you really shouldn't be in this place, you should go to jail! "

As he twisted hard, Worcester screamed and let go of Joanna's hair.

Joanna screamed and rubbed her head, turned around, kicked Worcester hard, and cursed: "You bastard!"

Worcester screamed and begged Philemon for mercy: "Let me go, my hand is about to be broken!"

Philemon didn't make things difficult for him, pushed him and cursed: "Get out of here!"

Worcester took two steps back, rubbed his wrist with pain on his face, then glanced at his companion beside him and shouted:

"Hit me! Bring those two bitches over and make them kneel in front of me!

Break the arms and legs of those men and throw them into the back alley! "

Ram shouted anxiously: "Hey, damn Worcester, you can't do anything here!"

Worcester pointed at his nose and cursed: "Ram, shut up! No one can stop me today, otherwise I will deal with him too!"

Although Ram had objections, he kept his mouth shut obediently.

This guy Worcester is crazy, he can do anything!

Chen Xin'an was curious to find that even at this time, Peng Qian still had a cold look on her face, as if she was not nervous at all.

Instead, it was her friend Joanna who had turned pale and hid behind Philemon.

Philemon turned into the flower protector and said to her with a smile: "Don't be afraid, as long as I am here, no one can hurt you!"

While he was talking, he had already grabbed a young kid who was rushing towards him, and then he threw him with his arms and knocked the kid to the ground!

Chen Xin'an and Li Qi also stood up, and shook their heads helplessly in the face of these little bastards whose combat capabilities were completely vulnerable.

Against such an opponent, they simply cannot use their full strength.

He simply pretended to cooperate with Philemon and pushed everyone to his side.

Soon a bunch of bastards were defeated, and Philemon showed his bravery and killed everyone.

Joanna's eyes were blurred when she looked at him, and her eyes were full of little stars!



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