Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 239 It may be that menopause is early

The scene was awkward for a while.

Lei Guang said to the female police officer with a dark face: "Xu Qing, it's not your turn to give orders here! Mr. Chen is our friend!"

The female police officer named Xu Qing nodded and said to Lei Guang:

"He's a friend, right? Then let him brag with you here and don't interfere with the case, otherwise I will kick him out!"

Xu Qing went off with a few policemen, leaving Lei Guang, Shen Changsheng and others with dark faces.

Lei Guang said awkwardly to Chen Xin'an: "I'm sorry, Mr. Chen. Officer Xu is the captain of the criminal investigation team of our municipal bureau. He has excellent professional skills, but his temper is a bit..."

Shen Changsheng whispered to Chen Xin'an: "Just try to mess with her as little as possible. People with backgrounds in the family are so anxious that they will not recognize their relatives! I saw with my own eyes that Lao Lei was squeezed out by him..."

Lei Guang's face was as shameful as a monkey's butt, and he glared at Shen Changsheng and said, "Mr. Shen, why do you say you have all these things and don't have them?"

Chen Xin'an certainly wouldn't argue with a woman.

Although she is quite beautiful, she also looks very heroic in a police uniform, which adds a lot of points to her.

But this temper is really bad.

What Chen Xinan dislikes most is women with a bad temper.

And he also has a quirk, the more bad-tempered you are, the more he likes to tease you! It would be better if I blow you up!

After looking around, Chen Xin'an asked Mr. Hong, who had been standing next to him as a transparent person, "There are no surveillance cameras in the room?"

"Of course not!" Mr. Hong was startled and quickly said to Chen Xin'an, "That's illegal! It's in the corridor, but not in the room, otherwise it's an invasion of guest privacy!"

Chen Xin'an scratched his head and muttered: "I thought your hotels would usually install private cameras! Now it's been revealed that this has happened in many hotels!"

Mr. Hong said to Chen Xin'an in a cold sweat: "Mr. Chen is joking, Evergreen is different from those hotels. It is absolutely safe in this regard!"

"Haha, if not, then there won't be. I'll just say it casually!" Chen Xin'an grinned at Mr. Hong.

Mr. Hong kept his smile and quietly wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

Brother, don’t talk nonsense if you have nothing to do, okay? Something big will happen!

Who are all here!

If you just say this casually, you might be able to make me, the general manager, step down!

Mr. Hong remained silent and just followed Shen Changsheng silently.

These are all big guys who are on the same level as the president. He is the general manager of a small hotel, but he is not qualified to talk and laugh with others!

But this Mr. Chen seemed to have come to him specifically. He turned around and asked, "Mr. Hong just said that there is surveillance in the corridor?"

Mr. Hong nodded quickly and said to Chen Xin'an: "Yes, there is a corridor, but definitely not a room!"

"Don't be nervous! I didn't say there must be one in the room!" Chen Xin'an grinned and said to him: "Mr. Hong, can we also see the surveillance video here? Can we copy it?"

"Okay!" Mr. Hong said quickly: "But there is no need to copy! There is a computer here, you can use the hotel LAN, connect to the IP port of the monitoring room, and you can see the monitoring screen!"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said: "Okay, then I'll trouble Mr. Hong and take over the surveillance footage! Where is the computer in the room?"

Li Zecheng pointed to the study and said: "Here, Mr. Chen, follow me!"

The presidential suite is high-end. It not only has an independent kitchen, but also a study room. The decoration is much more luxurious than the ordinary room. It is comfortable to look at, let alone live in it.

Turning on the computer, Mr. Hong had already called the monitoring room and connected the port. Soon the monitoring screen was displayed on the computer.

Xu Qing walked in and wanted to say something to Lei Guang. When he saw Chen Xin'an sitting in front of the surveillance screen, he curled his lips and said with disdain:

“We, the police, have watched the surveillance video more than ten times and found nothing!

We can't find anything, how can you still see the flowers? "

As long as he doesn't run over and tell her what to do, what this guy does has nothing to do with her.

Chen Xin'an laughed, sat next to the computer and said, "Maybe we can see the flowers?"

"Then just open your eyes and take a good look!" Xu Qing said with a mocking look on his face: "Look at it frame by frame, otherwise you won't see anything!"

Chen Xin'an said to Mr. Hong: "Let the surveillance video be played back at 32x speed!"

"Thirty-two times speed?" Xu Qing shouted, laughing and saying:

"Are you kidding me? What can you tell at 32x speed?

Oh, I know, it’s just a pretense!

Understand, understand!

Haha, how hypocritical! "

"What are you talking about!" Lei Guang shouted at Xu Qing. He didn't want his capable men to offend Chen Xin'an. Then it would be difficult for him to be in the middle.

Turning his head, Lei Guang said apologetically to Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Chen, I'm sorry, Captain Xu doesn't mean any harm, she just has a bad temper..."

Chen Xin'an shook her head and said: "Leader Lei doesn't need to apologize to me. I won't argue with Captain Xu about this. And she doesn't have a bad temper!"

Even Xu Qing was a little surprised. This guy was still helping her speak?

Then I heard this guy continue to say: "Maybe it's early menopause? So we have to show our understanding and care! Let Captain Xu's work pressure not be so high..."

"You just had early menopause! Who are you talking about? Say it again?" Xu Qing instantly turned into a female tyrannosaurus and cursed loudly at Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an said to her seriously: "You have early menopause! Did you hear it clearly this time? Do you want me to say it again?

I have never seen such a request in my life! "

"Son of a bitch!" Xu Qing felt that the blood vessels in his forehead were pulsing, as if they were about to burst.

Chen Xin'an suddenly shouted: "Stop talking and watch the video!"

Xu Qing, who originally wanted to deal with him, stopped subconsciously and stared at the computer screen.

He immediately realized, why should I listen to this bastard?

But now I no longer have the energy to take action. After all, there are still these leaders around.

He glared hard at the back of Chen Xin'an's head, and really wanted to punch this bumbling guy!

Watching the surveillance screen start to play back quickly, it was so dizzying that it made people feel uncomfortable. Xu Qing was too lazy to waste time here and said to Lei Guang:

"Leader, after on-site inspection, there are no signs of outsiders coming in, no signs of the safe being broken into or damaged.

Now it can basically be determined that the inside and outside are working together, and secretary Han Xiaolei is very suspicious!

I suggest that Han Xiaolei should be interrogated immediately! "

Lei Guang looked at Li Zecheng and saw that his expression was solemn, as if he was a little sad and a little suspicious, so he said to Xu Qing: "Wait a minute and see what Mr. Chen says!"

"Look at him?" Xu Qing pointed at Chen Xin'an and said, "What can he say like this?

Leader, you don't really think he can find clues, do you?

Isn’t this a waste of time…”

"Stop!" Chen Xin'an suddenly shouted. The surveillance screen was still. Chen Xin'an approached the screen, took Mr. Hong's mobile phone and said, "Go back eight minutes!"

The screen began to recede, and a scene outside the presidential suite appeared, with a person pushing a cattail cart coming out of it.

Because it was played backwards, it must have been a waiter pushing a cattail cart into the presidential suite.

Chen Xin'an pointed to the waiter on the screen and said to the phone: "Follow this person and check all the occasions where she appears!"

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