Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2350 I just want that line

In the abandoned factory, a black car slowly stopped.

As the surrounding headlights lit up, a group of Murphians appeared in the darkness.

Ped's face was gloomy and he said to the car not far ahead: "Friend, come out and have a chat!"

The car door opened and Cai Huashe walked out, followed by Wang Hao.

"Brother Snake, be careful!" Wang Hao warned in a low voice.

Cai Huashe nodded, looked at Ped not far away with disdain, pointed around and said:

"Peder, have you fallen to this point now? Invite me to such a peaceful place!

You are so cautious, why are you standing so high? Are you afraid that the two of us will kill all of you? "

Wang Hao translated his words to Pede. From beginning to end, he never looked at the young man next to Pede.

But the young man saw him and shouted loudly: "Hao! My friend, don't you recognize me?"

"Shut up!" Ped glared at him fiercely and cursed: "We are enemies now!"

Joseph said anxiously: "But he saved my life..."

"I told you to shut up! Damn it, if you bother me again, I'll drive you back!" Ped scolded angrily.

This incompetent brother is so soft-hearted and is not suitable to survive in such a cruel environment as the Eagle Flag Country!

With a gloomy face, he walked down from the height and stood two meters in front of Cai Huashe, looking at him coldly.

Now he couldn't wait to take out his gun and shoot this bastard to death!

These days, these oriental people are always against them, the Mofei people.

robbed their goods and destroyed their ships.

The two sides fought fiercely, and so far more than a dozen Murphy brothers have died!

Pede didn't even know where these desperate Easterners came from. They were completely different from the Easterners he knew!

I thought they were Dongchao people or Da Ying people, but I didn’t expect that these guys even beat Da Ying people and Dong Chao people!

And they are all desperate, extremely fierce and cruel!

As a last resort, Ped had no choice but to negotiate with them, so they made an appointment at such a place.

It's just that even Ped didn't expect that only two people from the other party came over, and they didn't take them seriously at all.

I have to admit that this guy is very courageous. Facing the Mo Feiren who almost wanted to tear them apart and eat them, he talked and laughed freely without any guilt at all.

Taking a deep breath, Peide looked at Cai Huashe and asked, "What do you want?"

Cai Huashe grinned and said: "I told you, what I want is that route! If you Mo Mo inhumans don't let you out, I will beat you until you dare not touch it again!"

"Damn it!" Ped became anxious, took out his pistol, pointed it at Cai Huashe's head, gritted his teeth and cursed: "If you dare to try to take advantage of my route, I will kill you!"


The surrounding Mofei people all raised their guns, and more than a dozen black muzzles were pointed at the heads of Cai Huashe and Wang Hao.

"Hahaha!" Cai Huashe laughed, his face full of ridicule, pointing to his eyebrows and said:

"Come, shoot at this place! If you don't kill me today, I will kill you after you leave this door!"

Wang Hao stood up straight, unbuttoned his windbreaker with both hands, and lifted the collar to the side, revealing the contents of his clothes.

"Fake!" Everyone in Pedde exclaimed and took a step back.

Unexpectedly, this Oriental man's body was covered with various homemade vials, and no one knew what was inside!

Wang Hao said to everyone in a deep voice: "As long as there is a little spark, the things on my body will explode.

It's not very powerful, it can just injure everyone here, but not kill them.

But it will produce a lot of poisonous gas, causing your wounds to fester and your whole body to rot!

You will die in the most painful circumstances!

Don't worry, no one can escape, everyone has the same chance, no one can escape! "

A group of Mofei people were so frightened that their hands were shaking and they seemed unable to hold their guns steadily.

Ped did not expect that the other party would capture more than a dozen of them when only two people came over, leaving them helpless!

These Orientals are so difficult to deal with!

Ped put away his gun and said to Cai Huashe with a gloomy face: "We Mofei people paid for that route with our lives, and we can't give it to you!

We take a step back and allow you to do the pharmaceutical business in London.

Drive away all the Da Ying and Dong Chao people, and only we, the Mofei, will work with you.

How about it? "

Cai Huashe snorted coldly, looked at Ped and said, "Ped, I don't have time to talk nonsense with you here! I only want that route, and I don't care about anything else.

I've given you the chance to kill me.

If you don't dare to shoot, after I leave here, you Africans will not appear on the coastline.

And I can guarantee that within three days, I will kill you! "

Ped didn't expect the other party to be so tough, gritted his teeth and cursed: "Do you think I really don't dare to kill you?

I have arranged people here. If you don't accept my conditions today, don't leave alive! "

Cai Huashe laughed loudly, shook his head and looked at him and said, "Pede, if I dare to come, I won't take you seriously!"

He glanced at Wang Hao next to him.

Wang Hao put his finger into his mouth and blew hard!

A sharp whistle sounded.

A group of Mofei people looked around, looking nervous.

They are too familiar with this whistle, because every time the whistle sounds, it is when the Orientals attack them!

There was a sudden burst of gunfire outside!

Violent explosions occurred one after another, and the firepower of heavy machine guns shook the factory building into dust!

Ped's expression changed. With such powerful firepower, could it be that the army came to encircle and suppress them?

Cai Huashe sat on the front of the car leisurely, raised her right leg, and looked at Ped with a sinister smile.

Wang Hao opened his clothes, revealing bottles all over his body, surrounded the car and stood in front of Ped, approaching him step by step.

Ped's face turned pale and his feet slowly retreated.

Joseph Han shook his head and said to Wang Hao: "Hao, don't be like this! We are friends!"

Wang Hao looked at him expressionlessly and said: "Joseph, whether we are friends or not depends on your brother's attitude.

If he is still stubborn, don't blame me for turning against you! "

"Okay!" Ped suddenly waved his hand and turned to Cai Huashe and said: "I will do that line with you! The profits will be divided equally. Are you satisfied?"

Cai Huashe shook his head and said to Ped: "I'm talking about that line, not cooperation with you.

From now on, only we can touch that line. Anyone who dares to interfere will be our enemy! "

Ped yelled angrily: "You are simply a group of robbers!"

"Hahaha!" Cai Huashe laughed, looked at Ped with sarcastic eyes and said, "Are you saying this to make me laugh to death?

Didn't you grab that line using the same method?

Ped, stop being childish!

Without that line, you are still the boss of Block 11.

But if you don’t let go, there will no longer be 11 blocks!

I will lead my people and wipe out your lair! "

"You don't have that ability!" Peide gritted his teeth and looked at Cai Huashe and said:

"I admit that your stuff is very powerful, but if you want to use it against the entire 11th Block, you are not qualified!"

Cai Huashe grinned and said to him: "Starting tonight, the London police will enter the 11th block under various names!

The Security Bureau and the Anti-Smuggling Team will also form a joint law enforcement team to clean up Block 11!

You will be shot dead on the spot due to arrest. The fate of the Mofei people will be either deported or imprisoned!

Ped, I have to decide on that line! Whether to give it or not is up to you in a single thought. I’ll give you thirty seconds and let me know when you’ve made your decision! "



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