Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2399 If you don’t want to die, just be obedient

Dozens of corpses were piled up under the cliff, and the smell of blood was nauseating.

Chen Xinan led everyone to hide in the woods, watching the drones buzzing overhead, seemingly searching for surviving targets, and everyone hid.

A large number of armed personnel appeared, cooperating with drones to conduct a carpet search in the woods, and shot and killed prey without hesitation when they encountered them!

This hunt was completely failed because of the intrusion of Chen Xinan and Li Qi, and the betrayal of Zhang Jinyu and Sarah.

But these prey cannot leave here alive. Whether the Eagle Flag State officials or Interpol catch them, it will be a disaster for the people in this base!

So the prey must die, the traitors must die, and the few people who broke in must die even more!

A strange horn sounded in the forest. Sarah's face changed and she said to Zhang Jinyu beside her:

"Yu, they asked us to gather and take us back. Do we want to go back?"

Zhang Jinyu shook his head, held his friend's hand and said: "Sarah, if we go back now, we will die!"

Sarah nodded. She had already betrayed and could not turn back, because if she fell into their hands, the end would be worse than death!

Li Qi said to Chen Xinan with a serious face: "Boss, if they let these kids evacuate the woods, they can attack us indiscriminately!"

Chen Xinan nodded and said: "Then we should strike first! Light a fire!"

Philimon was stunned for a moment and asked Chen Xinan: "Light a fire? What fire?"

"You will know in a while!" Chen Xinan smiled slightly and said to Li Qi:

"Aqi, I will go to the monitoring room later. When the smoke rises, you will take them out of the woods.

I will meet you soon, don't worry!"

Li Qi hesitated and said: "Boss, how about I go?"

Chen Xinan shook his head and said: "You are not as fast as me!"

This is the best reason, Li Qi couldn't refute it, so he had to nod.

Before, Chen Xinan and Li Qi came down from the cliff and found a small wooden house in the woods.

That was a location monitoring room of the base, which was aimed at monitoring the surroundings and periphery of the cliff.

Because they saw their monitoring ring in advance, it had no effect on Chen Xinan and Li Qi entering the base.

In order not to alert the enemy, the two let the people in the monitoring room go.

Now, Chen Xinan had no intention of letting them go again.

At least half of the drones overhead were controlled by them!

There were six people in the cabin, four of whom were in front of the monitoring screen, controlling the drones.

There was a person at the door making a phone call, and another person was standing in front of the big screen, watching and giving orders.

Chen Xinan quietly came to the door and walked to the side of the person who was making the call.

Taking advantage of the moment when he turned around, he quietly came behind him, hugged his head with both hands, twisted it hard, and with a click, the other person's cervical vertebra was broken!

"Simon!" The person inside seemed to hear some noise and shouted.

No one answered.

The person watching the big screen said something to everyone, and everyone took out their pistols.

There was hunting outside, so this was not a safe place either.

There might be prey coming in, and in order to prevent this, barbed wire was pulled outside and high voltage electricity was connected.

And if the prey was aggressive to them, they could also shoot and kill them directly.

So far, there has been no alarm of power grid damage.

But after all, it is in the hunting area, and the dangers are always there, so everyone should be careful.

There was no movement at the door, and the man standing in front of the big screen came over and shouted again: "Simon!"

Seeing the man who was making a phone call at the door leaning against the wall next to him, the man breathed a sigh of relief and scolded him:

"Hurry up! We are going to add BH-10 to the bee colony and blow those bastards to pieces!"

Seeing Simon motionless, the man frowned and shouted: "Simon?"

He walked over slowly and pulled Simon's shoulder.

The man leaning against the wall tilted his body and fell to the ground with a plop!

The other party realized that Simon had already died!

"Damn it!" The man pointed his gun at the door, but a cold light flew over and pierced his neck!

"Cough cough!" The man seemed to be strangled by the throat, opened his mouth and gasped hard, and covered his neck with both hands.

Chen Xinan broke through the door and cut the other's throat with a knife!

There was a lot of gunfire inside, but Chen Xinan retreated from the wooden house and hid.

I don't want to engage in a firefight with them because there is a lot of gasoline in this wooden house.

The entire island is self-generated. I don't know how the base generates electricity, but this cabin in the forest is enough for a gasoline generator.

So there is a large amount of gasoline stored here all year round.

Chen Xin'an also came for these things.

"Eric, stop shooting, do you want to send us all to the sky?" A blond man shouted to his companion who was shooting non-stop beside him.

After firing so many shots, the other party did not fight back, but disappeared again!

Eric stopped shooting, walked to the door carefully, and looked at the two people on the ground, both of whom were dead and could not die anymore!

He turned his head and shouted loudly: "Simon and Norris are dead!"

"Be careful, Bacon!" The people behind him screamed loudly, but it was too late.

Before the man named Bacon turned his head, a wooden gun more than one meter long flew over and pierced his head with a puff!

This wooden gun was very rough, and it looked like it had just been made without any trimming or polishing.

But it's enough to kill people!

The three remaining people in the cabin started screaming loudly!

"Who is it? Come out! I saw you, why did you do this! God, he is simply a devil. He ran too fast. Has anyone seen his face?"

They have now realized that the other party cannot be prey, but may be someone coming in from the outside!

After all, the prey does not have such terrifying skills, and they are all drugged, so their movements cannot be so flexible.

A cold voice came from outside: "If you don't want to die, throw away your weapons, kick to the door, and raise your hands.

Otherwise, I will make your fate worse than these three people on the ground! "

The voice came from outside, and it was so cold that it gave people goosebumps.

The remaining three people looked at each other and seemed to be hesitating, but then a wooden gun flew in from the outside, smashed a surveillance screen with a crash!

At a distance of more than 20 meters, there was still such accuracy and strength. The three people in the wooden house were frightened!

Like holding hot coals, they rushed in, threw away the guns in their hands, and kicked towards the door with their feet.

Chen Xin'an appeared at the door. Without even looking at the body on the ground, she strode up to the remaining three people.

The other party finally saw this mysterious and terrifying opponent, and his expression changed drastically when he saw the rifle hanging on his chest.

Even if the opponent doesn't let them drop their weapons, all they need to do is sweep around the wooden house and kill the three of them!

Even if you dodge the bullet, you can't dodge the burning of gasoline!

Chen Xin'an looked at the three people standing honestly with their hands raised in front of them, nodded with satisfaction and said:

“Be patient, I’ll give you an injection!

Don't worry, it won't kill you.

But you'd better listen to me and do whatever I tell you.

If you dare to be mean, I guarantee that you will never want to experience the pain of retrograde qi and blood again in your life! "

The three of them had earth-colored faces and wanted to refuse, but they didn't dare.

Now my whole life depends on this Oriental in front of me!



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