Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2362 This society is so cruel

In the corridor of the base, two young men in ragged clothes, escorted by four gunmen, walked to the door of an office.

Everyone stopped, and a gunman knocked on the door a few times. There were sounds from inside, and the gunman pushed the door open.

"Hi, my dear Chinese friends, I have been waiting for you for a long time!" Behind the desk, a tall man with blond hair and blue eyes stood up and opened his hands.

At the gunman's signal, two young men walked in. One of them said to the tall man:

"Walton, according to the agreement, you should send a helicopter to pick us up! Do you know that we almost couldn't get out!"

The tall man raised his hands and said with regret: "I'm sorry, my dear friend!

It’s just that the helicopter is undergoing major repairs these days and cannot fly at all!

But I know that this little trouble will not trouble Mr. Long and Mr. Xia.

Look, you've already come over, haven't you? "

These two young men were Long Sheng and Xia Hongfeng.

Long Sheng said to Walton with a gloomy face: "Walton, don't forget, you were hunted down by the Eagle Flag Nation officials three years ago, who saved you!

We agreed at the beginning that if we need help, you will spare no effort to help us!

But now, you are standing by and watching the whole thing.

Forget it, we actually didn’t count on others.

The only thing I ask for your help now is to escort us to the high seas.

You won’t refuse this small favor, right? "

"Of course not!" Walton nodded generously and said, "It is my honor to work for Mr. Long and Mr. Xia!

It's just that the investigation outside is very tight now, so we can't act rashly.

Don't worry, you two, stay at Yingzui Pier for a few days. When the wind passes, I will send you out immediately!

Don't be afraid, it's safe here.

Officials from the Eagle Flag Nation cannot find this place, and even if they knew it, they wouldn't be able to get in! "

Long Sheng and Xia Hongfeng looked at each other and shook their heads gently.

Xia Hongfeng said to Walton: "We have to reach the high seas tomorrow morning! There is no delay!"

Walton thought for a while, nodded and said, "Then I will send a boat to take you there in the middle of the night!"

Long Sheng and Xia Hongfeng breathed a sigh of relief and said to Walton: "Thank you!"

The secretary brought the coffee, and Walton raised the cup and said to the two of them:

“Come on, my dear Chinese friends, try the unique pine cone coffee at Yingzui Wharf!

I will arrange the room later and let you rest for a while.

I'll let you know when it's time to leave! "

The past few days of running away had left Long Sheng and Xia Hongfeng exhausted.

They really need a place to sleep now and have a good rest.

The two picked up the coffee, made a toast gesture with Walton, and then took a sip.

It has a very strange taste, not the same as anything I've had before.

It tastes a bit like Blue Mountain, but with something else added.

It wasn’t too bad. After the two drank the coffee, they waved their hands to indicate to the secretary that he didn’t need to refill the cup. Long Sheng said to Walton:

"Mr. Walton, what ship is in store for us? I need to tell our responder."

Walton smiled and said: "Don't worry, my friend. You go and rest for a while. I will notify you when you are ready!"

Xia Hongfeng frowned and said, "But now you have to tell us what kind of ship is passing by and what time it will arrive.

We need to be ready for the response so that we don’t waste time or face unnecessary danger! "

Walton smiled and said: "I said, I will arrange these, don't be anxious, go and rest first!"

Long Sheng's face darkened, he looked at Walton and said, "Actually, you didn't plan to send us a ship to the high seas at all, right? You just wanted to trap us here!"

Xia Hongfeng frowned and said to Long Sheng: "In this case, let's not trouble Mr. Walton! Let's find a way to the high seas ourselves!"

After saying that, the two of them wanted to stand up, but as soon as their bodies were about to stand up, an uncontrollable sense of dizziness and exhaustion enveloped them!

Their legs went weak and they slumped down on the chairs.

Long Sheng glanced at Walton, frowned and asked, "How could this happen?"

Xia Hongfeng glanced at the coffee cup, glared at Walton and asked, "Did you add something to the coffee?"

Walton smiled and said: "Don't worry, it's just a light dose of snake venom, almost like sleeping pills!

You are really too nervous and tired. I just want you to have a good rest! "

"Despicable villain!" Long Sheng gritted his teeth and glared at Walton and cursed: "Why are you doing this? You ungrateful thing!"

A gunman came over, holding the rifle in his hand, and slammed the butt of the rifle into Long Sheng's mouth!

Long Sheng looked up and spat out a mouthful of blood, as well as two broken teeth, but still looked at Walton fiercely.

Xia Hongfeng gritted her teeth and asked, "If you don't want to help, just say so. Why did you lie to us to come here!"

Walton burst out laughing, shook his head and said, "My dear Chinese friends, do you really think I don't know what you have done?

The one you killed was Diwat, the first intelligence officer of the Eagle Flag Nation!

If I can hand you over to the officials of the Eagle Flag Country, then I can reach a settlement with them and get at least four million Eagle Flag dollars!

And whether it’s a living person or a corpse, you can get this money!

Do you think I would give up this opportunity to make a fortune? "

Long Sheng and Xia Hongfeng glared at Walton, wishing to kill him with a knife.

But now, they can only gasp and gasp.

The snake venom is raging in the body, corroding their central system.

Now don't talk about killing people, give them a knife, they can't even pick it up!

"Don't look at me like that, dear Chinese friend!" Walton curled his lips and said with disdain:

"I know you will call me ungrateful.

Yes, if you hadn't saved me, Walton would have turned into a pile of bones!

But this society is so cruel.

If you are a good person, you may not be rewarded with good things.

Just like you saved me, I don’t necessarily have to repay you!

All I can do for you is hand over your bodies to the authorities.

This way you don't have to worry about being brutally tortured and confessing many secrets.

You see, I'm still quite a friend, right? "

Long Sheng and Xia Hongfeng didn't even have the strength to curse, so they could only slump in their chairs and look angrily at the bastard in front of them.

Walton waved his hand and said to the gunman at the door: "Take them to the VIP room and have a good rest!

I'll give them some antidote later, don't let them die!

I also want them to play games with my children! "

Several gunmen walked in, unceremoniously pulled Long Sheng and Xia Hongfeng out of their chairs, and then dragged them out.

The so-called VIP room is the prison cell of the base.

They were all single cells made of reinforced concrete. Long Sheng and Xia Hongfeng were thrown into a cell each.

Then their mouths were forcibly opened and they were fed some fishy-smelling water.

But after drinking the water, they woke up a lot and regained some strength.

Although I am still dizzy and unable to stand up, I can at least crawl forward!

After lying down and resting quietly for a while, Long Sheng felt that he had regained some strength.

He climbed to the door, grabbed the railing with both hands, and shouted outside: "Let me out! Walton, you bastard! You ungrateful thing! I'm going to kill you!"

The person in the cell opposite said feebly: "Stop shouting, it's useless! They can't hear you, so save your energy!"



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