Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2405 The fate of the whistleblower

After all, Chen Xin'an was still worried about Boorman.

Although the relationship between the two is very harmonious now, they are just using each other to get what they need.

With the temperament of a politician like Boorman, once a person loses value, or the trouble he causes is greater than his use value, he will be betrayed and abandoned by him without hesitation!

After treating Zhang Jian's wound, the bullet has not been removed yet. Under the current conditions, there is no way to perform surgery.

There was a knock on the door outside. Chen Xin'an asked everyone to hide, and then nodded to Li Didian.

When Li Qi opened the door, a woman wearing a headscarf stood in the corridor.

Li Qi said nothing and was about to close the door when the woman quickly said: "I am Qinzi!"

Chen Xin'an was also a little surprised when she saw the woman walking in.

This was really completely different from what he had seen before.

But as you can imagine, makeup was used.

No wonder Konoha is really willing to accept this apprentice. Kotoko's talent in this area is indeed very strong.

Putting down the suitcase in his hand, Qinzi took out some medicine and said to Zhang Jian: "Boss, I brought some emergency medicine. I will give you an anti-inflammatory injection first!"

"Okay!" Chen Xin'an nodded, took the needle and looked at it again, and then injected it into Zhang Jian.

With these medicines, Zhang Jian's injuries can be relieved.

Qinzi said to Chen Xin'an: "The city is very strict now, and the frequency of searches is very intensive.

I drove out a car with a mezzanine on top where people could be hidden.

But the time cannot be too long. If it exceeds two hours, the oxygen may be exhausted. "

Chen Xin'an frowned, looked at Long Sheng and Xia Hongfeng and said, "It's obviously a case in Dessa City, why should Lidun City be blocked?

Do those people know that you two will come and hide in Lidden City? "

Qinzi shook her head and said: "Liedon City, Desa City, Oran City, New City, all major cities have been sealed off, and the Eagle Flag Country military has intervened, and they are all being searched closely.

But I heard that the commander-in-chief of the operation is in London City because it is the central point. "

Chen Xin'an nodded and glared at Long Sheng and Xia Hongfeng.

These two boys have caused a huge disaster!

Don't mention his true identity, just mentioning his title as the first intelligence officer of the Eagle Flag Nation is enough to make you two drink!

But I have to admit that these two boys do have some tricks up their sleeves, and they were able to get rid of such a character.

This can be done, but these two boys should not be allowed to do it.

Because their identities are also special, once they are caught and the facts are found out, the consequences of their involvement will be too great.

So no matter what, Chen Xin'an will ensure that they return home safely.

Qinzi drove a medium-sized truck, used by the urban meat factory to pull pigs.

There was blood and pig manure on it, and the stench was overwhelming.

Fortunately, the mezzanine is between the driver's seat and the rear compartment. Once inside, you can't even turn around, but it can accommodate four people standing side by side.

If we go into the city now, we can certainly reach it within two hours.

But before that, we need to go to the pig farm, pull a few pigs into the car, and transport them to the meat factory.

When doing a show, you have to do the whole thing.

Qinzi brought the work clothes of the meat joint factory and asked Chen Xinan and others to change into them.

I put some makeup on everyone and changed their original appearance. Except for the black eyes, everyone looked very close to the locals.

After putting on the wig and mask, everything was packed up, and Long Sheng and Xia Hongfeng helped the injured Zhang Jian into the mezzanine.

Chen Xin'an and Li Qi sat in the cab with Qinzi.

Philemon is not with everyone. He is an Interpol police officer and can enter and leave London with great arrogance.

He took a taxi and went into the city, tried out the situation again, and met at the Four Seasons Hotel in the evening.

After letting Qinzi put makeup on it, Chen Xin'an went downstairs early to buy some water and give it to the people on the mezzanine floor.

I happened to see the bearded boss talking on the phone. He was stunned for a moment when he saw Chen Xin'an, as if he couldn't remember when he had such a customer.

Chen Xin'an walked to the counter and pretended to choose something, but her ears were listening to the boss's voice on the phone.

"They are up there, three left and one came. They are carrying bags, they should have weapons, I..."


Chen Xin'an suddenly threw out a steel needle and pierced the boss's throat!

The boss's eyes widened, he dropped his phone and dug at his throat with both hands, as if he was trying to pull out a steel needle.

He actually felt the end of the needle and pulled it out bit by bit.

But Chen Xin'an had already arrived at his side, and with his right hand, he shot all three steel needles into his head!

"I told you to pull it out!" Chen Xin'an cursed with a sullen face, turned around, grabbed a few bottles of water and left quickly.

There was actually an ATM at the door. Chen Xin'an took out his card, withdrew some money, put it in and quickly went upstairs.

The boss was dizzy and sat down on the ground. He touched his head randomly with both hands, trying to use the same method to pull out the three steel needles that had penetrated his skull.

But even if he found these three needles, he couldn't pull them out.

Not only was the stabbed very deep, but the location where it was stabbed was very dangerous.

The consequence of forcibly pulling it out is to become a vegetable without any thinking!

But if he doesn't pull it out, the boss will become demented, his mind will fall into endless chaos, and he will never wake up.

Chen Xin'an showed no mercy when dealing with informants.

Killing him will cause a lot of trouble, so leaving him alive and making him unable to say anything is the best punishment.

Returning to the room, Chen Xin'an said to everyone: "Leave now! The boss here has tipped off, and the pursuer will be here soon!"

Everyone immediately packed up their things and left the room.

Qinzi drove the car to the door, and Long Sheng and Xia Hongfeng helped Zhang Jian enter the mezzanine.

For a healthy person, standing in such a narrow space for two hours is nothing.

But for a person with injuries, this is very difficult.

But Zhang Jian is not an ordinary person. The instructor leader of the Black Mountain Tigers has a steely will that is not just talk.

Li Qi drove, Qinzi sat in the middle, and Chen Xinan sat in the passenger seat.

Before departure, Chen Xin'an destroyed all the motel's surveillance cameras and took away the surveillance hard drive in the computer.

First, based on the map, we went to the pig farm on the outskirts of London.

Qinzi took out the purchase order, and ten slaughtered white pigs were carried into the car.

The truck turned around and headed for London.

Five or six military trucks roared past, heading towards the motel.

The truck kept going straight to London.

Forty minutes later, the car stopped.

There is a checkpoint in front of you, through which you can enter the city.

But now there is already a long queue of vehicles.

Three or four hours will not be enough until each vehicle is inspected!

Li Qi looked at Chen Xin'an, both of them were a little anxious.

This car was actually used for smuggling, and the mezzanine contained smuggled goods.

In order to prevent being discovered, it is relatively hidden, and the gaps are very small and difficult to detect.

So the oxygen inside is limited.

Even if Chen Xin'an now widens the gap to allow oxygen to enter, the three people hiding in the mezzanine will not be able to maintain their motionless posture for less than three or four hours.

What's more, there is a wounded person inside!

Qinzi took a deep breath and said to Chen Xin'an, "I'll go communicate with them!"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "I'll go with you!"

The two got out of the car and walked quickly to the checkpoint in front.

Several Eagle Flag national green uniforms, led by a commander, inspected the vehicle.

Chen Xin'an and Qinzi just walked over, and before they could say anything, the green suit next to them directly raised a gun and pointed it at their heads!

"Get back to your car, now, right now!"



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