Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2347 I only know that he is my friend

A pistol was thrown over, and Philemon grabbed it in his hand.

Then together with Chen Xin'an and Li Qi, the three of them shot outwards!

Two of the gunmen were knocked down in an instant, and the remaining ones were running away!

The crisis was over, and the two beauties looked at the man in front of them in shock, with a look of fear on their faces.

Peng Qian took a deep breath, looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "You are not ordinary people!"

Joanna looked at Philemon with fascination, hugged his arm and shouted:

"My dear, you were so handsome just now!

I found that I have fallen in love with you! "

"Joanna, you idiot!" Peng Qian glared at her silly best friend.

Just then, her cell phone rang, and she quickly took it out to answer: "Dad, I'm fine! I'm... near the Poly Building. Come quickly!"

After hanging up the phone, she opened the car door and said to Chen Xin'an: "My father has already come to pick me up.

You better tell me who you are! "

Chen Xin'an looked at her coldly and said, "What if I don't say anything?"

Peng Qian looked at him expressionlessly and said, "My father is the Chinese boss of the Eagle Flag Country.

I know that you are also Chinese, and if you want to survive in the Eagle Flag Country, you can't do it without my father's care! "

"Really?" A sarcastic sneer appeared on Chen Xin'an's face. He really didn't know any Chinese boss.

At this moment, the lights flashed, and a car came quickly, surrounding Reggie Business in the blink of an eye.

This battle is not small. It seems that the father of this ice beauty does have some power.

Joanna said to Philemon with a worried look: "Dear, it's Qianqian's father who is here!

He was a very serious old man. I had never seen him smile before.

So when you talk to him later, you must be respectful, be careful, and don't make him angry! "

"Qianqian!" A group of Chinese people in suits got out of the car surrounded by an old man.

Peng Qian ran over, shouted: "Daddy!" and threw herself into the old man's arms.

The old man stroked her hair lovingly and said, "Why don't you let me pick you up from school?

Something happened now?

Are you injured?

Tell me who the other person is!

If my daughter loses a hair, I want her life! "

Peng Qian shook her head and said: "I'm fine! Someone saved us, and they are also Chinese compatriots!"

The old man said oh, nodded and said: "Since you have saved my daughter, no matter who he is, I will give him whatever he wants!

Friends in the car, come down and meet us!

Being able to save my daughter is your blessing! "

Despite the arrogance of that ice beauty, she is not bad-hearted, at least she did not say anything bad about people like Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an got out of the car, looked at the old man with a half-smile and said, "President Peng, it seems that I am quite lucky!"

"Mr. Chen?!" The old man was stunned. He stared at the man who came out of the car with wide eyes, and his old face suddenly burned up!

Peng Qian looked at Chen Xin'an strangely and said to the old man: "Daddy, do you know him?"

Peng Chang smiled bitterly and said to her: "Silly girl, this is the Mr. Chen Xin'an Chen who came from China that I mentioned to you!

If he can save you, that's your destiny! "

Just now, he said that saving his daughter was due to good fortune, but now it has become that his daughter was saved because of good luck.

There is no way, who let Chen Xin'an be the one to save people!

Peng Chang smiled bitterly and said to Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Chen, I'm really troubling you! What on earth is going on?"

Chen Xin'an waved her hand and said, "I went to a nightclub with my friends to drink, and we just happened to bump into each other by chance.

However, you need to pay attention to a person named McColin, he may not give up! "

Peng Chang curled his lips and said with disdain: "Don't worry, Mr. Chen, it's just a small fish!

Tomorrow I will ask him to kneel down at the entrance of Chinatown!

Aguang! "

He turned around and called out, and a strong young man responded, ran over, bowed to Chen Xin'an, and said excitedly: "Hello, Mr. Chen!"

Peng Chang said with a smile: "This boy admires you the most! I promised him to introduce you to him.

He is the captain of our Chinatown escort team.

A pure Chinese, but he grew up in the Eagle Flag Country. "

A Guang bowed deeply to Chen Xin'an and said excitedly: "Mr. Chen, can you teach me kung fu?"

These children who grew up drinking foreign milk really don’t know how to be polite!

Peng Chang scolded from the side: "Do you think Chinese Kung Fu can be learned only if you want to? It has to be taught by a disciple and passed down.

Okay, don't bother Mr. Chen. When he has time in the future, you can just go and ask others for advice! "

Aguang stepped aside with a disappointed look on his face.

Peng Chang said helplessly: "These boys were often bullied in the past.

Later, the equipment was updated and the situation became better.

But personal strength is still too much.

There is no way, the physical condition of us Chinese people is not advantageous in foreign countries. "

Chen Xin'an felt moved and said to him: "President Peng, I have a suggestion!

My security company will come over tomorrow, and then you can let these brothers from the escort team train with my people.

I dare not say more, but after three months, their fighting level will definitely improve! "

"Great!" Peng Chang clapped his hands happily and said to Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Chen, you have done a great favor to our Chinatown!

Then sign a contract, and I will personally deliver it to Mr. Chen's office when it's ready.

Don’t worry, Mr. Chen will never suffer a loss in terms of cost! "

Chen Xin'an hissed, frowned and looked at Peng Chang and said, "President Peng, why do I feel that I have been deceived by you?"

"Hahaha!" Peng Chang laughed and said to Chen Xin'an: "I have always wanted to have a friendship with Mr. Chen, but Mr. Chen never gave me a chance.

Now that I finally caught one, even if Mr. Chen calls me an old fox, I won’t let go! "

Chen Xin'an shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Joanna looked at Chen Xin'an in shock, and asked Philemon in a low voice:

"Who are your friends from? It seems that Qianqian's father is very polite to him!

I have never seen him smile so happily! "

Philemon looked at Chen Xin'an with pride on his face and said, "I don't know exactly who he is, but I know that he is my friend, and that's enough!"

Peng Qian was even more shocked.

As for the name Chen Xin'an, I'm afraid it has become a household name in London during this period.

Chinese children in college have always been bullied.

But since the name Chen Xin'an entered the university campus, those Chinese students all looked proud and felt a lot more proud.

Some people who have studied kung fu can cause a group of classmates to scream if they put on any kung fu show.

Peng Qian is in her graduation season and spends more time out. She can also inquire about many things about Chen Xin'an, and she is even more curious about this person.

She didn't expect that the person she met tonight would be him, and she would treat him so badly. Peng Qian almost regretted it now.

As if she thought of something, Peng Qian asked Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Chen, when your company opens, have you hired all the clerks?"

Chen Xin'an was stunned for a moment. He really didn't have time to prepare for this.

After all, when a company is established, security team members are the main body, but other people are needed to do daily work.

He originally wanted to wait until everyone arrived before looking for a handyman.

Seeing Chen Xin'an's look, Peng Qian knew that her opportunity had come. She snapped her fingers and said to Chen Xin'an:

"Now you have a clerk! Joanna and I will report to your company tomorrow!"



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