Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2398 This is not a sermon, it is a warning

In fact, even if Xia Hongfeng had to sacrifice herself to help others, everyone would not be able to leave.

A large number of men in black appeared in the forest, surrounding the place and blocking all roads.

The six people shrank together and looked at the black shadows shaking around them.

Everyone's faces showed a look of despair, now it was a dead end.

A man wearing a black mask stood under a big tree five meters away and said to Zhang Jinyu and Sarah:

"847, 962, you should know that your actions have betrayed the base!

You also know very well what consequences that will bring!

Now, I declare that you are already traitors to the base and public enemies of the alliance!

You have brought shame to the base, so I sentence you to death without mercy! "

The men in black around them all raised their guns, and the next second they fired indiscriminately!

Just then, some small black pineapples fell from the tree.

"Fake!" Amidst the exclamations, explosions sounded one after another.

Screams came one after another, and accompanied by intensive gunfire, the men in black fell to the ground one after another!

A figure slid down from the tree while shooting, and shouted to everyone in Zhang Ji'an: "How are you doing?"

Everyone saw who was coming and shouted in surprise: "Boss!"

Philemon also shouted excitedly: "Mr. Chen!"

Chen Xin'an saw Zhang Jian covered in blood, frowned, and asked him, "Can you hold on?"

Zhang Jian said with a smile: "I couldn't hold on anymore, but as soon as I saw the boss coming, I felt full of energy!"

Everyone laughed.

Chen Xin'an scolded angrily: "You're still a fool at this time, aren't you? Pick up a gun and rush out! Ah Qi is already here!"

Just now, a sudden burst of fire knocked down more than a dozen men in black.

The rest hid behind trees.

There were many guns on the ground, and everyone quickly picked up the weapons.

Watching Zhang Jinyu skillfully change the bomb, Chen Xin'an asked: "Are you the niece that Zhang Jian has always been worried about?"

Zhang Jinyu looked at him with a cold face and said, "I know you, Chen Xin'an, you are also the murderer of my aunt!"

"Jin Yu!" Zhang Jian shouted.

Chen Xin'an pointed the gun directly at Zhang Jinyu's head, and then shot without hesitation!

"Ah!" Sarah yelled and pointed the gun at Chen Xin'an, but before she could pull the trigger, Zhang Jinyu pressed down the muzzle of the gun.

Only then did Sarah realize that Zhang Jinyu had not been shot at all and was unscathed.

The bullet grazed her ear and knocked several men in black behind her to the ground.

Chen Xin'an looked at Zhang Jinyu who didn't blink with approval, nodded and said:

"Now I know why Zhang Jiayu takes special care of you!

Little girl, you have potential and a future.

But don't go the wrong way.

If you are like your aunt, your best talents will be wasted. "

Zhang Jinyu glared at Chen Xin'an and cursed: "I don't need you to lecture me! I will definitely avenge my aunt!"

Sarah next to her also looked at Chen Xin'an with a hostile look on her face. She knew that her friend was not dealing with this person.

As long as her friend gives a hint, she will shoot this guy without hesitation.

But Chen Xin'an shook his head, suddenly rushed out, kicked away the gun of a pretending killer on the ground, and then punched the man on the head!

The killer's head exploded like a smashed watermelon, with blood and brains splattering everywhere!

Chen Xin'an rarely used her inner strength to do this kind of thing, and it was in front of two teenage girls.

Even Zhang Jian and Philemon felt uncomfortable watching such a bloody scene, let alone these two girls!


Both girls threw up.

The eyes looking at Chen Xin'an were full of fear.

Chen Xin'an shook off the stains on her hands, looked at the two of them expressionlessly and said, "This is not a preaching, this is a warning!"

The two girls stared blankly at this scene. They didn't expect that this person was so strong!

Even the chief instructor of the base can't do this, right?

Zhang Jinyu's face turned blue and she did not dare to look into Chen Xin'an's eyes. She knew that she might not be able to avenge her aunt in this life!

The person in front of her was like a mountain, beyond her reach.

Her confidence in being her enemy has been completely destroyed!


Behind the tree more than ten meters away, the explosion sounded again.

As the killer in black screamed, a man rushed over like a cheetah.

Even at this speed, the gun in his hand continued to spit out tongues of fire, and the men in black around him fell to the ground.

"Get up!" Chen Xin'an greeted everyone: "Let's go quickly, we have a rope on the other side of the cliff, we can climb up!"

Li Qi rushed over to join everyone and said to Chen Xin'an: "Boss, the big army is coming, let's hurry up!"

Chen Xin'an nodded, clapped her hands and said, "Filimon, you and the two little girls clear the way.

Long Sheng, Xia Hongfeng, you two are supporting Zhang Jian.

Ah Qi and I are done with! "

Everyone responded, and there was no time to talk nonsense at this time.

The group of people moved forward quickly, encountering many fugitives who were being used as prey on the road, and took them with them by the way.

As a result, the team grew bigger and bigger, soon exceeding twenty people, and it was still expanding.

A large number of black-clad killers and trial killers mixed together and chased him from behind.

This is the insidious part of the base. It makes it impossible to tell which is a child and which is an adult.

Amidst the hail of bullets, people kept falling to the ground.

Chen Xin'an and Li Qi didn't have time to tell each other's age, but they both thought of a way, and that was to kick!

Let the opponent be injured and lose combat effectiveness, but keep a life.

This can not only weaken the opponent's combat power, but also increase their burden.

It's just that the group of people who followed him who were being used as prey didn't have such good marksmanship. As long as they got a gun, they would shoot indiscriminately.

Of course, the marksmanship is really unflattering, and the trajectory cannot be suppressed at all.

Therefore, their shots do not have much lethality, but they are not completely useless.

At least it had some suppressive effect, making those people afraid to let go and move forward.

We could already see the edge of the woods and the cliff illuminated by the searchlight.

Chen Xin'an also quickly found the rope that she and Li Qi had put down when they came down.

Somewhat strangely, the pursuers behind did not show up, as if they had given up the pursuit.

Philemon shouted: "What a great opportunity! Mr. Chen, let's rush in and climb up!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a group of people who were taken as prey were already rushing towards the cliff crazily!

Philemon was anxious and shouted to everyone: "Don't grab it! Just a rope, come one by one, otherwise the rope will break and everyone will not be able to leave!"

It's a pity that in this case, no one listened to him!

A group of people rushed towards the cliff desperately. Some of them had already reached the bottom of the cliff. Before they could touch the rope, they were kicked down by someone behind them. Someone grabbed the rope first.

There was a mess at the bottom of the cliff, but at this moment, there was a buzzing sound above everyone's heads.

Li Qi's expression changed and he shouted loudly: "Get down!"

It's a pity that his voice has been suppressed by the crowd's noise!

Before everyone could react, intensive gunshots came from above!

The drone began to shoot at the bottom of the cliff, bombs flew over one after another, and the sound of explosions was endless!

Chen Xin'an shouted loudly: "Retreat to the woods!"

Only trees can block the drone. At this time, everyone will understand why the pursuers behind them did not follow!

But those who couldn't wait to leave here had no way out.

They huddled under the cliff and became live targets for drones, covered in bullets and bombs!



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