Manager Cai and the three security guards were so frightened that they collapsed on the ground!

Fortunately it’s a drink bottle! If this was a glass bottle, it would break immediately, right?

If all this bottle is spilled, I will not be able to afford to pay for the three or four million worth of wine until I die!

Manager Cai sat slumped on the ground, looking at the drink bottle, an idea flashed in his mind, and he said to Chen Xin'an:

"Is this Liangmao medicinal wine? But there are only more than 300 bottles of Liangmao medicinal wine on the market..."

Chen Xin'an looked at him with a half-smile and said, "This is the original solution! It's not the medicinal wine coming out of the production line."

Shen Changsheng looked at Manager Cai coldly and said: "I spent 6 million to order two bottles of the exclusive version prepared by the original liquid process, but only one bottle has been produced now..."

Chen Xin'an smiled and said to him: "Mr. Shen, I didn't give you the exclusive version, I specially assigned you the original solution based on your body!

I didn't tell you the real situation at that time because I was afraid that you would be too polite.

The reason why I tell you now is because I gave Mr. Li the original liquid, but you spent money to mix the wine, so you will have a grudge in your heart. "

"This..." Shen Changsheng looked at Chen Xin'an blankly, never expecting that what he had been drinking was actually the original solution!

Only half of this original solution was left at the cocktail party, at most six taels, and it was bought by the old wine master for three million. Now I am afraid that it is more than five million on the market!

But Chen Xin'an gave him a whole bottle!

He has already made money, but Chen Xin'an has been hiding it.

It wasn't until today that I told the truth for fear that he would misunderstand and favor one over the other!

Shen Changsheng didn't say anything. He just bowed deeply to Chen Xin'an!

Manager Cai, who was sitting paralyzed on the ground, didn't care that he was in the lobby. He knelt on the ground and kept kowtowing to Chen Xin'an!

Not only did their wine cost more than 300 yuan, but they also added 10,000 Chinese characters at the end!

He actually kicked a big golden bump as a ball just now. Thinking about it now, he was so scared that his back was drenched in cold sweat!

Li Zecheng held the bottle of Liang Mao's liquid that was deformed but not spilled. He also knew how valuable this gift Chen Xin'an gave him was!

I have spent a lot of time with Shen Changsheng and the people from the Haidong Chamber of Commerce in the past two days, and I am very familiar with Liangmao medicinal wine!

A question also arose in his heart, what kind of medicinal wine can be praised by so many people?

You know, in the past, medicated wine was not favored by the wine market!

Now, just in time, Chen Xin'an sent him Liangmao original liquid, and he can taste it in the next two days!

If it hadn't been for what happened today, I would have really wanted to have a drink with this young man Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an said to Manager Cai and the three security guards: "You are just doing your own thing, so go ahead and get busy. I'm not that stingy!"

Manager Cai knelt on the ground and looked at Mr. Hong with a grimace. The three security guards did not dare to move.

Mr. Hong waved his hands impatiently and scolded them: "Ganggun, don't embarrass yourself here! Changqingshu's face has been completely embarrassed by you guys!"

If Manager Cai was granted amnesty, he quickly left with three security guards.

Chen Xin'an asked everyone: "What happened? It made you so nervous!"

Li Zecheng sighed and said to him: "Mr. Chen, my General Chamber of Commerce seal has been stolen!"

Um? Chen Xin'an looked at Li Zecheng with some confusion, not understanding what this big seal was.

Li Zecheng said to him: "Let's go up first and talk as we go!"

After entering the elevator, Li Zecheng said to Chen Xin'an: "I brought two seals to this meeting, one is a personal seal, and the other is the official seal of the General Chamber of Commerce!

Now the private seal is still there, but the official seal is gone! "

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "What can the official seal be used for? What are the consequences of being stamped privately?"

Li Zecheng took a deep breath and said: "Give me a very simple example.

If the export-restricted goods are stamped with the official seal of the Chamber of Commerce on the export contract, they can be exported legally, even if the customs cannot intercept them!

And if you are stopped forcibly, you will be subject to an international lawsuit!

And this is just one of the functions of the official seal! "

Chen Xin'an nodded as if suddenly enlightened, and asked Li Zecheng: "Where did Mr. Li put this thing?"

Shen Changsheng said from the side: "The presidential suite prepared for Mr. Li is equipped with an independent safe. Only Mr. Li and his secretary Xiaolei know the password."

Chen Xin'an asked: "Where is secretary Xiaolei now?"

Shen Changsheng looked at Li Zecheng, sighed and said, "It has been controlled by the police!"

Li Zecheng's face showed a feeling of heartache, as if he didn't want to believe this fact.

This look is wrong. Could it be that this old boy has some indescribable relationship with that secretary?

But this is also normal in the world. Which boss and his secretary are not indescribable nowadays?

Otherwise, why would male bosses find young and beautiful female secretaries?

Even if it is used as a vase, it is still used to arrange flowers!

As if sensing Chen Xin'an's inner contempt, Li Zecheng sighed and said:

"Xiaolei is the daughter of my comrade in arms, and I have always regarded her as my daughter.

So I also trust her very much and will not hide anything from her.

Just this once..."

Li Zecheng shook his head, took a deep breath and said: "I also hope it's not her, but she is the only one who is always in the room.

Originally, she was going to Liangmao Company with me today.

But she felt unwell after breakfast.

I just left her in the room, but I didn’t expect..."

Chen Xin'an has been listening quietly without making any comments.

The elevator stopped on the twentieth floor with a ding, and Shen Changsheng said: "Please, Mr. Li, please, Mr. Chen, it's right here!"

Li Zecheng said to Chen Xin'an as he walked: "Actually, I still believe that Xiaolei is innocent, and the police's questioning is routine.

Lao Shen said that if we want to get to the bottom of this matter, we have to ask Mr. Chen to take action. He must be more powerful than the police. So I asked Lao Shen to call Mr. Chen. "

Mr. Shen, you are planting flags for me!

I have always had a good relationship with the police. If Lei Guang hears you say such things, I would be surprised if he doesn't complain to me!

But now that they are here, Chen Xin'an can't ignore it. She shrugged her shoulders and said to Li Zecheng: "I'll try my best to check. I'm not a criminal investigator. I can't guarantee whether I can find the big seal!"

Shen Changsheng cupped his hands and said, "Mr. Chen can come, and Shen is extremely grateful! I believe Mr. Li thinks so too, right?"

Li Zecheng nodded and said to Chen Xin'an: "Thank you, Mr. Chen!"

Despite the thief, the presidential suite still looked neat and clean, as if no one had entered.

Lei Guang was actually there, leading a few police officers to investigate the scene.

Seeing Chen Xin'an come in, Lei Guang was stunned for a moment and asked him, "Why are you here, Mr. Chen?"

Shen Changsheng said to him: "Leader Lei, I asked Mr. Chen to come over and look for clues together. This should help us find the official seal faster."

"President Shen, what do you mean?" A policewoman who looked to be in her mid-twenties, with short hair and capable, said to Shen Changsheng:

“Don’t you trust our police?

Do you think we are not capable?

Or are you working with the bad guys and not sincerely helping you solve the case?

Or do you think you, Mr. Chen, have better crime-solving abilities than us professional criminal investigation police? "

Shen Changsheng looked embarrassed and said: "Officer Xu, that's not what I meant..."

The female police officer waved her hands, turned to look at Chen Xin'an and said, "I don't care what you mean. The investigation is our police's business, so get out of here now!"

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