Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2348 The bigger the issue, the better

In this society, we see many people who are forced to quit their jobs. This is the first time that we have seen people forced to work as employees.

Peng Chang was used to seeing his precious daughter's unrestrained imagination, so he had no choice but to look at Chen Xin'an with an apologetic look.

I originally thought that the rich daughter of the Chinese president was cold and withdrawn, not easy to take care of, and I didn't want her.

But she acted like if you don’t want me, then I won’t let you go.

In addition, the security brothers were coming tomorrow, and there was no time to find someone again, so he had to make a three-part agreement with her, which was regarded as agreeing to her employment.

It was getting late, so Chen Xin'an rejected Peng Chang's request for a late-night snack and took Li Qi and Philemon back to the Four Seasons Hotel.

After taking a shower, Philemon, still wearing a bathrobe, sat on the sofa and made a phone call. Looking at his look, it was obvious that the call was for Joanna.

Li Qi smiled and asked Chen Xin'an: "Boss, you seem to be a little unsupportive of them?"

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said in a deep voice: "I just thought of a pair of old friends.

I wonder if the black dragon and the red fox met like this? "

Li Qi also sighed and shook his head.

Philemon left early the next morning.

He left a note for Chen Xin'an and he has already gone on a mission.

Chen Xin'an, an outsider, couldn't interfere with the Interpol mission, so he could only wish him well in his heart to take care of himself.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, the flight arrived at London City International Airport.

From a distance, he saw Zuo Meng leading a group of strong young men wearing security uniforms of a security company, walking out of the terminal in high spirits.

"Boss!" Seeing Chen Xin'an and Li Qi waiting on the roadside, the brothers all shouted excitedly.

Chen Xin'an nodded with satisfaction, pointed to the luxury bus that had been prepared nearby and said, "Get in the bus first, and then go to the company!"

As everyone got on the bus, Chen Xin'an looked over one by one. Good guys, I know them all. They are all veterans of the security team!

Not only Zuo Meng is here, but Luo Niu, Dai Wei, Mou Wenzhi, Nie Fenghan...these backbones of the security team are all here.

Chen Xin'an cursed angrily: "Who picked this person? You are all here, who is watching at home?"

Zuo Meng chuckled and said: "Don't worry, boss, Guan Gu and Guan Hui are both at home!

Besides, now that the new backbone is taking the lead, we old guys are no longer needed! "

Luo Niu snorted and said: "Boss, if you feel uneasy, I will go back!

I regretted it as soon as I got on the plane. It was a lot of trouble for me along the way!

Now that I have landed, I feel that it is better to be at home!

There is really nothing pleasing to the eye in this foreign country! "

Several people nodded quickly.

Chen Xin'an scolded: "Are you really here to travel? Come when you want and leave when you want?"

Luo Niu didn't dare to say anything.

The car arrived at the underground parking lot of the Nada Building and went directly to the 28th floor from the elevator.

As soon as I got out of the elevator, I heard a burst of singing. A large group of beauties holding fireworks and dressed in cheerleading uniforms ran over and danced energetically in front of everyone!

What's going on!

The eyes of a group of security team members were straightened!

The tears flowed from the corner of his mouth to his chest.

Li Qi smiled and said, "It was our company's clerk who arranged this event. We are here to welcome everyone!"

"Are you from our company?" Luo Niu's face turned red with excitement.

Li Di nodded and said: "Most of them are, and the others are invited by them to help!"

This is no lie.

Peng Qian and Joanna came to the company early in the morning to report, and they also brought some classmates, all of whom were beauties with hot bodies and beautiful faces.

All of a sudden, people from all departments of the company were recruited!

Although Peng Qian is a cold beauty, she is not unfamiliar at all when doing things and arranges things in a very orderly manner.

Moreover, she also has a certain degree of prestige among her classmates, and everyone listens to her.

As a result, Chen Xin'an directly promoted her to the company manager and made her responsible for all affairs.

Upon hearing that these beauties were all colleagues, a group of security team members were so excited that their nosebleeds came out.

Luo Niu even said that he likes this new job and will fight with whoever wants him to return to China!

Chen Xin'an couldn't be bothered with these guys. If he really had the ability, he wouldn't object to having his own girlfriend.

Dinner was delivered from Chinatown, and the company has a canteen and dormitory. The staff is not in place yet, but Peng Qian has made arrangements so that the kitchen workers and cleaners can come to work tomorrow.

On the first day, the jet lag hadn't come over yet, so Chen Xin'an didn't let everyone drink, they just ate.

Only then did everyone realize that the original location of the company was actually the most prosperous place and the most prosperous building in Eagle Flag Country!

The boss is really generous and will not hesitate to invest wherever he goes.

Chen Xin'an accompanied everyone to eat and was about to go back to the hotel. A call came in. When she took it out, it was Golden.

"Mr. Chen, something bad has happened!" Golden looked very panicked and said on the phone: "Those people are back to cause trouble!"

Chen Xin'an frowned and asked him, "Which group?"

Golden quickly said: "It's the person who managed the company last time. They think we have violated the contract and demand compensation from us!

If this continues, it will have a very bad impact on our building!

And I’m afraid they’ll ruin our new arrangements for the past two days…”

Chen Xin'an said calmly: "Okay, let me handle it!"

After hanging up the phone, Chen Xin'an clapped his hands and said to everyone: "Listen, it's time to live!

The former management company of this building was opened by me.

Now they come and cause trouble.

Your weapons and equipment will not be issued until tomorrow.

So now you have to go to work with your bare hands. "

Zuo Meng grinned and asked Chen Xin'an: "Boss, what do you think we are going to do? Should we just kill the chicken to scare the monkey?"

Chen Xin'an sneered coldly and said to him: "There is the connivance of local officials in this.

Because you are here to protect Boorman, and this is a big task.

That guy is suspicious by nature and wants to see if he can rest assured if he entrusts his life to you.

So I’m just taking this opportunity to test everyone!

It's just that he wants to play, and I don't want to play with him.

The purpose of Anhao Security is to break into the international market. If you don't leave an impression on them, your trip will be in vain!

Remember, be ruthless, but don't kill anyone.

I want everyone in London to know that our team is the best! "

"Understood!" Zuo Meng nodded and said to everyone: "Gather!"

The group of people who were lying down with their legs crossed just now stood up quickly after hearing the order, and then stood neatly together.

After the count was reported neatly and loudly, the thirty security team members collectively turned around and left the restaurant.

Peng Qian and a group of female employees looked at each one without blinking. When all the team members went out, they screamed with excitement and shouted: "Cool!"

Li Qi said to Chen Xin'an: "Boss, can I follow you and take a look?"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said: "Try not to take action, this is their own job!"

Li Qi responded, turned and left.

Chen Xin'an originally wanted to go back to the office, but after thinking about it, she went downstairs alone.

On the first floor of the Nada Building, Hoover said to Gref next to him: "Remember, the louder the noise, the better!

Find an opportunity to light a fire and let the building burn.

No matter how many people die, as long as we can turn this place into ruins, we can get enough bonuses! "

Gref could not suppress his inner excitement and said in a trembling voice: "But if that happens, we will be in big trouble! We may have to go to jail for the rest of our lives!

Taking those bonuses and spending the rest of your life in prison is simply not worth it! "

Hoover scolded with a stern face: "You idiot!

Don't light the fire yourself!

Let someone else do it.

You just have to blend in with the crowd and stop someone from putting out the fire! "



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