Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2346 Men are all the same

Worcester rolled away with a group of little threesomes.

Joanna excitedly took a sip on Philemon's face and said with a smile: "My dear, you are really amazing!"

Ram was worried and said to Chen Xin'an: "Guys, please leave here quickly!"

Chen Xin'an smiled and said to him: "Why, are you afraid that we won't pay for drinking?"

Ram quickly shook his head and said: "A guest as rich and generous as you, I hope to come every night.

But you just offended Worcester, which will cause big trouble, and it will also cause trouble for us! "

Chen Xin'an glanced at him and asked, "Is that person very powerful?"

Ram nodded and said: "His brother McColin is the boss of this area! I think he will come to trouble you soon!"

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly and said to him: "Don't worry! We will leave after drinking this drink!"

Joanna hugged Philemon's neck and asked softly: "My dear, actually I really want to go to the top of the mountain with you tonight to watch the sunrise tomorrow.

It’s just that I promised my mother that I must be home before twelve o’clock.


Philemon smiled and shook his head and said to her: "Actually, beautiful scenery must be captured at the best time.

It's just that it's definitely not a deliberate arrangement.

So we have more opportunities to capture beauty, and it doesn't necessarily have to be tonight.

Let's go, let me take the beautiful lady home. I think you won't refuse this request, right? "

"No, let's call a taxi ourselves!" Peng Qian refused directly, took Joanna's arm and said, "Let's go!"

As soon as they left, Chen Xin'an and the other three also left.

To be honest, I'm really worried about the two of them. After all, Ram said that the origin of Worcester is a bit complicated.

But Peng Qian seemed to have a misunderstanding. When she arrived at the door, she suddenly turned around and said coldly to Chen Xin'an and the others:

"What's wrong, you don't want to give in? Still feel like you didn't get an advantage and don't want us to leave?"

Philemon quickly waved his hand and said: "Beauty, you misunderstood! In fact, we are a little worried about you..."

Peng Qian said with a straight face: "You don't need to worry! We can take care of ourselves."

Philemon shrugged helplessly.

Peng Qian pulled Joanna and turned around to leave.

Joanna whispered: "Qianqian, you are a bit too much, they just rescued us!"

Peng Qian rolled her eyes at her and cursed: "You idiot! Men are all the same, but the one you like has better methods!"

Joanna shook her head, turned around and said, "I think Philemon is different from those men..."

Peng Qian shook her head, took her hand and ran to the side of the road, flagged down a taxi.

After getting in the car, Joanna waved to Philemon on the roadside and made a gesture of calling.

Peng Qian looked at her with disdain, reached out and pressed her forehead, snorted and cursed: "You idiot!"

Joanna didn't feel dissatisfied at all, but hugged her arm and whispered: "Qianqian, I want to fall in love!"

Peng Qian was furious and wanted to scold her for being stupid, but when she saw the sweet look on her face, she couldn't bear it.

She sighed and said, "Do you believe it or not, he won't call you even from tonight to tomorrow morning?"

"Impossible!" Joanna shook her head and said, "He is not such a heartless man!

Although we met in a nightclub, I can tell that he is actually a very affectionate man! "

Peng Qian rolled her eyes angrily and cursed: "Silly girl, this is called playing hard to get! That guy is a master at picking up girls, don't let him eat you up!"

While she was talking, Joanna's cell phone rang.

She took it out and looked at it, and said to Peng Qian with a look of surprise: "Look, he said he would not call me if he played hard to get, but he has called me now!"

Peng Qian turned over the white smoke and looked at her friend's delicate way of answering the phone, then made a vomiting gesture.

"Honey, you missed me so soon? What did you say? Get off? Why?"

Before I finished speaking, I heard a crunching sound and the taxi stopped!

It turned out that he was stopped by two cars!

From the two cars in front, several big men with baseball bats got out, banged on the car doors, and yelled at the people inside: "Get out! Hurry up!"

The driver got out of the car tremblingly and squatted aside holding his head.

Peng Qian and Joanna were also forced to get out of the car. Several big men grabbed their arms and tried to force them into a van behind them!

The two girls struggled, knowing that once they were taken away, the outcome would be difficult to predict!

But the opponents are all strong and sturdy men, with absolute advantages in strength and numbers. They can't get rid of them at all!

At this moment, a Reggie Business vehicle rushed over.

As the car stopped, Chen Xin'an opened the car door with Philemon and rushed out. He knocked down several big men with three punches and two kicks, and then pulled Joanna and Peng Qian into the car.

"I knew you would be in danger, but luckily you came in time!" Philemon comforted the frightened Joanna with lingering fear.

Joanna held Philemon's hand and said gratefully: "Philimon, if it hadn't been for you just now, I really don't know what would have happened! Who are those people?"

Philemon shrugged his shoulders and said to her: "It should be someone from Worcester! He has been monitoring you!"

Peng Qian snorted coldly, looked at him and asked, "What about you? Are you also monitoring us?"

Philemon quickly waved his hand and said: "Don't get me wrong, we are just worried that something will happen to you..."

"Tch!" Peng Qian said to him with a look of disdain: "Men don't all have good things, they just use different tricks!"

Chen Xin'an looked at her expressionlessly and said, "Your conditions are not good enough for us to use tricks on you!"

Peng Qian's face turned even colder, she turned around and shouted: "What did you say!"

"Can't you understand when you speak human language?" Chen Xin'an said coldly: "Save a dog and it still knows how to wag its tail at me. Are you worse than a dog?"

"You..." Peng Qian seemed to have never heard anyone speak to her in such a tone, and for a moment she didn't know how to refute.

Chen Xin'an was rude and scolded her: "What are you? Don't take advantage of any man and think of all men like him!"

There is no distinction between right and wrong, good or bad. Such a big man can't even speak with his head!

If it weren't for us, it's not even sure if you would have anything to wear right now!

Men are all the same. At least we haven’t touched you with a finger or given any medicine to harm you. We are all trying to save you! "

Peng Qian cursed angrily: "Do you know who I am? Do I need you to save me?"

Chen Xin'an raised her head and said to Li Qi: "Aqi, stop the car and let her get out! Whether she lives or dies has nothing to do with us!"

Li Qigang was about to stop the car when two black cars suddenly rushed up from behind.

Several gunmen appeared in the back seat, holding automatic rifles and shooting at Reggie Business!

Fortunately, the car was bulletproof, but the sound of the bullets still made the woman in the car scream sharply.

Even the ice beauty Peng Qian's beauty is pale at this moment.

She didn't expect that these bastards would be so bold!

The other party didn't seem to expect that this car was bulletproof!

After a round of shooting, the opponent was unscathed!

Chen Xin'an shouted: "Open the window!"

As the window glass was lowered, Chen Xin'an shouted: "Filimon, go on!"



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