Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2407 As a friend, of course I will cooperate with you

Buck was so angry at these words that he almost ran away, looking at Chen Xin'an as if he wanted to eat him!

You have to know that when people hear that he works in the Hexagon Building, they will immediately bend down and kneel down. Be as respectful as possible!

After all, that is the center of power of the Eagle Flag Country!

Can ordinary people work there?

But this damn Chinese didn't even have the slightest respect for him!

How dare he?

Boorman quickly smoothed things over: "Mr. Chen, I came here today to discuss with you the security arrangements during the election.

I still have a little favor, please help Mr. Chen! "

Mark immediately took out two enlarged photos from the bag he carried with him and pushed them in front of Chen Xin'an.

This is a photo of Long Sheng and Xia Hongfeng.

He squinted his eyes and looked at Boorman without speaking.

Boorman was stared at unnaturally by him, and said with a dry smile: "These two people should be friends of Mr. Chen, right?

Now they have committed a major crime in the Eagle Flag Country and are wanted nationwide.

In order to avoid causing unnecessary trouble to Mr. Chen, I would like to ask Mr. Chen to do me a favor and find them and hand them over to me, okay? "

Chen Xin'an still didn't speak, but looked at Boorman without blinking.

Mark said with a smile: "Of course we know that this case has nothing to do with Mr. Chen.

But we got some bad news and learned that Mr. Chen has a close relationship with these two men.

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, we want Mr. Chen to help..."

Buck said impatiently: "Chen Xin'an, actually we know that those two people are here with you!

Don't think you're hiding it well, we want to see the surveillance here, it's easy.

The reason why I didn't come directly to arrest him was to save your face.

I hope you can seize this opportunity and hand it over yourself.

Otherwise, when we call the green-clad gang, everything will be irreversible! "

Chen Xin'an looked at the three people in front of him. Instead of being nervous as they expected, there was a sneer on his face.

He looked at Buck and said: "Since you are so sure that the person is here, then go find it yourself.

If you find him, you can take him away without giving me any face. "

"You think I don't dare?" Buck sneered and stood up.

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "Yes, I just thought you didn't dare!"

At this moment, Chen Xin'an's murderous aura spread, making Buck feel a chill that he had never felt before!

He showed fear on his face, his eyes looking at Chen Xin'an were full of horror, and he cried out:

"What do you want to do? Do you want to kill me and silence me? Tell you, I am from Hexagonal Tower!"

Chen Xin'an curled her lips, turned her head with disdain, and without looking at him, just said to Boorman and Mark:

“There is an old Chinese saying that goes like this: Catch thieves and stolen goods, and catch cheaters and cheaters.

If you think I have a close relationship with these two people, then come up with evidence.

Otherwise, this is called frame-up!

I, Chen Xin'an, have never been someone who likes to be framed, no matter where you are from!

You said you want me to help, yes, I will help, who makes us friends! "

Chen Xin'an took out his mobile phone and dialed a number. When the call was connected, he said to the mobile phone:

"Zuo Meng, right? Are you in the hotel now? Did you come with Boorman? Okay, come to the presidential suite!"

Boorman's expression changed and he said to Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Chen, what are you doing?"

Chen Xin'an grinned and said to him: "Nothing, your friend asked me to help, I just tried my best!"

Soon there was a knock on the door, and Chen Xin'an shouted to come in. Zuo Meng strode in and saluted Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an said to him: "Zuo Meng, order the security team to put aside all current business and help me find these two people!"

He pushed the two photos and motioned for Zuo Meng to pick them up and take a look!

"Yes!" Zuo Meng stood at attention and replied, bending down to pick up the photo.

But at this moment, there was a snap, and a hand pressed on the two photos, then immediately crumpled them into a ball and threw them into Mark's bag!

Boorman smiled dryly and said: "Mr. Chen, what are you doing! Captain Zuo and the others are responsible for my security issues and cannot be evacuated!"

Chen Xin'an shrugged and said: "But now, you are asking me for help, this is the most serious matter.

As for your security issues, Mark is the chief of the Security Bureau. They are the most professional people. Let them take over, no problem! "

Isn’t this humiliating?

Mark wanted to spit on Chen Xin'an.

Since the last speech incident, people in the Security Bureau now feel ashamed when they hear the word professional.

Some of the things I was proud of before have now become a shame!

The key is that my old man doesn't trust them at all, and now he relies heavily on Anhao and Security.

Although in terms of process, these people are not very professional.

But in terms of details, they are not comparable to the people in the Security Bureau, and everything they do makes people feel safe.

The later it reaches, the more critical it is.

Now that opponents see more and more supporters of Boorman, they are more and more eager to make a desperate comeback.

So they never stop wanting to get rid of their opponents!

If we exit safely at this time, it will be equivalent to killing Boorman!

It's completely giving the opponent a chance. I believe Boorman doesn't even dare to close his eyes when sleeping these days!

Boorman said to Chen Xin'an with a smile: "Mr. Chen, you misunderstood!

In fact, I never doubted you from the beginning, I just wanted to ask you to pay attention.

I know that Mr. Chen is very busy and has no time to deal with these trivial matters.

Forget it, I will tell the Hexagon Building and the military, Mr. Chen doesn’t have to worry about them!

Mark, Buck, let's go, don't waste Mr. Chen's time.

Captain Zuo, let's go together. I can't leave your guard. I don't trust anyone else! "

Zuo Meng looked at Chen Xin'an, and when he nodded, he turned around, saluted Boorman, and followed him.

Buck had a sullen face, glanced at Chen Xin'an unwillingly, and then looked at the room next to him.

Chen Xin'an was sitting on the sofa, looking at him teasingly, as if encouraging him to go and take a look in the next room.

But Mark reached out and grabbed his arm and dragged him out of the room.

In the elevator, Buck glanced at Zuo Meng in front of him, lowered his voice and said to Mark:

"Why don't you let me go in and search? I can guarantee that the person we are looking for is hidden in those rooms!"

Boorman took a deep breath and said to him: "If you do this, you will never have to leave this hotel in your life!"

Buck snorted coldly and said, "Mr. Boorman, why are you so afraid of him?

He's just a Chinese, how dare he attack you? Dare you take action against me? "

Mark looked at him seriously and nodded and said, "Dare! You don't understand this person. If he really wants to deal with you, no matter who you are, he will have the guts to kill you!"

Buck was stunned for a moment, took a deep breath and said: "Madman! But even if he is a madman, I can still deal with him!

I don’t have to take action myself, I just send people over to arrest them! "

"Don't!" Boorman waved his hand and said to him: "Chen Xin'an's intention today is very clear. If we go too far, he will go all out!

I don't want to have any trouble before the election.

So let those two people go for the next few days, and wait until the election is over before I talk about everything! "

Buck pointed at Zuo Meng in front of him, and Mark curled his lips and said, "Don't worry, they can't understand the Eagle Flag Language. They've tried it many times!"



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