Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2361 This is Snake Island

In a courtyard at Dahongmen in Kyoto, Li Niandong hung up the phone gently and looked at his grandfather carefully.

In the whole of China, Chen Xin'an is the only one who dares to swear at Grandpa!

If that guy gets angry, even the King of Heaven would dare to spit on him!

Li Niandong was really afraid that grandpa Lei Ting would completely break up with Chen Xin'an in his rage.

But Grandpa's face was indeed clouded at first, but later he smiled helplessly, making Li Niandong a little confused.

"Grandpa?" Li Niandong called out strangely.

Li Ruoshan smiled and shook his head and cursed: "This stinky boy really has an extraordinary temper!"

"Aren't you angry?" Li Niandong looked at him and asked softly.

Li Ruoshan snorted and cursed: "So what if you are angry? Hang him up and whip him twice?"

You can't get it even though you are thousands of miles away!

But this guy’s temper is to my liking, and I like his kindness and righteousness! "

Li Niandong breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that his grandfather would not cause trouble for Chen Xin'an.

But then he said worriedly: "He will definitely not sit idly by.

In this way, the support we arranged is in danger of being exposed! "

Li Ruoshan nodded and said to her: "Then let the response staff stand still!"

"But..." Li Niandong became more worried.

Li Ruoshan shook his head and said: "Don't underestimate that kid, even if there is no response, he can get away with those two little guys.

It’s not a bad thing to let them go through more ups and downs! "

Li Niandong nodded and stopped talking.

In the presidential suite of the Four Seasons Hotel, Li Qi walked in quickly and said to Chen Xin'an:

"Boss, there is a news from Dayao.

Two Chinese people bought a boat and went to sea last night, but their whereabouts are unknown!

However, that ship did not have a voyage permit, so it was probably not leaving the country. "

Chen Xin'an nodded and asked Li Qi, "Did Zhang Jian go with Brother Snake and the others?"

"No!" Li Qi shook his head and said, "Someone found an island offshore with some children training on it. He went to the island!"

Chen Xin'an was stunned for a moment. Isn't this Philemon's mission?

He quickly took out his mobile phone, looked at the map of Eagle Flag Country carefully, and said to Li Qi:

"Inform Dayao to prepare a boat for me as soon as possible. I'm going to Yingzui Pier!"

Early in the morning, Li Qi drove Chen Xin'an to the beach, where the fishing boat prepared by Dayao was here.

Things here have been arranged, and Zuo Meng has gone to work normally. He originally wanted Li Qi to stay here and help Zuo Meng.

Just seeing him smiling and nodding in agreement, Chen Xin'an gave up!

This bastard wants to play again.

This was the case last time when I left with Xiruo and the others.

Whatever you say, he listens with a smile.

As soon as he turned around, he ran back!

If Chen Xin'an doesn't take him with him this time, he probably will ask Dayao to prepare another boat and go to Yingzui Pier to meet him!

In this group of brothers, no one is really obedient and makes people worry-free!

This is a small fishing boat with a motor, driven by an old fisherman.

Being deaf and mute, I don’t know how Dayao communicated with him.

Brother Snake took everyone on a long voyage, while Dayao and four or five brothers stayed behind. They met with some people every day, took orders and did business, and were very busy.

Taking over these routes was not just for transporting treasures.

There is also some private work to do, which is also a major source of income.

But Brother Snake and his gang seem to be born to eat this bowl of rice.

I got familiar with the business in a short period of time and got started very quickly. Now I have started to make schedules. I believe it won’t be long before all five ships can be moved.

Eagle's Mouth Pier is an inconspicuous island about eighty miles away from the coastline of the Eagle Flag Country.

There are so many reefs here that large ships cannot get in. Only small fishing boats like this can reach the shore with difficulty.

Two hours later, the small fishing boat docked near a reef.

The deaf-mute captain pointed to the small island in front of him, indicating that he had arrived, and he had to swim the rest of the way by himself.

Chen Xin'an and Li Qi had no choice but to put on their prepared swimming suits, put on their waterproof backpacks, and jumped off the boat.

He didn't let the boat wait here, because Chen Xin'an didn't know how long he would stay on the island.

The two went ashore, changed their clothes behind the rocks, and started looking around with their backpacks on their backs.

Chen Xin'an said to Li Qi: "Let's split up and find out what's going on on the island. We'll meet here in an hour!"

Li Di nodded and walked in another direction with his backpack on his back.

There are not many trees on the island, but there are a lot of shrubs, and the terrain is rugged and full of abrupt rocks.

Chen Xin'an walked forward quickly and climbed on the rocks. After a while, a large basin appeared in front of him.

Unexpectedly, there is such a place on the island, which is like a large crater.

It's just that there are acres of woods inside, blocking out the sky and the sun.

However, Chen Xin'an still saw the man-made buildings in the woods. It was obvious that there were people living here.

The entire island is like a large volcanic crater.

It is surrounded by a circle of natural barriers, abrupt and hard rocks.

There is a depression in the middle, about the size of three or four football fields, covered with trees, and the terrain is relatively flat.

Chen Xin'an looked around but didn't go deep because it was a bit difficult to get down from here.

Seeing that the appointed time was approaching, he returned to the big rock where he landed.

Li Qi is already waiting here.

"Boss, there are surveillance cameras on the island. But they are all concentrated on the west side, which is the flattest road into the interior of the island.

Moreover, there are many venomous snakes on the island, all living in the bushes. I just encountered more than a dozen species of highly venomous snakes. This may be a snake island! "

Chen Xin'an nodded and said to him: "The center point is a basin, and maybe the passage going down is where you were looking just now.

There are buildings inside and there should be a lot of people there.

Instead of going down the west side, we will find a way to enter from the east side. "

Li Qi reminded: "We may encounter snakes, so we need to make some preparations!"

I didn't expect that there would be so many venomous snakes in this place, so I didn't prepare protective clothing or snake repellent drugs when I came.

But this is not a problem for Chen Xin'an and Li Qi, two wilderness survival experts.

This island is a volcanic island. Even if it is an extinct volcano, there is residual sulfur, so it is not difficult to find it.

Grind this stuff into powder and apply it on your body. It is quite effective to repel snakes.

There is a rope in the bag. It is not difficult to fall from the rock and then the two of them climb down the rock wall of more than 20 meters and enter the inside of the basin.

After everything was ready, Chen Xin'an said to Li Qi: "Let's go in now. The situation is unknown. Everything is based on our own safety. If we are attacked, we will kill without mercy!"

Li Didian nodded.

The two of them climbed up along the path that Chen Xin'an had just walked, and soon came to the cliff.

Looking around, Li Qi said to Chen Xin'an: "There is indeed no surveillance here. We...boss, be careful, get down!"

As soon as they finished speaking, the two quickly lowered their bodies and hid themselves in the bushes.

There was a buzzing sound overhead, and a drone flew quickly, circled at low altitude, and slowly moved away.

I didn’t expect there to be drone patrols here!

Fortunately, the two escaped in time and were not discovered.

Chen Xin'an looked at the electronic watch on her wrist, frowned and said, "It should be done once an hour!

We have to enter the woods in the basin within an hour! "

Li Di started and said: "The third generation unmanned reconnaissance aircraft can be remotely controlled within two kilometers.

The control room should be at the edge of that place. We need to fix this place first! "

Chen Xin'an waved his hand and said to Li Qi: "Let's talk after we get down!"



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