Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2351 The good thing about you is that you can stay alive

Ped's face became extremely ugly. He didn't know whether what this guy said was true or false, but he didn't dare to listen to it as false.

Because this is related to his life and the fate of thousands of Murphy brothers!

What is the identity of this group of Easterners that allows the officials of the Eagle Flag Country to cooperate with them?

An idea flashed in Peide's mind, and he glared at Cai Huashe and shouted, "Who is supporting you? Mr. Long or Chen Xin'an?"

Cai Huashe laughed, looked at Ped and said: "Knowing too much is not good for you! Ped, let me say it again, I am bound to win that line!

If you can let go, I guarantee you will still be the boss of Block 11 and live a fulfilling life.

If you hold on to it, I won't let you survive tonight! "

Peder gritted his teeth, his body trembled, and he hesitated.

Josephhan whispered to him: "Brother, let go!"

"What did you say?" Ped scolded with a livid face: "Do you know how much I invested in that route?

If we leave it to others like this, can we Mofei people still be able to raise our heads in the Eagle Flag Country in the future? "

Joseph Han shook his head and said to him: "At least he is still alive.

But if we don’t hand it over, we will really die!

I don’t know others, but I know what kind of person Wang Hao is.

In the underground construction site of Peroses, there are three Farrs who are very domineering. Apart from the supervisors, they are the most vicious people.

They robbed Wang Hao and I of our food and kept us hungry for half a month.

Later, Wang Hao killed two of them with a sharpened toothbrush, deliberately leaving the last one alive.

The people in Paroses believed that the two dead people were fighting among themselves, and the remaining Farr man also obeyed Wang Hao's orders. "

Joseph Han took a deep breath, looked at Wang Hao, and whispered to Ped: "Brother, you have no idea how terrifying these Chinese people are!

Beneath their short, thin appearance lives a devil.

When they release this demon, even God will give in for them! "

Ped turned pale.

His brother's words were a bit exaggerated, but they convinced him.

Because he has dealt with Chinese people a lot, and no Chinese person he has ever met is easy to mess with!

Mr. Jade, Mr. Long, Black Dragon, and Chen Xin'an, who makes him even more afraid!

If Mr. Long or Chen Xin'an really want to seize this route, he really can't keep it!

Seeing that Peide was already hesitating, Cai Huashe said to him with a cruel smile: "Pede, if you know the truth and voluntarily give up that line, I can form an alliance with you!

If the Da Ying people and the Dongchao people have a dispute with you, I will definitely stand by the Mo Fei people! "

Ped's eyes widened and he said, "Can you help us get rid of the Japanese and Dongchao people?"

Cai Huashe sneered coldly, shook his head and said: "Pede, don't say such stupid things, we can't be your guns.

You'd better not use this method of killing someone with a borrowed knife on us Chinese people!

I can only promise that if there is a fight, we will help you and we will never help them! "

None of these Chinese people are stupid!

Ped took a deep breath and asked Cai Huashe, "What good can I gain by handing that line to you?"

Cai Huashe laughed loudly and said to Ped: "The best thing is that you are still alive!

Ped, do you want to go out and see how many of your people are left?

In terms of weapons, mine are much more advanced than yours, and your firepower is incomparable.

Regarding the background, I can rely on the power of the authorities, but you are just the target of official suppression.

So, whether you let go or not, you won’t be able to keep that line.

Don't be ignorant and negotiate terms with me.

Peide stared at Cai Huashe, his eyes seemed to burst out with fire.

Of course he is not willing to give in!

Cai Huashe looked at him with a sneer, without giving in at all.

In the end, Ped was defeated, looked away, sighed and said: "Okay, I give up that route, but I want to evacuate all my people!"

"No problem!" Cai Huashe grinned and said to Ped: "You can leave, but leave the boat for me!"

When Ped was about to get angry, Cai Huashe looked at him and said, "Don't worry, I'm buying, not robbing!

Three million for one boat, fifteen million for five boats!

Is the price fair? "

Ped was stunned for a moment, looked at Cai Huashe in disbelief and said, "Buy? Fifteen million?

Okay, pay the money with one hand and ship with the other! "

Unexpectedly, he could still make a fortune in the end, and Ped finally felt a little better.

"I have no money!" Cai Huashe waved his hand, looked at him with a smile and said, "I owe it first. Pay it in installments!

Therefore, it is best to distribute more of your goods to us.

Only if we make more money can we return the money to you as soon as possible! "

Ped felt like his lungs were going to explode!

How could there be such a shameless person!

Now he really hates and fears these Chinese people.

These guys are much more difficult to deal with than the Da Ying people and the Dong Chao people combined!

But there is nothing he can do now.

Just like Cai Huashe said, you can't win after fighting, and you can't win after fighting hard. There is no other way but to do what they say.

Peder left dejectedly.

Before leaving, Joseph Han turned his head and glanced at Wang Hao.

The moment he got into the car, Wang Hao turned his head and stretched out his right fist towards him.

Then he turned his fist upwards and made an up-and-down motion.

This is how they say hello when they are at the underground construction site.

It was John who gave it to him. It was a courtesy between the Murphy brothers.

At this moment, Josephhan's eyes became wet.

He also stretched out his right fist and made the same move towards Wang Hao.

The two looked at each other through the car window and smiled, then separated.

"Huh!" Cai Huashe breathed out softly.

Wang Hao smiled and said: "From today on, the name Brother Snake will be spread throughout the underworld of Eagle Flag Country!"

Cai Huashe smiled faintly, patted him on the shoulder and said, "This kind of flattery comes from my own brother, I'm really not proud at all!"

Dayao and Lao Han rushed in with a group of brothers, fully armed, and said to Cai Huashe: "Brother Snake, all the Mofei people have withdrawn!"

Cai Huashe nodded and said to Lao Han: "Inform Black Dragon that we can load the goods tonight.

This time, I will run it myself.

In the future, the remuneration will be increased by 20%! "

Old Han said with some embarrassment: "Brother Snake, I'm afraid those guys won't agree!"

Cai Huashe sneered coldly and said: "Whoever disagrees, then don't ask for it.

We auction directly on the high seas!

We and the Red Hood brothers risked our lives to get it back.

They didn't do anything, just waiting to receive it.

If something happens, you just shirk it. Now you have a little more hard-earned money, what's wrong? "

Old Han thought for a while and realized that this was the reason, so he remained silent.

Those national treasures sent back can be shipped to China without taking any money.

But Dragon Shield will take the initiative to give some hard work fees every time, and it's quite a lot.

But other countries are different.

I check it carefully every time, as if I am afraid it will be damaged, and I am picky about the packaging. I blame the delivery person for not being careful.

But when it comes to paying, there are always pushbacks, and often the money is not paid.

It seems that it is only natural to send them back for free.

He even threatened that if he wanted money, he would send a maritime anti-smuggling team over and take the things away directly.

Previously, Da Ying and Dong Chao owed the Red Hood nearly 200,000 yuan in shipping costs that they had not recovered.

This time the black dragon sacrificed, they didn't want to give it up.

Anyway, for them, these treasures have been snatched away a long time ago. If they can come back, they will gain. If they don't come back, they will not lose anything!



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