Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2404 You only have this chance

Philemon's face was gloomy and uncertain, and it could be seen that he was also struggling in his heart.

He is Interpol, and Red Hood is the person Interpol is trying to arrest.

This mission back to London City was originally to capture the Red Hood.

After talking to Chen Xin'an, he listened to Chen Xin'an and gave up the task.

But never expected that we would meet him after all.

He and the target actually fought side by side for several days and even became friends!

No wonder Zhang Jian had such a reaction after hearing his name.

It seemed that Zhang Jian already knew his identity at that time!

However, the other party did not attack him, but still treated him sincerely, which made Philemon struggle very much.

From a personal perspective, he did not want to be an enemy of Zhang Jian.

But in terms of duty, he must arrest this person!

"Filimon!" Chen Xin'an looked at him and said, "You are Interpol, and it is natural to arrest the Black Dragon. I won't say anything to you.

But I won't stand idly by, I will stop you, and I won't let him hurt you.

In fact, everyone just has different positions. From your perspective, Zhang Jian is a thief and you are a soldier.

But from my perspective, Zhang Jian is a hero, and everything he did was what he should have done.

He just took things back from the robbers that did not belong to them and returned them to their original owners.

And you are the helper of those robbers! "

Philemon wanted to speak, but Chen Xin'an waved his hand and said, "I know you are not, and I also know that you are just fulfilling your duties.

So I say, there is nothing wrong with everyone just considering this matter from their own perspective.

But since we are friends, we can't always do things from our own point of view.

This is the easiest way to cause friends to turn against each other.

Philemon, what do you think? "

Taking a deep breath, Philemon said to Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Chen, don't worry.

Now that I've put this case down, I won't pay attention to it anymore!

Mr. Zhang is my friend and a good brother who I have fought alongside.

As long as I am still in Interpol, I will not let him fall into the hands of Interpol! "

Chen Xin'an saw his choice, nodded with a smile, and said to him: "Filimon, I didn't make the mistake of making you my friend!"

"Me neither!" Zhang Jian smiled and extended his hand to Philemon.

Philemon also breathed a sigh of relief, as if a heavy burden had been lifted. He stretched out his hand and held it tightly with Zhang Jian.

Zhang Jinyu looked at this scene with a complicated expression.

Chen Xin'an's words about stance touched her deeply.

Coupled with the fact that she had just escaped death, the words Zhang Ji'an said to her and the things he did made her start to question herself.

Are things really like what my aunt said?

Chen Xin'an turned around and said to Zhang Jinyu: "Jinyu, please follow me during this time.

When the storm is over, I will arrange for you to return to China with Long Sheng and the others! "

"I'm not going back!" Zhang Jinyu suddenly said: "I'm with Sarah, stay here!"

"You're crazy!" Zhang Jian was angry, looked at Zhang Jinyu and cursed:

"You, a little girl, don't even have an identity in the Eagle Flag Country, why are you staying here?

Are you waiting to be captured and silenced by the people at the base? Come home to me! "

Zhang Jinyu shook her head, took out a small book from her body, and said to Zhang Jian:

"Don't worry, my aunt has already applied for my legal status in the Eagle Flag Country.

I am much safer and more convenient here than you! "

Zhang Jian was speechless for a moment.

After a while, he frowned and said, "I don't care whether you have an identity or not. You can't stay here. Go home!"

"Home?" Zhang Jinyu had a wry smile on his face, looked at Zhang Jian and asked: "Are you talking about the place where paint was thrown three times a month?

Or are I talking about my cowardly parents who dare not resist even if they are called dogs?

From the day grandpa left, our home was gone!

Second uncle, I don’t want to go back to that place where I feel nothing but humiliation and no happiness at all. I don’t want to go back in this life! "

She turned around, looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "Chen Xin'an, I know that grandpa was forced to death by you.

But I don’t blame you, you win or lose, I understand this!

And I think the position you just mentioned is very reasonable.

However, today’s Zhang family has nothing to do with you.

So I will take revenge sooner or later!

I know I'm no match for you now, but I can wait! "

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly, and the next second he appeared in front of Zhang Jinyu. He grabbed her slender neck with his right hand and pushed her against the wall with her feet off the ground.

Sarah's expression changed on the side, and she grabbed her gun without saying a word.

But before she could raise the muzzle of the gun, Chen Xin'an flicked her left hand, and a steel needle pierced her right hand. She instantly felt that her entire right arm was paralyzed!

At the same time, Li Qi picked up the gun and aimed at her head.

Long Sheng and Xia Hongfeng also came over, grabbed her arms on the left and right, and trapped her hands behind her back!

Zhang Jian was confused when he was concerned. Just when he was about to say something, Philemon pulled his arm and shook his head at him.

Chen Xin'an tilted her head, looked at Zhang Jinyu expressionlessly and said, "I'm not as generous as you think.

I will not give my enemies time and space to grow.

As long as he shows hostility towards me, I will get rid of him without hesitation.

Because I don’t want to bring trouble to my relatives and friends!

So, if you want to seek revenge from me, do it now.

I give you a chance, you cherish this time.

For Zhang Jian's sake, I'll let you go this time.

If you dare to trouble me again in the future, no one can protect you, do you understand? "

As he spoke, he took out the pistol with his left hand and threw it at his feet.

At the same time, he released his right hand and said coldly to Zhang Jinyu: "Pick it up and shoot!

Remember what I said, you only have this one chance! "

Zhang Jinyu's face was pale, and she looked at the pistol on the ground, and then at Chen Xin'an, who took three steps back, with hesitant eyes.

Everyone looked at her without blinking. This invisible pressure made Zhang Jinyu sweat profusely.

She suddenly bent down quickly, grabbed the pistol, turned on the safety, and aimed at Chen Xin'an's head!

At this moment, Zhang Jian and Sarah shouted at the same time: "Jin Yu!"

Zhang Jinyu trembled all over and bit her lip with silver teeth, blood oozing out.

She threw the gun to the ground and cried, "I give up!"

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Sarah was also released.

Zhang Jinyu walked over with tears in her eyes, took Sara's hand, and whispered: "Let's go!"

He said and left the room without looking back.

"Jin Yu!" Zhang Jian wanted to chase him out, but the injuries on his body prevented him from moving at all.

Chen Xin'an picked up the pistol, walked to him and said, "Don't worry, these two little girls have the ability to protect themselves.

And they are safer without us. "

Zhang Jian was stunned for a moment and nodded involuntarily.

Chen Xin'an walked up to Zhang Jian and said, "Let me help you suppress your injury first. We need to return to the city as soon as possible. Your injury needs surgery."

Zhang Jian estimated the time and said to Chen Xin'an: "Qinzi should have already set off. It will take less than an hour to find him here."

Li Qi asked Chen Xin'an a little strangely: "Boss, why don't you let Boorman help?"

Chen Xin'an shook her head and said to him: "I don't want him to know that Long Sheng and Xia Hongfeng are with me!"



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