Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2408 His money is not clean either

The elevator opened the door and everyone walked out. No one saw the mocking and cruel sneer on Zuo Meng's face.

Long Sheng and Xia Hongfeng walked out of the room with worried faces on their faces.

"Boss, it seems our whereabouts have been exposed!" Long Sheng said to Chen Xin'an: "How about we leave here and find a place to hide!"

Xia Hongfeng nodded and said: "Yes, we still have some places to hide in the Eagle Flag Country. It will be no problem to hide for a while..."

Chen Xin'an glanced at the two of them and said with a straight face: "You don't have to go anywhere, just stay here!

In the next two days, I will have people help us prepare the boat and sneak out of the country! "

Now if you want to leave the Eagle Flag Country, the normal way is impossible, and you can only rely on smuggling.

It's just that Brother She and the others haven't come back yet. Chen Xin'an is not sure whether Dayao can find the boat, so he can only give it a try.

But what can be relieved is that Boorman's election is coming soon, and he dare not offend Chen Xin'an to death.

Therefore, if you want to leave the Eagle Flag Country, you must take advantage of the period before the election.

Judging from the current situation, it is almost certain that Boorman will become the leader.

Once he takes over, Chen Xin'an can't guarantee whether this guy will burn bridges and target him!

Long Sheng and Xia Hongfeng stopped talking.

I know it's useless to say anything, the boss won't give up on them at this time.

Just like if the boss is in trouble, they will do whatever it takes to help him solve the problem!

The three of them sat on the sofa in silence for a while. Chen Xin'an picked up the phone and made a call.

When the call was connected, Chen Xin'an smiled and said, "Mr. Boorman!"

Boorman smiled and said, "Is there anything else Mr. Chen?"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "Mr. Buck, please answer the phone!"

He was obviously stunned for a moment, but he still handed the phone to the person next to him.

Buck's voice came: "Chen Xin'an, what do you want to see me for?"

Chen Xin'an smiled and said: "You are right, there is no need for me to cause trouble for two people whose relationship is not very good!

I do know where they are! "

Long Sheng and Xia Hongfeng looked at each other. Their eagle flag language was better than Chen Xin'an's, so they could naturally understand Chen Xin'an's words.

Buck over there seemed very excited and said to Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Chen, I know you are a smart man!

Don't worry, tell me their location and I'll handle the rest.

And I will never let them know that I was betrayed by you.

I will also report your credit to the Hexagon Building.

The Eagle Flag Country will not treat you badly! "

With a face full of sarcasm, Chen Xin'an said to Buck: "Yes, I have business to do in the Eagle Flag Country, and I must not be influenced by others.

In fact, those two people contacted me and asked me to find a way to send them out of the country.

I met with them, and you would never guess where they are hiding now! "

Long Sheng and Xia Hongfeng seemed to have guessed what Chen Xin'an was going to say, with a smile on their faces.

From the beginning, they were not worried that Chen Xin'an would betray them.

Because the boss can’t be that kind of person!

Sure enough, Buck's breath also became rapid, and it could be heard that he was very excited now!

"Mr. Chen, tell me boldly and don't have any worries.

Just tell me an address and leave the rest to me!

Tell me, are they hiding in your room? "

"My room?" Chen Xin'an's tone was a little strange, as if he had done something embarrassing and was caught, and said to Buck:

“There’s no one in my room!

No, the person in my room is not the person you are looking for, he is just my business partner.

Mr. Boorman promised me that he would not interfere with my business affairs.

I think he is a man of his word! "

Buck turned his head and looked at Boorman with a strange expression.

"Damn!" Mark on the side cursed.

Buck quickly covered the phone.

Boorman said gloomily: “Some time ago, a group of unidentified Easterners appeared.

Got into trouble with Murphy.

Chen Xin'an greeted me and said that she was helping me deal with Mo Feiren and asked me not to interfere.

Those people should be the ones who followed Chen Xin'an to the hotel today! "

Mark cursed: “Arguing with Mo Fei Ren is nothing more than grabbing the market for those drugs.

I thought Chen Xin'an would be a good guy, but in fact he was just a bigger gangster!

But now our family needs him, so we just turn a blind eye to such a trivial matter! "

Buck was still on the phone when he rang, and quickly said to Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Chen, tell me where those two people are right away!

It's too late, I'm afraid they'll slip away!

Don't worry, as long as you catch them, you will be a friend of the entire official and military forces of the Eagle Flag Country, and you can do whatever you want here! "

Chen Xin'an said excitedly: "Really? Okay, then I'll send you the location. They'll be there!"

After hanging up the phone, Chen Xin'an found the location of Yingzui Pier on the map and sent it there.

In the car, Buck looked at the location mark sent by Chen Xin'an and frowned.

"What is this place? Does the Eagle Flag Country have such an island?"

Mark took it over, took a look at it, nodded and said, "According to folklore, this place is called Snake Island."

Buck snorted and said with a look of disdain: "That Chen Xin'an, does he think we are fools?

We found a random place and said the person we were looking for was here?

He dares to play tricks on us, I think I can't spoil him anymore! "

Mark frowned and said, "Wait a minute!"

He took the bag he carried with him and took out a piece of information.

Then he quickly flipped through a few pages, looking at the information instead of looking at the map on his phone.

Buck sneered and said, "You don't really believe Chen Xin'an's lies, do you?"

Mark shook his head and said: “It’s not necessarily fake!

Look here, this is the route the two people took to escape after committing the crime, and the last place they appeared was at this location.

Someone proved that they chartered a boat to go to sea, and the direction was exactly this side of Snake Island.

Moreover, Snake Island is not an uninhabited land. We have received many reports that people live on it.

It was after this that there was no news from those two people.

Some time ago, the Interpol headquarters also contacted us and asked for cooperation.

Someone has lurked into this place.

I think if there is one place that the military has not checked, it is here! "

Buck's eyes lit up, he looked at Mark in surprise and asked, "So, the information Chen Xin'an gave is true?

But isn't he very hard? Why betray your friends? "

Boorman shook his head, as if he had seen through the world: "There are no eternal friends, only eternal interests.

If Chen Xin'an made such a large investment in the Eagle Flag Country and it was destroyed because of two so-called friends, no one would agree to it!

Now that he can atone for his sins, he can get more and better opportunities and make more money after I am elected.

Chen Xin'an knows this truth better than you.

As for the drug market, it is just a way for Chen Xin'an to quickly replenish funds.

Don't think of him as too sacred. No matter which country you are in, it is difficult to collect a large amount of benefits through normal business methods.

Chen Xin'an's money is definitely not clean. Supporting a group of people to fight with Mo Feiren is also a way for him to make money.

It has no impact on us anyway. There is no need to get involved in such a trivial matter. "

Mark and Buck both nodded, looking down on Chen Xin'an even more.

Buck looked at Boorman and asked: "Mr. Boorman, should I inform the Hexagon and the military now so that we can go to Snake Island as soon as possible?"

Boorman nodded and said: "Tell Mr. Lehman to let them go first, and we can just follow behind!"



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